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Messages - raw

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Health / Re: Hair Loss
« on: October 05, 2010, 11:52:54 pm »
there are many reason for hair loss. i used to believe in genetics. i see my parents' hair was thick when they were young. my mom's hair starts to be gray in her early 20s. by the age of 30, she is totally gray. i lost my hair significantly when i was on vegan diet and after that when i had my son. now i barely loss my hair. i am  almost on zero carb raw paleo diet and i also feed my body the sun light. this is working like a magic on my overall health. :D

Health / what to do with body pain
« on: October 05, 2010, 11:24:26 pm »
this is the way my husband is feeling now, body fatigue, severe body pain. he's almost 33 now.  he  starts eating raw meat last one and half months and dealing with this conditions now. he eats a pound of mixture of organs, muscle meat and fats in the morning and a cooked paleo diner in the evening. he's extremely flexible from climbing up on a tree to doing any kind physical works or exercises. he has long history of knee pain. so he goes in to tai chi for past 7 yrs. now he's under treatment of Chinese medicine. they say, he's suffering from  inflammatory disk. his knee pain is shifted from knee to back, from back to thigh, from thigh to arm... so on and on.  :'(

i don't mind to put my videos or pictures eating raw animals with bare hands and teeth, which i've done many times before. but certainly, it does not look good seating on sofa and eating those animals like that. it look much better in a real jungle to take pics like that.

Health / Re: Paleo Sleeping Positions? Beddings?
« on: October 04, 2010, 12:53:44 pm »
This actually happens? o_O
many times

Hot Topics / Re: Warming up Meat/Fat
« on: October 04, 2010, 12:49:07 pm »
I warm my back fat, not my meat. I use a microwave/convection oven. I can set the oven for 100 degrees in convection mode, and it warms the fat to about body temperature.
i don't keep microwave in my home which i consider as poison.

anyway, in summer time you can warm up your meal, putting them under hot sun.

Off Topic / Re: Regrowing foreskin
« on: October 04, 2010, 12:43:39 pm »
i feel very sad with my little boy, the way those docs circumcised him right after he was born  :'(. whoever sees his broken foreskin, ask me questions who've done this. my life is like in every single step i need to proof to my family that i'm carrying their religious tradition where they get too curious about my husband's belief. anyway, this is me that i take this kind of stupid decision to make my parents happy. if i have another son now, i have to hide him from them... -\

Off Topic / Re: School Sucks
« on: October 04, 2010, 12:31:47 pm »
sully, i do understand you agony some how, 'cause i also hated college and i finished this against my mind. my cultural, social back ground is very different than average american children. my parents put me in school to become a doctor, and that's the way my all relatives are medical doctors here. some point i do see that they make enough money to have a very comfortable life. if your focus to make money, than better be careful with the major you're taking in college. i have seen other college graduate who are barely making money after 4/5 yrs investment. here money is important, so, you can achieve your freedom and can do what you like to do. unless, someone is born in a family where there is unlimited money.

here the country of freedom. so, you don't need to go to college if you know how to success by your own. in some level, me and my husband are both agree that college is more important to get connected with other people. also we know very well that, if you attend harvard or yale, you can get more opportunity to meet people with money. not all the time harvard or yale's students are smart. they get easily A or B in the class, 'cause they spend too much for each semester.

i think you're extremely smart and good enough to make your own decision. follow your heart. just be little practical. when i was 16, i think someway and when i truned 26 , my thought dramatically change. whatever you decide to do, my prayer is with you. :)

I'm just eating these delicacies :)
i also can eat them seating in one place. they are super delicious!! i like to eat organs just the way they look like without putting any decoration on it.  :D Bon Appétit!

General Discussion / Re: Best bones to get sizeable amounts of marrow
« on: October 03, 2010, 11:43:58 am »
I order femar bones cut into 3 inch chunks. 3 pieces from a cow give a lot of marrow. Enough for a meal. I like it warmed to body temp which makes it easy to scoop out and eat. My butcher is happy to sell for $1.00 per pound, it is normally scrap.
i pay $3 pound for this. is it grass fed marrow?

