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Messages - eveheart

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Health / Re: Intestinal blockage
« on: January 06, 2015, 12:17:52 pm »
I think your doctor was giving his honest opinion as a medical doctor, and he is probably taking into account his observations of you plus his medical training and experience. There was no harm in finding out his diagnosis and treatment.

It can be useful to hear a medical doctor give a "nothing's really wrong with you" diagnosis. To me, that means that your solution is to balance your lifestyle by eating and moving well. Doctors in the US often don't offer their patients this truth because the patients won't follow that kind of advice.

If I were to generalize, I'd say that enemas are useful to treat acute (not chronic) conditions and to accompany other nutritional treatments. You are having chronic constipation, so it would be more useful to be able to observe your natural elimination. If you resort to enemas, you'll never really know what helped and what didn't.

Health / Re: Intestinal blockage
« on: January 05, 2015, 11:44:10 am »
Raw Olives... Are they edible? I've read they're not

Perhaps this will help:

Yes dry, just put the olives and close the jar. You don't have to wait years: you can open the jar after a few months, just the time for the olives to mature in the gas they emit. An even more natural way is to let them mature in the open until they become soft and loose their bitterness, then they can be stored in jars as well. 

This video is in French, but the guy (currently vegan again, I think) explains it quite well:

Health / Re: Intestinal blockage
« on: January 05, 2015, 11:41:08 am »
My WF trims its own roasts and grinds its own beef and lamb, and that means they have to have some fat trimmings lying around, which they might give me if I ask. I get my fat trimmings this way at another market. Ask them.

Watch out for rancid raw macadamia nuts - you may be able to taste the rancidity. I've never had a good raw macadamia nut from local vendors, who buy from undated stock - the nuts could be from a previous year's harvest. Even so, you are right up there where people grow nuts, so you can probably find a more local nut source that's fresh from this season's harvest.

The ones available to me come in a box, similar to this:

Thanks, that's good to know, Phil. I looked up the description of the tamarind in the picture. One online seller said this, "...Not widely known, there are in fact two type of tamarind. The more well known sour tamarind is very sour and is usually used for cooking. The type of tamarind here is a sweet variety and is enjoyed as a snack in Thailand and other parts of the world. If you would like to impress a Thai, give this fruit as a gift." I have also heard the sweetness was merely a question of ripeness or maturity of the pods, so I might try a few different brands if I don't like the first one I try.

I found a brand of tamarinds that's better than the others I have tried.

Care to elaborate? Are you getting the whole pod, or paste, or ??? Are you eating it straight and sour?

I live an a bison-ranching area, and I have visited several bison ranches and talked to the owners. Here is what I gathered:

The good news is that bison cannot survive the stress of a feedlot, nor will they eat out of a feed trough (because they need to be able to look around while they graze), so they are all raised on grassy pastures.

However, ranchers often put supplemental food and bison "formulas" out on the pasture. The supplements are attractively flavored and packaged so that the bison will eat them. I get the impression that the supplements are more about giving the bison "nutrients" like minerals that might be depleted in the soil, and not a source of caloric food such as corn or soy. So, while there may be no recognizable GMOs in the supplements (no kernels of corn, for example), they could contain synthesized vitamins that could come from GMO-based sources.

If you wanted to be sure, you would have to ask the rancher what gets put out on the pastureland. This might not be possible to trace back to the ranch, but you can try googling the name of the ranch, if it is on the label, and ask them about supplements they put on their pasture.

Health / Re: Intestinal blockage
« on: January 04, 2015, 12:48:38 pm »
Do you know if organic practices allow for vaccinations of animals?

There are vaccinations that are "okay" by law for organic practices. Depending on where you are, different laws may apply.

Vaccinations may be necessary in many CAFO settings because the animals are confined. That's why Jessica mentions that vaccinations are not used on small farms. When it comes to commercial poultry, confinement and quasi-confinement are so common, partly because maintaining natural feeding environments with enough bugs for birds is very complex. Pasture is good enough for ruminants, but there needs to be a source of bugs, such as cow patties in a pasture, for birds, if you want to raise a whole bunch of birds.

Unless you actually know the poultry ranch, it may be safe to assume that it is a large operation.

