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Messages - eveheart

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General Discussion / Re: Colon cleanse
« on: December 27, 2014, 01:10:05 pm »
I don't know about the colon, but there definitely was a layer of tough elastic mucus in my esophagus for years, before I went raw. I could never hawk it up, it was too thick. Even now I have to hawk up some mucus daily, probably from nuts/seeds or avocados.

But wait... how could you hawk up stuff that's in your esophagus? Windpipe, sure, but there is nothing in the stomach to generate the air needed for hawking.

General Discussion / Re: coconut oil scam?
« on: December 27, 2014, 08:09:22 am »
Here's their website:

General Discussion / Re: Fermenting Raw Liver and Meats
« on: December 24, 2014, 03:06:26 pm »
Yes! All those methods can be used to ferment meat. In addition to discussions of high meat, you can find other threads discussing things like fermenting bones.

Then there's aging meat, where unseasoned meat is allowed to hang in the air (in or out of the fridge) and age on the inside as the outside dries out somewhat. When you eat it, it's like an unsalted, uncured, unsmoked, gourmet ham - something changes in the meat's texture and flavor that tastes excellent.

Science / Re: Agriculture ruined human bones
« on: December 23, 2014, 01:17:33 pm »
"And after ruling out diet differences and changes in body size as possible causes, researchers concluded reductions in physical activity are the root cause of degradation in human bone strength across millennia. " from article.

When I read that statement in the article, I wondered how early agriculture could be associated with less physical activity. Before the tractor, it wasn't a sit-down job. Even plowing with a draft animal is pretty physical from sun-up to sun-down. I know they say that there is a correlation between physical activity and bone density, but agriculture brought not just farming activity, but vigorous food preparation activity to make grains into something light and fluffy that tastes good with syrup.

General Discussion / Re: What rawpalaeo foods are you eating right now?
« on: December 23, 2014, 09:11:22 am »
Great pic, Jessica!

I've had that foul taste when maggots have been on the meat, and I understand that it is ammonia that gets produced by the the breakdown of maggot "urine" (whatever it is that they excrete), so it can be rinsed off if it is strong and disagreeable.

Health / Re: Intestinal blockage
« on: December 21, 2014, 01:08:17 pm »
Magnesium supplement is definitely helping me pass stools, but still with great difficulty. Could this be a sign of dehydration?

Many factors can cause magnesium imbalance/deficiency, which was discussed already. It's almost impossible to know all the details that go on in your body, but you can get a magnesium blood test to see if you are actually low. One thing you could try even without a blood test is increasing the dosage of your supplement - 1 1/2 or 2 times the recommended dose shouldn't be too much. Magnesium supplement works against constipation by NOT being absorbed, so you want to exceed your own threshold of absorption. The only way to find that level is by trial and error.

Most important: don't expect everything in your short term results. For example, establishing a different (=healthier) colon microbiome can take a few weeks or even a month. On top of that, if you have "leaky gut" (tiny holes in the colon wall), your overall recovery can take 6 or more months. Being hydrated enough, OTOH, takes a few hours at most, but I'm not sure why you think that's the case. Are you restricting the water that you drink?

Health / Re: Intestinal blockage
« on: December 20, 2014, 02:32:34 pm » will give you an idea about the polymer polyethylene glycol. While there are naturally occurring polymers, PEG is a synthetic plastic. Miralax's website says that
Water is vital to your body for healthy living, and to help your digestive system stay regular. Constipation may occur when stool moves slowly through the colon, which could allow too much water to be removed. This can make the stool hard, dry, and difficult to pass.

MiraLAX® contains Polyethylene Glycol 3350, which is a completely different way to treat occasional constipation. It activates water to work in 3 ways - hydrating, easing and softening - to unblock your system naturally.

Reading between the lines, it looks to me as if this large molecule of PEG is a mild irritant to keep things moving a little faster through the colon, before the stool can dry out. If it were me, I'd take magnesium supplement over polymers any day. is in stool softeners. It is a surfactant. Surfactants are commonly used in laundry detergent as wetting agents.

Manufacturers of DSS products claim that their products are the natural way to relieve constipation, which I think means that the water they hold in the stool is a natural way to relieve constipation: they work by making your stool "wetter." If it were me, I'd take magnesium supplement over laundry detergent any day.

Health / Re: Abdominal rash
« on: December 20, 2014, 02:11:57 pm »
Does this rash appear when you eat those foods when you are not at a party?  ;D

Okay, serious answer: the rash is probably a sign of inflammation.

