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Messages - raw

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Hot Topics / Re: Raw Paleo Children?
« on: October 11, 2010, 01:32:24 pm »
Sabertooth, great pictures! great babies! my son never looks good (i was raw vegan and i breastfed him) when he was a baby like you daughter. my son was a preemie too, he was born 2 months earlier.

Kurite, he does not like that much other things like sweet fruits. only he loves oranges and most of the time i squeeze orange in his solar ionized water. i never offer him any water from plastics bottles. looks like ZC and sunbathing work like magic. he is dark and he spends most of the time out door naked, under the sun. even when the weather is cooler and very windy, i put him outside the nature naked.  he also takes cold bath. i don't put shoes on him most of the time. so he's like nudist and barefoot kid who eats strictly raw food, plays under the sun, drinks sun ionized water, takes bath with wheat grass juice water and all those other odd things that usually other parents don't allow their children to do.

Carnivorous / Zero Carb Approach / Re: Hair loss and ZC
« on: October 11, 2010, 01:06:23 pm »
hi, i'm also strictly ZC for months now, and the same time started my sunbathing. hair loss reduces dramatically. in my opinion, it's not only ZC diet but sun energy plays a huge role. i also get many prove like, skin improve, teeth feels great, leg cramps are completely gone, by the time i add sun energy.

Hot Topics / Re: Raw Paleo Children?
« on: October 10, 2010, 09:43:08 am »
my son is almost 3 and half now and he's on raw paleo ZC for almost a year. if i take him to the park or any public places, he catches people's eyes. he's very dark glowing skin (never put any soap except some home grown wheatgrass juice), shiny curly hair (for the past 2 months, i don't put shampoo on his hair) and good sets of teeth (for the past 4 months, he doesn't brush his teeth). his solid hand and leg muscles are visible. he looks skinny, but anyone tries to pick him up, feels that how heavy he is. only problem i'm having with him that he doesn't want to sleep. that's another topic. but he never feels tired ever and he has enormous energy without eating, salt, sugars. :)

General Discussion / Re: High Meat
« on: October 09, 2010, 01:24:00 pm »
many times i make high meat with liver.  i think we need to be more careful not to take fresh liver and fermented liver on same day though!  -\

Hot Topics / Re: Is Fruit Meant For Man
« on: October 09, 2010, 08:57:36 am »
@raw  Yeah he eats meat now.

here he eats raw bison

this guy steals my recipe. that's my invention to fix the breakfast for my husband. i usually eat the meat just the whole piece without put anything on it. but my husband insists me to make it more beautiful. so, from my head i come up to this.  i don't encourage to put those salt in the meat. those wild meat has its own natural salt in it. thanks sully for the video. :D

Hot Topics / Re: Is Fruit Meant For Man
« on: October 09, 2010, 05:42:32 am »
I think she is referring to India.
yes, I'm from south east Asia. it's part of west bangal /Bangladesh where there is royal bangal tigers live. i believe, my birth place has most exotic fruits which are still from ancient indigenous plants. like red bananas (which Hindus use for worshiping), seeded bananas and other 20 different kinds of bananas you can find. i never tastes bananas as aweful as USA. i see so many exotic fruits in my life (all in my grandma's fruits' garden) unbelievable! i see that it takes couple of generations to mature one fruit trees to have fruits. so, my great grandparents put one fruit tree and we enjoy that tree, but they didn't. back home, also we value the land different way. it's shame to sell a home that you inherit. so, all those indigenous fruits plants come with the home and that's priceless.  :)

Hot Topics / Re: Is Fruit Meant For Man
« on: October 09, 2010, 05:30:14 am »
If you can't get wild, get the closest thing to it. I got a mini watermelon at a farmer's market a while ago. Yellow, many seeds, not very sweet tasted more like pure water with a very small hint of sweetness.
sully, please, save those seeds and send them to me. :o

Hot Topics / Re: Is Fruit Meant For Man
« on: October 08, 2010, 01:32:44 pm »
i used to be raw vegan and regularly used to watch his videos. i wonder, if he is on paleo diet now. anyway, great video indeed! lots of truth there. on my paleo land, the main focus of indigenous plants and animals to raise. if we don't think constantly to make money selling meat and fruits that we grow, than to handle this project would be easy. in back home, we do have bananas with huge black seeds on them and they are super delicious. i'm used to eat so much exotic fruits that they all come with seeds. anything without seeds is scary.