Render it and make pemmcian.  Great as emergency rations or when traveling.

thanks lex. it's a very good point where i can render the fat. i never done that before. so, i'll definitely try now.

to Hannibal, yes, i have a problem with chewing. it's not about my teeth, but it's a bad habit that i develop for years not to chew well. now i'm a very busy mom and i really don't have much time of myself until my toddler goes to sleep at night. so entire time, when i try to eat, either i am near computer or watching my toddler. i mean i'm always on hurry to eat. :( 

Hot Topics / Re: Ghee
« on: October 03, 2010, 11:22:33 am »
I could be wrong but im pretty sure just about all ghee is made with heat. Plus its rather difficult to get grass fed ghee.
it requires heat to make ghee

Health / Re: Paleo Sleeping Positions? Beddings?
« on: October 03, 2010, 11:20:10 am »
Last I checked, palaeo peoples slept on bare ground , but hollowed out a small place for their heads to settle into. The key is supposed to be to allow the head to allow to be placed a little below the rest of the body, so as to allow the best opprtunity to sleep.
wow! i never knew that. personally, i can't sleep with a pillow under my head, that means i never like pillows. i also feel comfortable to be on my back.
anyway, we (me, my husband and my toddler) share the same bed all together where we sleep on hardwood floor. we are sleeping on floor since my son is born. we never put our son on crib even for a day.  i won't choose grass to sleep, 'cause those ants might get into ears which is very painful :'(.

dear rawzi, your son is a very very smart boy no doubt. we are learning even more through his own experiments. i wonder, if he likes the taste of those lobsters for real. god bless him. :D

Hot Topics / Re: Ghee
« on: October 03, 2010, 10:55:29 am »
my mom always makes ghee from real cow's milk. it smells divine and tastes the best. i find it more beneficial to put over the dry skin than to eat it. in east, people like to put little ghee to enhance the taste of worm rice, roti , meat, sweet...etc. some people also cook with ghee instead of oil. ghee is not raw food -[.

give it to me/feed it to birds or something.
can you digest beef suet? i get stomach ache right away :(. so, still i'm throwing them away every day. lamb fat is good for me.

General Discussion / Re: African Hunting Videos
« on: October 02, 2010, 12:56:04 pm »
did you hunt anything yet with your bow?  :)

General Discussion / Re: Anyone know where to get raw glands?
« on: October 02, 2010, 12:54:11 pm »
    I wish I knew where to get raw pituitary, or any pituitary.  Does anyone here even know what it looks like?
me and my toddler both get sick after eating raw pituitary gland. but i always give my toddler other type of glands, but not pituitary gland.

Omnivorous Raw Paleo Diet / Re: attn. parents! need some advice
« on: October 02, 2010, 12:47:06 pm »
actually, i started giving my child raw meat when he passed 2.5 years. before that he was strictly raw vegetarian. but from the beginning of raw meats, he throws up  -v couple of times and now he's three and half and asks for raw meat. i never give him any choice but raw  meat. he never ate cook food in his life.

also our social life is very limited. so, my child only expose the social life for some hour in the playground with playing another kid or grandma's home where we always watch. we always hide from him the cooked meal. so he only see people eating raw food nothing else. i mean under strict supervision we keep him.  >:

Hot Topics / Re: Warming up Meat/Fat
« on: October 01, 2010, 06:45:22 am »
i also leave them out couple of hrs ahead. i can eat it cold, but my husband wants it warmer. :(

Display Your Culinary Creations / Re: Lamb organs, tasty
« on: September 30, 2010, 11:25:34 am »
those looks so yummy yuli. you're the best (cook)!! :D

Carnivorous / Zero Carb Approach / Re: Why Does Sugar Taste So Good?
« on: September 30, 2010, 09:09:46 am »
Here's my opinion:  Wild fruits were eaten only when in season (obviously) which was right before the start of fall/winter/general coldness. 
now i feel like that too. i feel to eat melons in season and berries in season. but my appetite for fruits are ultimately decline in the winter. i feel for more meat in cold climate.

Instincto / Anopsology / Re: Craving raw beef!
« on: September 30, 2010, 09:01:40 am »
i didn't like beef in the beginning, now i love it. but i do love lamb from the beginning. they're super delicious! tastes :) very different than beef. you might also like that too.

Instincto / Anopsology / Re: European summer paradise
« on: September 30, 2010, 08:57:29 am »
in tropical place, i can imagine to eat those fruits to eat all year round. but in western world, to handle bitter winter, meats are the best choice. body needs to be kept worm. :)

Instincto / Anopsology / Re: European summer paradise
« on: September 30, 2010, 08:54:35 am »
Sometimes (especially in winter) I envy people living in the tropics who can enjoy wonderfol fruits collecting them fresh from the trees or buying them on a local market when I have to order them weekly from some consigner of tropical fruit
can i get some seeds to plant :)?

Instincto / Anopsology / Re: Suddenly reduced appetite for raw fat.
« on: September 30, 2010, 08:52:13 am »
this is so surprising that i never feel for fat from the beginning of this diet. so, back of my mind i never put myself on only raw meat. i ate fruits, some cooked fish ('cause i can't digest the raw fish) and other cooked veggies...etc. now i'm more into only raw meat and sunbathing with very little fruits. i consumes some brain, raw butter, but not significant. i never feel for avocados and coconut... i used to eat 2 lbs of muscle meat a day and feel completely filled. now i eat half pound of organs and muscle and my body stay very cool!

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