General Discussion / Re: Headache from fruit
« on: December 20, 2014, 02:08:50 pm »
Right now there isn't much variety of organic fruits cause nobody in America eats the organic, how do I know? Because I'm a produce clerk at my kroger NOBODY EATS Organic. But I eat bananas,pears,apples,grapes,kiwi,oranges. Those are the main fruits i eat just because that's unfortunately all available

Kroger is quite an operation. Wikipedia says, "By revenue, it is the country's largest supermarket chain, second-largest general retailer, and twenty-third largest company."

So when you say that "nobody in America eats the organic" and you base your statement on your own experience working at Kroger's, may I remind you that people who eat organic produce in America don't shop at Kroger's. There are no Kroger's in California, but here we have people who don't shop at Lucky's, Ralph's, Safeway/Von's, and so forth.

but I eat a lot fruit that is high in magnesium?

Nummi was referring to ways in which the body directs available magnesium ("...If gut is harmed it directs magnesium from the body to the gut for healing purposes, leading into deficiency elsewhere in the body, like the head."), absorbs dietary magnesium (...gut absorption rate of nutrients and minerals, especially magnesium, is significantly reduced"), and uses magnesium at the cellular level ("...sugar needs magnesium to be metabolized by the cells").

In your case, that means that you might not be retaining, absorbing, or utilizing the magnesium that is in the food you eat.

To make matters more complex, you might be eating fruit from magnesium-depleted soils, so the magnesium content of your fruit may not match the magnesium content listed on a nutrition table.

General Discussion / Re: Raw Paleo way of curing Fever and Flu
« on: December 20, 2014, 06:24:47 am »
PS: I always wished that our Paleo Book would have been completed and got a section where Paleo ways for curing different sickness are also dealt with.

Most studies of the bones of paleolithic man indicate that paleolithic people didn't have our diseases, and I am unaware of definitive studies showing that humans in that ancient period had a system of cures. However, I suspect that they could have used experiential medicine, so go ahead and apply what you know to heal what you might get. My experience has been no colds and flu while eating raw paleo, and I think that's because I'm not eating mucus-forming or inflammatory foods like milk and grains.

Also, don't forget that fever is the body's cure for certain pathogens.

Off Topic / Re: UV Rays from the sun
« on: December 19, 2014, 02:16:06 pm »
What do we think about ultraviolet photographic film? Yes, it picks up the ultraviolet portion of the spectrum. Yes, if the source of the ultraviolet light is reflecting off a surface that blocks the UV light (such as they showed with sunscreen), the UV photographic film will be black in the blocked area.

Can we deduce that ultraviolet light exposure is bad for humans? There are supporters of both yea and nay on this topic, but the film does not lead us to that deduction. It's just an mildly interesting use of different photographic negative stock.

Journals / Re: A day in the life of TylerDurden
« on: December 18, 2014, 08:09:50 pm »
What annoyed me is that there seems to have been an alternative option of a free half  hour with a personal trainer and these 2  "dietary consultations" apparently mean I am no longer eligible for the personal trainer option until a few months time in the future.

Ah well, live and learn.

My daughter and I "share" a personal trainer at the gym. I work out with him twice a week working past an old shoulder injury (with internal scarring) in terms of strength and flexibility. An orthopedic surgeon told me that surgery was my only option, but my results say otherwise. I just remodeled the shelves in a large closet, working with my hands above my shoulder level with good strength in both arms, whereas one year ago, I was unable to lift my left arm higher than waist height.

My daughter sees him twice a month to refine and modify her daily workouts so she can stay sculpted and as strong as a Neanderthal.

IMO, a good trainer should listen to what you want to accomplish and decide if he or she knows how to help you before they grab your money. Most of them are too stupid to even know if they are effective trainers. That puts a huge burden on the client to figure out which ones are any good.

Journals / Re: A day in the life of TylerDurden
« on: December 18, 2014, 03:09:11 pm »
LOL. I can't imagine anyone giving you nutrition lessons! Do you know what she was trying to treat you for?

Welcoming Committee / Re: oxalates / oxalic acid
« on: December 18, 2014, 12:20:22 am »
Questions to everybody who reads this post:
How big of a percentage of raw food versus cooked food do you eat ? 
Are you concerned about oxalates such as Oxalic acid in (raw) spinach ?

Welcome to the Raw Paleo Diet Forum.

I eat about 99%+ raw by buying whole foods and then not cooking them. Right now, I have one jar of olives that were processed in heat to seal the jar. All my other food is whole and raw.