General Discussion / Re: High Meat
« on: October 08, 2010, 12:54:53 pm »
i also start high meat with raw meat. i'm asian indian, so, i'm kind of familiar about rotten fish and i love them always.

General Discussion / Re: cheap way to get venison
« on: October 08, 2010, 12:49:39 pm »
:o raw, you should order from someone else, liver is the cheapest here, 2 something a lb
i'm tired of buying meat. 2 times a month  i get delivary those meat from the farm. so much works after that to put them into refrigerator in a proper containers...etc. usually i buy entire cow or veal.  i know i pay fortune, but i can't wait to raise animals for my own.

General Discussion / Re: cheap way to get venison
« on: October 08, 2010, 12:33:02 pm »
well, i know i pay high price, but i don't have any choice. in NY  the regular beef cost $4.99 ld. where my farmer guarantees me no grains for those cows he sells to me. he usually sells organs $6.00 ld but liver is expansive.

General Discussion / Re: cheap way to get venison
« on: October 08, 2010, 09:49:56 am »
very good information. last year winter, my sister gets a hunter for me from craigslist, who supposed to hunt the deer for me. i put the post on raw paleo forum by asking if i can give my toddler the venison. anyway, after i hear that it might be a risk, i decide to buy beef which is $20 per pound ( the cheap cut is $12 lb) from my amish farmer.

General Discussion / Re: HELP EATING RAW FAT PLEASE!!!
« on: October 08, 2010, 09:29:35 am »
i can eat lamb fat, any type of animal's bone marrow, egg yolks, butter, brain, tounge but can't eat cow's fat or suet. i try even chewing them slowly. but once i swallow suet, i hear the horrible noise coming out from my tummy and some how i gotta go to toilet. i just don't get it. cooked animal fats, never give me this trouble.  -\

Hot Topics / Re: What cooked, non-palaeo foods are you eating?
« on: October 08, 2010, 05:47:55 am »
i go under tremendous stress (for past two yrs) everyday seeing my aunt cooking all those  good smelling stuffs in my kitchen. when i'm strictly on raw food diet, it's very annoying :(. another part is that, i also cook for my husband sometimes for his diner. so last night i bake a huge red snapper and he doesn't eat the head and other meaty part. i don't feel my hunger, but looking at the whole fish makes me upset to throw away. so i finish rest of the parts. not bad!! :(

Off Topic / Re: School Sucks
« on: October 07, 2010, 07:53:27 am »
Sully,everything is about energy. if u have enough energy and u can acquire anything in this world. u can do what ever you want. In this wold, we've converted energy to mean money; so the more money u have the more energy u have. but remember this it all an illusion. if u can grow ur internal energy, than u can make all ur dream come true. remember everything start with a dream. there are many paths to accomplish ur dreams but it all depends on how much energy you have available.  This is internal energy, faith that you can accomplish anything that you put your mind in.    It is easier to follow a path that every body favors because then every body provides you with some energy to help you along the way.  Going to school is the common path, most people favors and they will help you along the way.  Society in general will provide you with some energy for you to become a better member of it.  However, if you choose to take a different path, you may have to only depend on your own energy.  If you can access your internal world, you have access to infinite.  You already have it but doubt and fear are on the way that is why i have to work.  I take the easy path, the one that everybody favors. as a result i am a productive member of society that would provide me with protection from myself.  It is said that when one closes his eyes his world no longer exist but it is redrawn when the eyes are reopen.  It takes energy to grow your consciousness.  It take energy to accomplish anything.  It is all about energy.  We fight for it all the time.  we slave for it all day.

