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Messages - eveheart

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Health / Re: Intestinal blockage
« on: December 14, 2014, 06:05:21 am »
What would be served at RPD potluck? I'm lost when it comes to the question of what to eat? Raw eggs for breakfast? Raw meat for lunch and dinner? Any raw veggies?

Imagine you were just hanging around in your cave and you wanted a bite to eat. Think about what you would be able to find in your ancient environment. Then, go the market and find foods that are quite similar to what you would have found then. Hint: none of these foods come in packages, cans, boxes, or tins.

Right now in my fridge and pantry:

Beef femur and humurus bones
Lamb liver, beef eye of round, ground beef
rock cod, tuna, herring
various fermented vegetables
cauliflower, celery, onion, mushrooms, avocado, limes, olives
seaweeds: fucus, alaria, sea tangle, kelp, sea palm, laver
beef fat, coconut oil, butter
pine nuts, walnuts, pistachios

and already on my shopping list for when I go to my Korean supermarket:

Korean radish
salmon roe, clams, squid
leaves (I don't know what the h___ they are, but tasty)

and on thetree at my front door:

about 100 ripe oranges!

Almost everything sourced locally, except for tuna, herring, coconut oil, and salmon roe.

Carnivorous / Zero Carb Approach / Re: Keto vs raw diet?
« on: December 14, 2014, 02:12:04 am »
Ketogenic diet and raw paleo diet are two separate things, but you can keto-adapt on a RPD with no problem at all.

Health / Re: Intestinal blockage
« on: December 14, 2014, 12:35:10 am »
At 12am EST, right before going to bed, I took 5 table spoons of Castor oil and had some Gaia Rapid Relief Herbal Tea. At about 330/4am i awoke and had severe liquid bowel movements for the next hour or so. There was lots of in digested food chunks(I need to chew my foods more, always been a problem), and other things I could not make out. What bothered be most was the endless gurgling sound coming from intestines/stomach? It does not sound healthy at all! Would it be safe to assume I have leaky/ a damaged gut or intestines? 

Castor oil is a bowel stimulant, and you took more than the maximum adult dose. The Gaia tea has senna, also a bowel stimulant. These types of stimulants work by gentle (or not) irritation of the bowel tract. All that gurgling and mucus indicates that your remedies worked the way they are supposed to work. I would refrain from prescribing a diet based on your reaction to bowel stimulants. It would be best if you tried eating a "normal" raw paleo diet. By normal, I mean that, despite our individual differences in taste and climate, we here all seem to eat basically the same way. If we all went to a RPD potluck, we'd all enjoy the foods that everyone brought.

If you are worried about parasites, why not get a stool test to see if you have them. Certainly, you cannot expect us to know if you have them, but you can find plenty of discussions about ignoring parasites vs testing for parasites vs doing a broad-spectrum herbal parasiticide once or twice a year.

By all means, any condition such as leaky gut can begin to heal on a raw paleo diet. It can take a while, and you won't really "know" when the gut lining has been healed, but your improved health will let you know that you are getting better.

Jesus also said "eat bread, it's my flesh", so gluten must be Paleo too?  :P Just kiding

Yeah, however the part where he said, "Just kidding," was left out of the canon.

I wish someone knowledgeable would take the time to answer them. IMO I wouldn't eat high meat made from frozen meat. Being air tight for a few days could be a problem, it gives time for bad bacteria to grow

Actually, a dozen or replies here plus various similar discussions on other threads indicate that many people took the time to answer the OP.

However, most of the discussion revolves around people's opinions - you even gave your own opinion. Even if we got all "scientific" and measured the cell breakdown and bacterial growth of controlled samples of frozen vs never-frozen meat, I doubt if we would all come to the same conclusion.

I propose that a consensus is not desirable here - it would only lead to dogma. IMO, it's best to take everybody's input and form your own conclusions, which are subject to change, of course!

