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Messages - raw

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General Discussion / Re: Gorillas?
« on: September 28, 2010, 11:57:12 pm »
we don't know the actual mystery of gorillas' bodies  :(. so far i agree with miles that the gorillas in zoo does look much weaker than the gorillas in the jungle.

Omnivorous Raw Paleo Diet / Re: Melons
« on: September 28, 2010, 11:03:16 pm »
yes, i agree that most of the places where i live now it's rare to find seeded watermelons. but if you are lucky enough, you can see some street vendors selling seeded watermelons corner of a main road from ther own trucks. that's how i buy my melons. before my son was born, i used to cultivate huge seeded melons from all kinds.once even i sold my home, showing the huge delicious melons from my back yard. it was so much fun.

water melons are not good digestive food for human bodies. but it definitely good for weight lose or hydrating our system and far more better than our typical drinking water. you can consume the seeds of a melon for medicinal purpose and so does the skin.  :)

after my raw meat lunch, i do crave to eat some melons.

Anybody know of any good websites for pasture raised meats?  Eggs?
where you are located? sometimes, you can get better deal locally than ordering them from online. :) i get my meat delivery on every 14 days  from directly Amish farmers. no hassle at all. :D

Exercise / Bodybuilding / Re: OH YEAH! barefoot run!!! whos going??
« on: September 27, 2010, 10:23:43 am »
hi parker, my toddler always walks on the grass barefooted. i also prefer to walk on wild grass. not those city grown grass. but this event sounds very exiting. me and my family may be can come.

Off Topic / Re: birth control-what is safe to use?
« on: September 26, 2010, 12:38:35 pm »
I believe the caveman / paleo method is:

Have sexual relations if open to pregnancy.

If not open to pregnancy stop having sexual relations.

Male moves on to the next female open to pregnancy for sexual relations.

Repeat many times.
i'm not sure your purpose to have sooo much sex with so much women. usually in animal kingdom is happend, but even than, they respect each other, because love is there. SEX game is pretty dangerous without love.  ;)

Health / Re: Hormonal problems
« on: September 26, 2010, 11:43:50 am »
i agree with kurite. sun is the major tool. you also should try the testicles, which is hard to find. and than comes right diet which you're doing already. our entire system is screwed up really bad. the most important time we pass either being in school or going to work in day time when you can enjoy the sun entirely. i'm afraid of putting my toddler in a school, not because all children eat different than him, but the timing is like a gold for me. i rather keep him under the sun to play.

even my self i found the dramatic result of using this amazing sun. i eat 90% raw meat and last 10% i eat fruits or cooked meat/fish. without sun, your paleolithic diet is incomplete. so this is a vital componant. there's no excuse that you can't be in the sun. at least couple of days a week you can do that.  :D

Journals / Re: Sully's Journal
« on: September 25, 2010, 03:41:48 am »
"new bow, traded pellet gun for"
cool!! you can hunt all year round in my place. :)

Lots of delicious lamb testicles  8)

lamb testicles are so yummy! Gosh, i miss them. please, invite me in your party. :D

    I haven't tried it yet nor know where to get it, but I'd bring: snake to eat, enough snake for everyone.
rawzi, this is a secret between you and me, DON'T TELL MY PARENTS, they will kill me for sure... i get plenty of cool snakes in my country home. they're everywhere. WE'LL SHARE!!!!!! O0

Display Your Culinary Creations / Re: 'girly' Meat & Liver 'salad'
« on: September 24, 2010, 01:04:40 pm »
yuli, my husband always ask me to make meat looks yummy :P!! your creations are awe and your every creation... :-*

love those fruits. i do want to live in philippines to enjoy them. i can die happily after that!!

Call me a bad girl or whatever...but I would make some blood shots for those that still consume some alcohol...
Which would be shots of half good Russian vodka or quality gin, and half blood!  -d
After all its a party right?
cool! i've never drunk any kind of alcohol in my life...i might try your bloody drink.

i'll feed everyone the raw animal stomach!! >D

im in texas, but could potentially meet up for this. sounds awesome. i know how to make a fire with sticks. that could make it more paleo. i also have a wooden bow... this could be badass
sounds great!! now we know who to call when we are in need. this will be the 1st paleolithic village.

Display Your Culinary Creations / Re: Horse meat and horse fat
« on: September 23, 2010, 01:33:16 pm »
looks so good! where do you get that meat from? are they grass fed? people living US can buy this meat?

last question is, what's the advantage of eating one week old meat?

Happy Eating!! :D :D :D

General Discussion / Re: what animals have you eaten raw?
« on: September 23, 2010, 01:06:38 pm »
my toddler eats 1)turtles, 2)beef, 3)lamb, 4)veal; so far no birds yet.

fish: we can't eat raw fish. we feel sick after we eat.