Antibiotics may also be a gray area in organic practices. In my area, there is a distinction made between "routine" (given to every animal) vs "necessary" (necessary to treat a particular disease) antibiotics for livestock. Some savvy ranchers know how to bend the rules to make "routine" antibiotics seem "necessary."

In California (and Mexico), you can buy Jarritos Tamarindo, which is a Mexican sugar-sweetened soft drink, sold in bottles everywhere. You can also get Mexican-style tamarind candy, typically sold on plastic spoons.

In Asian markets and most general supermarkets, you can buy the paste in jars for culinary use. Tamarind soup is a delicious sour soup found in many restaurants. I think it is too tropical to grow in California, but you can buy the pods grown in Mexico.

Health / Re: Intestinal blockage
« on: January 03, 2015, 12:14:55 am »
I used the word "rectocele" - perhaps too specifically - instead of your internet consultant's term pelvic floor dysfunction, to mean that the poop is descending and gathering but not giving you an urge signal. Please don't go hunting for a diagnosis on my account.                                                                     

Health / Re: Intestinal blockage
« on: January 01, 2015, 04:15:23 pm »
Supposing you did harm to your intestines, there is no reason I can think of why they wouldn't heal, so don't worry and give it time with eating RPD. As I recall, you had a few possible diagnoses going from your internet consultant. It's time for a medical diagnosis, IMO, where they "rule out" some of the possibilities. Rectocele is one reasonable suspicion that would account for lack of mass movement sensation. It has a good range of treatments, starting with good nutrition options. I am in favor of moderate treatments, and I do mean "no more cleanses." Even if you don't go to the doctor, start eating right.

Health / Re: Starting to eat raw meat, need advice on storage, etc..
« on: January 01, 2015, 01:13:00 pm »
... is it ok ...

First, decide if you want to ask questions that being with "is it okay?" - basically, if you want to follow someone's advice, then follow it. If not, then use your own experience to determine what sits well in your tummy.

Also, you can look at this type of question from a paleolithic perspective. Even when meats were eaten cooked, fires and cooking might be a nighttime activity, whereas eating vegetation is a daytime nibble, so cooked meat, raw fat, and salad might not be a likely meal, so AV might be on to something there.

How many meals are you eating now, that you can't space things out? It might help to "think outside the box" when it comes to meals - the three-item format of the modern-day meal (meat, starch, veggie) with salad appetizer and fruit for desert, is probably not the best paleo model. I remember when "they" told me that a salad needed at least 10 vegetables in it, and I used to sit there and chop up ten veggies. Now, if I want a carrot, I eat a carrot, and the other nine are going to have to wait their turn.

If you read this post on this thread
Yes, and the Seventh Day Adventist vegetarian Dr. John Harvey Kellogg advocated corn flakes and soy milk and discouraged meat eating in part as a way to reduce the sex drive, which he thought was sinful and unhealthy.... There are other examples, too. Mohandis K. Gandhi considered himself oversexed and adopted a vegetarian diet in large part to reduce his sex drive.

you can easily see that avoidance of animal protein is a religious or moral practice, but it exists nowhere as a natural diet of mankind. Animal protein, whether from insects, mammals, birds, sea creatures, etc., is part of our natural intake, and sexual drive is part of our natural expression. You can deliberately reduce your sexual drive by withholding nutrients, but that doesn't sound like your goal in life. :)

I know what you are asking about in terms of wanting a protocol to follow, because Aajonus makes it sound like you need specific targeted healing protocols. I came to this forum immediately after reading his book.

I have found that a clean diet is 99.9% of the solution. If you start eating whole raw foods that are in season in your area and avoid neolithic foods like dairy, grains, and legumes, healing will begin immediately. If, after most of the healing is done, you want to find a specific protocol for a special purpose, you will find a clearer path to what should be done.

There is plenty of online discussion about how to get your junk-food child to eat better. If your child resists, read a bunch of that stuff and see which ideas you can incorporate into your style of parenting. We used a lot of those ideas with my granddaughter, for example, we got her to eat fish by cutting it up and calling it Dora nuggets (her favorite cartoon character plus the fast-food N word).

General Discussion / Re: coconut oil scam?
« on: December 29, 2014, 11:55:34 pm »
you mean the wildernessfamily's coconut oil is a higher quality oil?

I didn't mean that and I didn't say that.

Frankly, I would have no way of comparing the "quality" of one oil over. Van said he liked that brand. My statement followed with the website of his recommendation, only because you seem unable to use a search engine for yourself, as was the case in finding Quality First's website and ordering method.