Health / Re: Intestinal blockage
« on: December 13, 2014, 11:03:29 am »
Dissolve about 6-8 TABLESPOONS of unrefined sea salt (celtic gray or fleur de sel, ideally, although any salt will work) in about 1 quart/liter of warm water. Drink it quickly, within 10 minutes or so. Repeat this every 30 minutes until you poop.

This saline bowel flush is the one I would use because it has never caused me cramping. The salt water does not get into your bloodstream, it just washes through you and empties your bowels on its way out. You can spend a while on the toilet, so don't do this when you have to go out.

One thing I keep thinking about is that the Bible calls the Promised Land "a land flowing with milk and honey." It appears that raw natural honey and raw grass-fed dairy should be something good.

That phrase was written well after the paleolithic era! And it's no wonder that milk and honey were mentioned... Milk (before the fat is skimmed out) is a creamy delicacy with none of the gaminess of animal fat. Honey's natural sweetness was around long before mankind invented extraction of concentrated sugar from plant juices. Magnify this by the fact that the land was actually a desert, and it's easy to imagine that the phrase was nothing more than a metaphor for the life of abundance.

Anyways, even nowadays, the foods that signal opulent dining are not always good. I guess I live in the Land of Milk Duds and Honey-Toasted O's.

Is there nothing we can eat?  ;)

Relax! In terms of this discussion of the adult diet, this animal flesh is like that animal flesh, and the same similarities apply to other human foods; whereas milk is completely unlike other dietary components. Maybe that makes sense, or maybe I'm just looking for a simple reason why milk is so "toxic" to me.

Health / Re: Intestinal blockage
« on: December 13, 2014, 06:36:58 am »
I was thinking along those lines, too. Specifically, when you have severe constipation, the lower stools get drier and drier, while the nether stools stay very watery. If the dried-out stool is too big and hard to come out, the watery stools may pass around it because of the build-up of pressure above the blockage.

Do you have discomfort? If you're not sure about how to do an enema, maybe you have a nice friend who is a nurse who can help you do an enema without thinking you're an idiot? There are professional colon hydrotherapists who can help, too. Youtube has a lot of how-to videos, even with topics like enemas.

Health / Re: Intestinal blockage
« on: December 12, 2014, 01:08:46 pm »
Please clarify: Are you saying that you haven't had a solid bowel movement in a week, but that it's coming out as diarrhea? Or nothing at all has come out for a week?

Omnivorous Raw Paleo Diet / Re: Let's Talk about Raw Pistachios!
« on: December 12, 2014, 12:19:14 pm »
Pistachios (and other tree nuts) are a major crop in California (see Cherimoya Kid's comment). The quality of most raw pistachios are questionable because they get mishandled and stored too long, so it's important to find out about the source, which is easier if you are eating local. They are a fall crop here, so the annual crop is ready for sale around October or November. If you don't know the year of the crop, then you could be getting nuts that are many years old, especially if the price is a real sweet deal. If you do find a recent crop, they can be stored airtight in the freezer to prevent them from getting rancid. IMO, once you taste a fresh raw pistachio, you'll quickly reject the musty taste of a rancid one.

I'm sort of lost, but I'll continue on my journey... Im quite lost as to where to take the next step..

Perhaps I'm lost, too, because I don't understand why you are asking for advice on a raw paleo forum about how to modify your cooked diet with food supplements. So, for your vacation, I would recommend a simple raw paleo diet consisting of seasonal, quality foods.

No more farmed salmon, which has been raised on its own excrement and corn. No more plums in the dead of winter. No more searching for diseases that match your symptoms.

Get yourself a good baseline of health on all-raw foods and then let your appetite decide what to eat and what to avoid.

How about six weeks on RPD (raw = RAW!, paleo = the way a "caveman" used to eat)?

Include activities that "cavemen" used to enjoy, such as exposing your skin to the sun. It's okay to leave your shorts on.

Let's see that Leap of Faith that you keep bragging about!