Spinach does not figure prominently in my menu. As a recent cultivar, it's not exactly an ancestral food. I can't imagine how paleolithic man could have even cooked spinach-like food considering that they didn't have cooking containers, and direct heat is not useful for leaves. Also, spinach would not be growing at this time of year in my climate, so the point is moot. My favorite green is tangy mustard greens in the spring, and I nibble the leaves if their taste appeals to me.

Display Your Culinary Creations / Re: Fish head smoothie Video
« on: December 17, 2014, 04:35:55 am »
I don't make fish smoothies, but I do use the internet to find fish anatomy charts so I learn what part is what. The gall bladder is bitter, and bitter may be good to eat, but I do best when I eat it alone to "savor" the bitter taste for a second. I love dissecting the fish innards, it makes me feel so familiar with the food I eat.

Health / Re: Intestinal blockage
« on: December 16, 2014, 11:08:38 pm »
I also purchased a rite aid brand stool softener. Docusate sodium 100mg capsules. Might be worth a try in a day or two.

I've used ducosate sodium only once and found that it produces some kind of "paste" that is nowhere near the consistency of solid stool.

I'm glad you are going to urgent care. The two diagnoses that your herbalist suggested are so different in cause and treatment. Pelvic floor dysfunction is a mechanical problem, blockages and strictures are more complicated. Also, I think you need to talk to a doctor and get a definitive diagnosis. Finding your own diagnosis online is difficult because you lack the diagnostic tools like lab tests or x-rays to make a good differential diagnosis. Not to mention that you've never seen what common ailments look like, so you have no point of reference.

I never used to go to the doctor because I didn't want medical treatment. I've changed my mind - I'll go to the doctor for the diagnosis and then decide how I want to treat the problem. After all, doctors can't arrest you and make you follow medical treatment. In many cases, you will astonish your doctors by how much you can heal with nutrition. If you can't heal yourself, you trudge back to the doctor and admit she was right.

Health / Re: Intestinal blockage
« on: December 16, 2014, 02:03:31 am »
All food is liquid, called chyme, by the time it exits your stomach. (Yes, there are exceptions due to things not working well.) At pretty much the end of the transit, water is absorbed from the chyme. A well-functioning colon will make well-formed stools by eliminating all but the right amount of water. Constipation means that too much water has been removed. Diarrhea means that not enough water has been removed. (That's why people get dehydrated from diarrhea.)

Your whole digestive tract, from mouth to anus, depends on a bazillion different functions, starting with the smell of food, it's taste, the physiobiology of chewing, and the mystifying number of biochemical signals that tell each cell what to do.

Let's say you want to take juices. Then, you are depriving yourself of one of the first digestive signals, chewing. The tongue is a rich array of sensors that trigger chemical processes later on in the stomach. If you drink juice, you're saying, "Screw you, stomach, I'm going to dump some shit in you, and you won't have a clue what to do with it!"

Other dietary extremes wreak other kinds of havoc, like unbalancing your colon's bacteria types, losing or retaining water, or upsetting the mineral balance in your body.

I'd say: Constipated > eat normal amounts of food.
Normal amounts never mean "full" or "stuffed." Eat until "satisfied."

Then, once everything is going well, you can see what comes out.

P.S. I've had pelvic floor dysfunction. I had an operation for it when I was in my 40s. It came back, but never bothers me since I've been eating raw paleo style. I've also have autoimmune issues in my gut, but the usual symptoms have completely healed on this diet.

I switched, cold turkey, from cooked food to RPD. I started feeling better from day one.

Health / Re: Intestinal blockage
« on: December 16, 2014, 01:02:21 am »
I'm confused as to why no one else sees it this way.

Well, I can't see it your way because my experience was the exact opposite.

Why do you need others to see it your way? Like they say, there's more than one way to skin a cat.

Carnivorous / Zero Carb Approach / Re: Keto vs raw diet?
« on: December 15, 2014, 11:28:52 pm »
@eveheart: One, thanks for the "paleo police" comment; I know a lot of people who've signed up on that.


Personally, I'd like to do this to do it; I don't believe it's the end-all-be-all of ultimate fitness or whatever. But yeah, since posting, I've read somewhere that the Inuits' diet was ~15-20+% carbs from all the glycogen in raw meat, so that and organs (if I haven't been lied to) should keep me out of ketosis.

I've read that the glycogen in raw meat "dissipates" quickly, so if you eat meat that you haven't just killed, it won't be a source of glycogen.

But, having said that, I have learned to rely on my own experience and common sense more than the details of other cultures. I think a raw paleo diet based on my locality makes the most sense, and is as close to end-all-be-all as I can come.