General Discussion / Re: African Hunting Videos
« on: September 23, 2010, 12:00:03 pm »
we definitely raise some bisons. those hunting videos' animals are sooo yammmies!!!


Your thoughts? Good luck to anyone recreating that diet. I thought it was important as it may add some weight to the idea of eating a varied diet not just meat and fat.

i know some people cultivate crocodile which is very popular meat.

rawzi,  genital section exposure in sunbathing  -X is really helpful. people who eat strictly raw food without any starches, get the fast result. it's like complete food for your body and mind. instead of taking vitD supplements, replace this with sunbathing. your body will give you the prove by reducing the pain instantly, positive thoughts and hunger reduction also.

the complete paleolithic diet is incomplete for modern man without sunbathing. i always suffer for leg cramps , after one day of sunbathing that is gone now. also within a day, my gum's stop bleeding and sensitivities are gone now. all those tooth pain is gone now. oil pulling couldn't do that . it's so powerful that if i don't take any food or drink before sunbathing, i feel completely dizzy after sunbathing. i'd highly recommend to your son to do that.   :)

Mentioned int he article...though this shoul;d probably be posted in the "exercise" section:
i just get to watch the 1st video, where the guy talks about the paleolithic exercises, but the second part which is all about the paleo diet is hard to see. can you send me the entire video, please?

obviously, some people will make tons of money to make people to do this paleolithic exercise inside the gym. our idea is to get a big piece of land and to set up complete paleolithic lifestyle. ;)

General Discussion / Re: African Hunting Videos
« on: September 23, 2010, 07:16:51 am »
These videos just go to show how we modernized humans have lost respectful hunting. What we do now is just massacre and torture. There is no longer any reverence in how we get our food.
i agree. our lives are now in more risks than anything else.

What's that side effect? Have you experienced it? What kind of oil have you tried?

itchy skins, sometimes abdominal pains, sometimes loose stools, burning sensation...etc is the side effects. i use, raw sunflower oil, coconut oil, sesame oil... and many other oils.

Exercise / Bodybuilding / Re: Losing too much body fat/weight?
« on: September 22, 2010, 09:02:17 pm »
to wolf, raw paleolithic diet is not a magical diet that by one night you can see the changes. just try slowly where you don't need to punish youself do fasting. i'm way older than you and my entire life i know grain as my staple food. i quit  eating grains and other disturbing food by one night. strong will power work for me. still my mom expect me to feed me rice and she is very health cautious woman. she cooks black wild rice and many times in my past she force to feed me (even i'm a married woman). it doesn't get in her head how to live without eating rice. she eats raw meat too. but her progress is barely visible (probably the age also). me and my son are already enjoying the good health.

positive attitude towards life also plays a key role. always have to be with the thought that i'll be cured from anything...  you are such a bright pretty intelligent young woman and you will be the good example for other young girls' in this forum. wishing you all the best.  :)

Exercise / Bodybuilding / Re: Losing too much body fat/weight?
« on: September 22, 2010, 08:47:39 pm »
Well, I was getting frustrated because even when I completely eliminated wheat/grains for weeks, wasn't even eating any vegetables other than bean sprouts here and there, I was still getting acne.  I mean, I did lose a lot of it, especially off my neck/shoulders/chest/back which was a still a huge relief, but I was still getting some on my face, and also the blemishes/spots left after zits are taking forever to heal, so my face still looks bad with like 50 spots all over it, even if I may only have 4 - 8 actual zits.  I still always have about 3 - 5+ zits on my face at any given time, even while eating completely raw.  But they are smaller now, don't last nearly as long, and don't seem to puff up and inflame or fill with pus nearly as much as they used to, (unless I eat off raw) but I am still constantly getting them.  The spots are still everywhere though, and don't go away very fast at all, some lasting over a month.. especially if a new zit happens to pop up on top of them.. which, since new ones are still always popping up constantly, this happens a lot.

Monogamy is something I highly believe in, especially as I try to emulate the Wolf as much as I can.  I am a virgin, a virgin by choice (for there have been many opportunities for me to lose it) and I shall remain a virgin until I am married.  I have no desire to have sex with anyone other than the one man I wish to spend to rest of my entire life with.

dear rawzi, sunlight is an excellent source of energy. if you put him in the sun sometimes of a day, that will help him a lot. i realize nude sunbathing is excellent for human health. it's way better than oil pulling. sunbathing doesn't have any side effect, but oil pulling does have a side effect.

rawzi, i'm so glad that he's trying. he's such a good boy no doubt. can't wait to hear more miraculous thing about him. wishing his best. convey my love and prayer to him. :D

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