CK, I'm going for the roe details now: which ones are you buying salted, which are frozen, and which are still in the animal? I love salmon roe and buy them "prepared" by sieving and salting. Dungeness crab season is starting here in California, do you ever find roe in live crab?

P.S. are you in California now?

CK, what roe do you buy?

You're right..this is just unskillful emotion processing..

Not "just" unskillful emotion processing, you are creating more digestive problems by being stressed out than you could probably create by eating the wrong carbs.

If I google "digestion" and "stress" I get 36 million responses like this one:
...The gut is especially vulnerable to the presence of chronic (and even acute) stress, demonstrating stress-induced changes in gastric secretion, gut motility, mucosal permeability and barrier function, visceral sensitivity and mucosal blood flow. There has also been evidence to suggest that gut microbiota may respond directly to stress-related host signals.

In other words, your digestion shuts down in response to the stress that you are creating, and the foods you eat remain undigested or partially digested. The parts of your food that are not digested become automatic toxins. You are poisoning yourself!

The problem with a self-induced stress habit is that we perceive it as a positive stimulus, it makes us feel more alive if we can create a constant adrenalin rush. Managing your mental status with tools like meditation and relaxation turns off the draining adrenalin rush and replaces it with real happiness from endorphins and other up-mood hormones.

Quitting school is not on the list, let's just put it that way.

Then stop acting like school is so stressful. Whatever your reason for being there, if it's what you do, then do it with aplomb.

i'm really tired of this life..

Why not go see the new movie about Stephen Hawking, called The Theory of Everything. If someone with his situation can carry on with life, you can certainly manage with the cards that you have been dealt in life. Develop resilient thinking. "Resilience is the ability to overcome challenges and adversities and turn them into opportunities. Resilience is seeing stepping stones instead of obstacles. It is seeing options and possibilities instead of dead ends. Resilience is learning from mistakes and failures and not staying within the failure or developing a negative mindset."

It's not "this life" that's getting you down... it's you. All the other answers you are looking for - such as, which carbs? - will become clear when you stop your negative thinking.

Display Your Culinary Creations / Re: Fish head smoothie Video
« on: December 09, 2014, 10:29:26 pm »
... our gastric juices must be strong enough to dissolve even big pieces of spines, they are not as hard as bones. (and maybe we can even dissolve little pieces of bones?)

There was a study I read about where the researcher swallowed a whole small rodent and then examined his feces for bone remnants. He found that no bones exited his digestive tract intact.

What I would also suggest is to just leave school, leave and never return, for it doesn't do you any good, nor ever will. It's a waste of life and health. Might sound "harsh", but it's a simple truth I know too well on my own and when looking at all these "achieved and educated" people who can't even see what's right in front of them, who don't know themselves nor the world they are in, yet are regarded as "superior".
What I would suggest would be, at least eventually, to somehow get out of the city, to a clean countryside or such place. Current cities are of death, and getting worse.
These are the hardest things to comprehend and do... because what's needed to make these happen are on the mental level and the emotional level, and requires going against what you were raised to know and live with and live in your entire previous life.

This may not be such a bad idea, but before you stop school, ask yourself, "Is my education a step or a goal?"

If "getting a diploma" is the goal of your education, drop out now! Getting a degree just for the sake of a degree is pointless.

But, if your education is a step in the direction of a good goal, then put a smile on your face and finish up. Make it look easy! For example, my goal was to have a certain occupation, and my government says I need a certain certificate to do that work, so I got two degrees and a handful of certificates that say that I can do exactly what I want to do for a living.

Tap Water: It's the city's responsibility to deliver a low-bacteria water; it is your responsibility to make that water safe to drink. One reason you don't want to drink tap water is because the chlorine in it will kill the good bacteria in your gut. Another reason that tap water is not for drinking is because the chlorine and fluoride mess up some of your body's basic cell functions.

Cold Therapy: If you don't want to go for a polar swim, you can still get some benefit with cold water in a tub or shower. Even a cold shower spray from the waist down is good beginner style. There are also instructions online for cold therapy with a bowl of ice cube and water.