Health / Re: Intestinal blockage
« on: December 15, 2014, 11:18:19 pm »
Interesting, I thought raw vegetables and raw meat together would be a terrible combination as they would most likely have completely different digestive processes?

If we had to separate our proteins, fats, and carbohydrates for the purpose of good digestion, we couldn't eat anything from the natural world, because most natural food is composed of more than one macronutrient.

Epsom salt is kind of working. Mostly brown/green water with very small pieces of  excrement(about the size of a chocolate chip/m&m).  Not the solid formed stools I was looking for.

How can you expect a laxative to give you a solid, formed stool, especially when you are overdosing on laxatives?

If you do have strictures (shrunken portions of colon), loops, rectocele, or some other colon deformation, overdoses of laxatives are the LAST thing that a doctor would prescribe. Colon obstruction or deformity is not made better by forcing yourself to have diarrhea.

VERY URGENT: in your post, you quoted me as saying that I've consulted Barefood Herbalist and have leaky gut. Neither is true. I think you have typed your statements in the "quote" box. Please edit or delete that post!

Health / Re: Intestinal blockage
« on: December 15, 2014, 11:37:53 am »
I had bowel movements with castor oil, but I don't believe I was completely cleaned out.

There is no "completely cleaned out" because the bowels have a cycle. They should never be empty, even when you fast with nothing but water.

I'm just worried that this constipation will cause my apendix to burst, rupture my colon.

Constipation does not readily cause the appendix to burst, and the colon does not rupture in normal usage, even if you are constipated.

The correct dose for Epson salts is NOT 2T in 8 oz water! Ugh, how can you even drink that down?

There are truly many conditions that can exist in the colon, such as diverticula, strictures, and leaky gut syndrome. None of them should be treated with relentless laxative abuse.

The common definition of constipation is dry stools that are hard to pass. Have you passed one of these, perhaps with anal tearing so you see a little blood? Because I am beginning to doubt even your report that you are constipated. If you want a well-formed stool, you're going to have to let it happen by eating right. Then, if your colon seems a little sluggish, take a normal dose of a gentle laxative, and find out which laxative works the gentlest for you. The colon wall is complex and it does many jobs, but if you keep ripping at it with laxative abuse, you won't get good results.

General Discussion / Re: Organic Ceylon Cinnamon Powder
« on: December 15, 2014, 09:10:36 am »
Hi, Samantha, just a FYI: I am aware of one of the main "uses" of cinnamon powder is blood sugar control, followed by other uses to help with modern man's ailments. However, eating a raw paleo diet will go beyond the benefits of cinnamon powder. Free or not, why seek a product that is not as effective as eating correctly for our species? The right foods are all around us, and we don't need to send to Ceylon for our remedies.

Carnivorous / Zero Carb Approach / Re: Keto vs raw diet?
« on: December 15, 2014, 09:02:22 am »
@eveheart: Yeah, I got that, but I'm wondering, if I were only eating animal (no dairy products), would I necessarily be eating keto?

Well... yes, if you ate only animal, you would most likely be in ketosis, unless you were massively overeating protein. I'm sure you need to rephrase your question slightly, because I know you are not saying that cutting out dairy products puts you in ketosis.

A paleolithic diet is rarely ketogenic on a year-round basis, unless you went the extra step to limit carbs. I limit carbs to control blood sugar, but I test blood sugar and not ketones. When I do test for ketones, they are usually in the "trace" range because I try to keep my carbs up as high as my blood sugar will allow.

If you have been enjoying a cooked diet that works well for your fitness goals, why not just eat the same foods raw, improving the quality of foods (e.g. grass-fed, organic, etc) if necessary? There are no "paleo police" that say you have to omit raw dairy.

Why are you taking Vitamin D supplements?

Can you just get real sunlight in your part of the world?

GS, welcome to the World of Solid Coconut Oil! The sun gets pretty low in Canada, so I think vit D supplement makes sense. I've had vit D blood tests summer and winter here at 37 N latitude, and I need supplements in the winter. It's unusual to get sunlight on your skin in winter because most of the skin is always covered with clothing. The list of low vit D symptoms can long and vague, including just a "blah" feeling all the time, so it makes sense to pay attention to vit D.

Health / Re: Intestinal blockage
« on: December 14, 2014, 10:06:14 am »
Also, commercial yogurt cannot be made raw, even if they start out with raw milk,  because the milk must be heated to activate the thermophilic (heat-loving) yogurt bacteria strains. Kefir, on the other hand, is a natural raw food when made with raw milk, because kefir strains are mesophilic (grows at lower temperature).

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