Health / Re: Starting to eat raw meat, need advice on storage, etc..
« on: December 29, 2014, 01:06:35 pm »
I "dove" into RPD without any transition. That was not a problem for me. I learned best by reading about various topics and then trying it out myself. I store meat on glass plates or hanging in the fridge by stainless steel hooks. If the meat is on a plate, I turn it daily to keep dampness from sliming up the bottom side of the meat. I prefer the slightly dried raw surface that forms on the meat. I prefer to eat fish in its freshest state. I don't actually use a ratio of meat to fat. Instead, I rely on my senses to tell me how much to eat of various foods. My one "rule" is to imagine how a paleolithic human would do something and then make a close approximation living here in a large California city. Eating foods in their natural season is part of that rule - Ms. Cavewoman wouldn't find asparagus in the fall or nuts in the springtime.

Primal Diet / Re: Peanuts
« on: December 29, 2014, 11:33:39 am »
if you grow your own peanuts, eating them fresh, no storage. are they edible raw, with no toxic side effect? do you know or have tried them?

Yes, I used to grow my own. I have eaten them raw, but at the time I was used to cooked and seasoned foods, and I didn't find them appealing at all. They have that subtle starchy rawness that I also find objectionable in lentil sprouts. Also, just because I had no toxic side effects that I could discern, that doesn't mean that toxins are not present.

Peanuts are interesting plants to grow with young children because the flowers send "pegs" into the soil so that the peanuts can mature underground. I grew all our produce when the kids were little, and one of my seed suppliers featured peanuts as "fun to grow with children," so I bought them.

Just remember that the mold spores normally get on the peanuts directly from the soil, so there will be some of that present at all stages of the peanut's maturity. Let the soil go dry at the end of the maturing time to discourage decomposition (thus, rapid growth of mold and fungus). As I type these words, I feel the urge to remind you that I am not recommending peanuts as part of a RPD diet.

Primal Diet / Re: Peanuts
« on: December 29, 2014, 07:02:25 am »
...But most likely he got people off of bad diets and put them on raw diets, and had them cut out the foods that were causing injury in the first place.  But then, for some, he offer hope, and that is something....

There are several famous examples of mainstream medical drugs being approved by the U.S. FDA based on clinical trials using the drug PLUS A HEALTHY DIET AND EXERCISE. If you're like me, you will instantly suspect that the healthy diet and exercise were the healing agents, but there are no skeptics at the FDA. Once the drug is approved, successful healing is attributed to the medicine and failures are blamed on the patient's diet and lifestyle

General Discussion / Re: coconut oil scam?
« on: December 29, 2014, 06:51:36 am »
I have ordered from Quality First using the phone number and a credit card, but
I just bought a very good c.o. from wilderness family. probably the best I've ever gotten.

Van knows his coconut oil, so you should probably take a look at I'll be looking at them, too.

General Discussion / Re: Colon cleanse
« on: December 29, 2014, 06:46:55 am »
That video is entitled DR. HIROMI SHINYA PROVES THAT POOR FOOD CHOICES LEAVE RESIDUES IN THE INTESTINES. It attributes results to drinking enough water plus eating a pure (vegetarian) diet. So, basically, it says if you go from burgers, fries, and a shake to eating whole foods, your colon will quite rapidly return to an appearance that is not coated with overly thick mucus and incomplete elimination. That's exactly the reason why I don't think that colon cleansing is necessary - if you start a healthy lifestyle, the colon starts unclogging and returns to a normal coating of clear mucus. Kangen water is just a alkalinizing water purification system.

Primal Diet / Re: Peanuts
« on: December 29, 2014, 02:13:35 am »
Van makes an excellent point; AV's "wisdom" is further muddied in my mind by the basic, beneficial truths that he used, such as the benefit of raw meats.

Last time I took peanuts, (from a bag, unpeeled and roasted) I have problems breathing!

Peanuts, like other long-storage foods, can develop molds when conditions are too warm or too humid. That can be the allergen moreso than the peanut itself.

As a nitrogen-fixing legume, it is an excellent subsistence crop for farmers eking out a living on monoculture-depleted soils. When it is stored properly, mold allergies can be avoided to some extent.