City Living: I live in a large city, and have done so for most of my life. I'm sure my health has suffered from the ambient stressors, but one thing I have to tell you is that IF you are going to stay in a city, you must learn how to meditate. How much? Keep practicing until you can go through school and exams without thinking that they are stressful. (They aren't!) As the saying goes, "The best way to learn how to meditate is to practice at an inner-city bus-stop at rush hour."

I use a Zen "technique" to eat bitter melon - expect it to be bitter! There are two varieties sold in my area: warty Chinese bitter melon, and spiny Thai bitter melon. The Thai type is more bitter. I eat them sliced, raw. You can buy them stuffed and cooked in delicatessens around here. I'd say that they are edibly bitter. If someone wanted everything to taste like a burger, fries, and a shake, these gourds are probably not considered edible.

General Discussion / Re: Brushing your teeth
« on: December 08, 2014, 09:52:41 am »
I wonder if any of you have ideas about the following.   I used to used hydrogen peroxide, baking soda, mms solutions etc...

I don't think that those solutions can kill all bacteria in the low concentrations used in the mouth, but I think that they should be thought of as therapeutic and used only for a specific reason. For example, I used mms solution diluted as a mouthwash to help treat gingivitis infection, and it really helped my gums heal completely. (I've heard of using hydrogen peroxide for the same reason, but hydrogen peroxide burns the body's cells - it cleans and harms at the same time. H2O2 also works as a oxygenator, purportedly killing anaerobic bacteria that rot the gums.) Once gingival pockets have formed along the gum line, the gums can no longer protect the root margins of the teeth, and mild disinfectants can be used to keep that area clean. In my case, the gum pockets closed, but my gums had already receded and have not grown back. I want my dental care to prevent problems that would not be there if my gums had not been infected in the first place.

I still brush with baking soda for no reason at all, except that I like the way my mouth tastes afterwards.

I store and eat the fat along with the meat that it came from. Actually, if you got the whole animal, the fat would come with it - the only reason you have to buy it separately is because the butcher trims all the fat away before he sells you the muscle.

General Discussion / Re: Brushing your teeth
« on: December 05, 2014, 05:55:07 am »
I had severe plaque buildup and gum disease that reversed itself with RPD eating. For brushing, I use baking soda. I also use dental floss and a water jet. I'm very fussy about keeping my teeth clean, and I don't like food caught between my teeth. I get my teeth cleaned by a dental hygienist twice a year because it's been a habit I like, and I always get complimented about my teeth and gums.

It sucks but right now I'm completely dependent on coffee to stay awake.

Uh... people who say that are probably the ones who should quit drinking coffee altogether. Just sayin'. It only takes a few days to get over the ups-and-downs from coffee, then you will have steady energy and your jittery head will calm down.

Written in an extremely mentally-screwed up state.. It's so interesting how when my mood is skewed, I go in straight tunnel vision. Still cannot seem to get out of this rut.

If all else fails, the holidays are almost here. Do you get a break? Before that, you can take mental breaks by forcing yourself to think about something that makes you happy. Really force happy thoughts and dwell on them, and your body will clear out the bio-chemicals of your bad moods. I've read about this (called hard-wiring happiness), it really does change your brain chemistry, out of the rut.

Health / Re: Not healing, health problems on raw paleo
« on: December 04, 2014, 02:46:57 am »
I will try the cooked squash, did you add fat to the squash ?

I wasn't eating raw food at the time, and I just steamed and mashed the squash. The constipation was a result of another medical treatment, and my doctor had prescribed stool softener plus senna, but I ended up with a stool texture that didn't poop out very well plus cramps. I had also tried psyllium husks, but that caused anal itching for me. That's why experimentation is good - you get information that is customized to your body. It doesn't take too long for the gut to populate itself with the right kind of bacteria for the food you are eating, so you should find out what works in a relatively short amount of time.

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