Once you have your internal energy, and starting to accomplish everything from inside.  The society that once consider you as an outcast, will greet you with the greatest title available.  But if you fail because of doubt and fear, they will come after you and make an example out of you.  You can be a success in anything that you choose to do but you have to have faith in your dream.  It may take you 1 week, or one decade but you have to have faith and the energy will grow.  It took someone i know 3 years to manifest her favorite house.  3 years of dreaming and then one day it all come together.  Anyway follow, your heart and your conscience, those are the tools to manifestation.   
 ;) :D ;D :) :o l) >D -d

well, my mom is doing great after taking regular sunbathing, sun gazing. her all pain are gone and skin improve despite of she eats small amount of wild rice and nightshade vegetables beside raw meat diet.

General Discussion / Re: Water ionizers
« on: October 06, 2010, 10:06:43 pm »
i drink ionized water in sunny day. i put all drinking water under the hot sun all day long.  :D

Exercise / Bodybuilding / Re: OH YEAH! barefoot run!!! whos going??
« on: October 06, 2010, 10:49:52 am »
sully, i never think about that to tear up nice pair of running shoes like that, so air can get through this. great idea!!! :D so we don't need to wear socks i guess!!

Sure, Hannibal, I agree! Ever since I eat raw, I’m not ashamed anymore to be a human ;).
It seems only Yuli, GS and Hannibal appreciated my effort to post those pics… Thanks! Miles, why does this thread makes you sad?

Iguana, i agree with you that most of us unable to take the pictures of ourselves in the jungle. i love your profile's picture eating tuna also and of course, these pictures are sensational.

Yuli is looking so great with her delicious steak and GS video is awesome! i watch other videos as well when he eats meat with scissors. actually, now i eat meat like that. if i stay under the sun, i feel more strong with my teeth, than i just simple tear meat like tigress. i can't have enough seeing you all over and over again. thanks to you all.

General Discussion / Re: Distilled Water
« on: October 06, 2010, 08:55:40 am »
I buy 5-litre bottles of high-alkaline mineral water at 1 pound 19 pence a kilo each, here in the UK. I never drink more than 3 litres a day, usually much, much less than that.
another question tyler, what type of container do you get for the water? glass or plastic? i get headache right away drinking from plastic.

General Discussion / Re: Bone Marrow's high cost
« on: October 06, 2010, 08:52:04 am »
I weighed it out on a scale before and $1/lb of bones rich in marrow worked out to $5.38/lb of pure marrow.
where do you get only grassfed marrow to buy? i'll buy too.

General Discussion / Re: Distilled Water
« on: October 06, 2010, 08:48:11 am »
    Distilled water tastes very flat to me.  Still, I'd prefer a good distilled water over tap.

    Wouldn't it be great to live in a community that shared a water alkalinizing machine, maybe a kangen?  I think they're about $7,000.00US.
in our future paleo village project, we can have the source of best drinking water. well water pool also nice to train some swimmers for the competition. more people we get, much better plan we can come upto.

General Discussion / Re: Distilled Water
« on: October 06, 2010, 03:36:46 am »
Try bottled water (high alkaline water(PH 7.8 to PH 8.4), IMO, is the healthiest and the best-tasting). Distilled water does indeed leach minerals from your body. I once did an experiment where I only drank distilled water bought from a local health-food store. It was eerie - it taasted great, but I never really slaked my thirst on the stuff, needing to drink far more of it than if I had drunk alkaline mineral water. Avoid distlled water like the plague.
how many people can afford alkaline water to drink? do you know the cheaper source to get them?

Health / Re: what to do with body pain
« on: October 06, 2010, 03:23:48 am »
his pain increase in cold. warm weather he feels good.

Health / Re: what to do with body pain
« on: October 06, 2010, 12:23:48 am »
thanks for your replies.

GS, his pain now moves from one place to another place. he thinks he needs kundalini energy. he thinks that energy is blocking by something, that means his energy doesn't flow properly. by sun gazing, he can handle that.

Hannibal, i'll represent your dietary suggestion to him for pain reduction. he works from 9 to 5 (which is sucks!). he definitely needs sunbathing. we might move to florida in this winter for couple of months for that. 

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