Health / Re: Epsom salt baths
« on: December 28, 2014, 11:33:15 am »
Do you notice a difference in how you feel with the chloride versus sulfate?

I actually don't "feel" anything beyond the nice warmth of the foot bath. I have read "marketing material" that claims that magnesium is better absorbed through the skin as magnesium chloride than as magnesium sulfate, but I've never quantified my own results that way.

When I buy a bag of nigari, I dissolve the whole bag in water and store the resulting "magnesium oil" (because it feels slick on the skin, like oil would) in a large glass jar. I use it as-is on my skin, and when I soak my feet, I pour an amount into warm water. I am seeking a pampering spa experience; I am not trying to supplement magnesium this way. I got the idea because they use magnesium salts in water to scrub you in a Korean bathhouse.

General Discussion / Re: Raw Paleo Honey / Honeycomb / Grubcomb
« on: December 28, 2014, 04:16:32 am »
"If current models for obesity are correct, the Hadza, with their natural diet and lack of mechanization, should expend more energy than individuals living in market economies with comparatively sedentary lifestyles and highly-processed, sugar-rich diets," they write.

In the context of the current calories-in-vs-calories-out model of obesity, the article seems to prove the study team's conclusion. That model of obesity attributes calorie-expenditure as the only metabolic impact of exercise. That was echoed in the Editor's Note, which says "The results of the study indicate that the caloric intake in western countries, not a sedentary lifestyle, have lead to high rates of obesity."

Anybody who is successfully treating for metabolic syndrome can tell you that IF you don't exercise, your body cannot regulate storage of dietary carbohydrate as fat, even with good caloric balance.

Starting out with erroneous science as your premise is a good basis for politics, not science.

Health / Re: Epsom salt baths
« on: December 28, 2014, 03:57:38 am »
I prefer magnesium chloride (sold as "nigari" in Japanese markets) over magnesium sulfate (Epsom salts). I make magnesium oil and magnesium soaking water with it. The "good" stuff tells you where it's from (ancient seabed mining vs removal from seawater). I buy it from a local "gourmet" tofu factory run by a little old lady who preserves the ancient ways.

General Discussion / Re: Colon cleanse
« on: December 27, 2014, 02:02:34 pm »
It was coating my throat and areas just below, at least. I don't know how far down it went, but since it seemed to have no effect on my breathing, I'm thinking it did not go down the windpipe.  It was weird stuff...clear, elastic, and strong. I could actually grab it and pull on it, but it went down pretty far, and would neither break off nor dislodge. Also, it was difficult to get a good grip on it, since it was mucus. 

I'm still not buying. The wind and food pipes split just back of the tongue. The epiglottis protects food from going down the windpipe because it closes when you swallow. There is a sphincter at the top of the esophagus - that's the one you can tighten when you want to suppress a belch. I can't understand, from the physiological point of view, how the esophagus can hawk. Its lining is a mucus membrane, so it's supposed to be coated with a normal amount of mucus. Unless you are cleansing by vomiting, excess mucus in the esophagus has to pass downward to be eliminated.

General Discussion / Re: Colon cleanse
« on: December 27, 2014, 01:12:52 pm »
that is if you believe there's stuff clinging to the wall of the colon...

Because if you do believe that the colon walls are plastered with a thick coat of baked on who-knows-what, then how could we be worried about leaky gut :P In the 1980s, there were a lot of nutritionists who were selling their regimens with pictures of rope-y strips of tire rubber purported to be the stuff that we had to cleanse out of our bowels. I did one of those cleanses and saw my own "tire rubber" that was being cleaned out.

What was that stuff? It was just ropes of the psyllium and clay that were portions of a liquid diet! Aided by pathological colon x-rays, those nutritionists had us pretty convinced that we had a well-paved colon. As Van said, show me a colon....

Now, that does not mean that cleansing isn't a real thing. In our bodies, every cell has a way to eliminate spent materials. All this cell cleansing is part of the natural flow of elements in the body. When you exhale, you are exhaling carbon dioxide, a gas that the body processes out. That doesn't mean that the carbon dioxide isn't supposed to be there, just that it's on its way out. Mucus is supposed to be present in a normal digestive tract - too much indicates an irritant, be you only need to remove the irritant and the mucus will return to its normal level.

It is sufficient to stop putting poisons in, in order that the body can clean itself through proper eating and exercise.

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