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Messages - raw

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like today i open up a big kidney and through away around 2 lbs of fat from two. depends, last month, i've received 10 pairs of total kidneys. so you can imagine how much fat that could be. this month i've four of them left. my farmar charges $2.00 per pound.

kurite,  that's a very good point. my tenant has a dog and i hear that  dog eats raw meat. i'll give those to him. thanks.

Sully, I know this is off topic, but you seem around my age so I have a question for you. Where do you get affordable grass fed finished fat? I just got some grainfed suet from the butcher because that is the only source of fat I can get around me as of now(unless I find another source). I dont know if it is worth it to eat the grainfed suet or not, what you think? All the online sites sell the stuff for a hefty price.
if you can drive from pa to nj, you can get the best quality suet from me for free. also i can introduce my farmer who lives in pa and he can provide that to you. he's little expansive though.

Display Your Culinary Creations / Re: Curry-style beef bowl
« on: September 22, 2010, 04:31:13 am »
i should put my innovative recipe where i bound my husband to feed raw meat for the 1st time of his life. after that, past one month, he's eating a pound of total muscle meat and all kinds of organs regularly in the morning before he leaves home and enjoy the entire day.
Yuli, thanks to you for this beautiful recipe and i'll make this to my husband.

give it to me/feed it to birds or something.
good idea miles. anyone lives close by to me have them for free. you can't compare those kinds of fat in the wholefood. solely grassfed animals' fat. in my past many times i put those fat in my freezer and they stay good. i buy entire beef and my freezer gets loaded after that.

I am throwing away so much of grass fed beef's kidney fat. I feel gassy eating beef fat. Only I eat brain or bone marrows. So much of these kidney fat, I put into the garbage and that make me sad. What to do with them? I pay $5.00 pound for a kidney. With fat , for a kidney, I pay even more and waste all those money into the water. Anyone has any idea, what to do ?  :( Thanks in advance.

Nice, spring is a good time. Baby deer can be killed with bare hands!

Following wolves or other predators is good too. Let them do the work, then we swarm them with sticks. Paleo people must have done this.

Yeah, we need some land! Maybe we should all donate money for a paleo land!
sully , let the world know this! also we're hosting some thing which will be real paleo in my country home by next summer (hoping). where anyone can come and host the guest like paleolithic way to get donations for the land.

yes, that's the idea. that's the reason we need a land where we all go hunting together. we need lots of people to support us to make our dream come true.  ;D

Exercise / Bodybuilding / Re: Losing too much body fat/weight?
« on: September 20, 2010, 12:03:14 pm »
beauty is the eye of beholder. for me, health comes 1st, so, the beauty of the body will ultimately turn on. i see female will become more feminine and man will become more manly (masculine) on a proper diet. we all should appreciate the way we look. everyone is beautiful and attractive. the more you want to know about someone, the more you will like that person.  8)

after eating raw meat, i also found myself more tuned. i'm also very sedated myself. coming from a culture where woman hardly do anything but cooking and raising children. but i also found the women are more attractive with body fat in some way. bengali women usually have round arms, heavy breast, round butt...etc they are gorgeous! i don't look like them though. people call me skinny.

General Discussion / Re: Room temp water or cold water?
« on: September 20, 2010, 10:42:08 am »

Cold water takes energy to make it to body temp. Perhaps using the energy to make it warm, helps keep are bodies warm in cold climates.

that's the reason, cold water perhaps  good for weight lost .

Off Topic / Re: Chlorine In Water
« on: September 20, 2010, 10:36:25 am »
well, USA is all about capitalism. poor swims in the deadly chlorine water, while those million $ homes offer the well water pool. in third world poor swims in a clean water, while rich swims in toxic chlorine water pool. O0

but regular city water is not even better than those chlorine pool water. you will find yourself far more healthy not having shower on this. put something like wheat grass in your water to shower or bath.

unpolluted river and lakes are very good for swimming. i swim in atlantic ocean a lot (Jones beach in long island new york). i love it. i found my skin looks good and my nails shine after that.

General Discussion / Re: Room temp water or cold water?
« on: September 20, 2010, 10:20:17 am »
Room temp water or cold water?
prefer room temp H2O. people with good health generally like room temperature.

also love the ionized water which i prefer warmed by sun.

don't mind to drink some well water from my back home which is generally cool as ice (in a tropical place) from clay pitcher. this is the best drink I ever  had in my life. :D

Health / Re: Bleeding gums
« on: September 18, 2010, 01:06:36 pm »
i almost cure my bleeding gum (98%) by one night just doing the nude sun bathing after taking staight 5 months in raw paleo diet. nothing helps me accept sunbathing. :D

Health / Re: Salmonella food poisoning
« on: September 18, 2010, 01:02:27 pm »
    No problem here as long as the chicken is truly pasture raised etc.  Wild turkey, wow, I should try that one.  Was it hard for you to get?  I was scared of trying chicken at first, more than all the other meats.  It did me no harm though.  I stopped eating it this year; because most of the chicken around has never seen the light of day.
i see so many of them(wild turkeys) in my country home. they are roaming around my property all day long. i'll try soon and you can join with me.

i love the lady gaga's photo too. so cool!

also i don't mind to talk with your son. i strongly believe that the raw meat is the most powerful curative, preventive diet. can't wait to see that when he's trying. probably we can see more miraculous things happening to him through raw meat diet. 

Health / Re: Salmonella food poisoning
« on: September 18, 2010, 05:34:28 am »
Note to every newbie here:- Avoid raw chicken like the plague, no matter how organic or grassfed it is. Chickens, even organic ones are in 99.9% of cases so intensively farmed and fed organic soy and other crap , that they are nutritionally worthless, quite aside from potential side-effects. Go for animals raised on grass such as raw lamb etc.
this is the same reason i never tried raw chicken ever. i don't mind the wild turkeys though.

dear rawzi, i'm so excited that your son wants to eat raw meat. if you find a very reliable source of meat, than by the name of God, give him some. i hate to say that, in case of his emergency for God sake, i'll go to the hospital and lie to them about raw meat. that means let them to find out what's inside of his body 1st. anyway, they will not leave your son alone. they will treat him.

it happens to my son, when he started vomitting middle of the night in his sleep. than started bleeding. me and my husband got very worried and took him to the hospital. 1st they ask us some common questions and than they tested his blood and everything and found nothing. eating clean raw meat, no one gets sick (that i know so far). wishing you and your son the best.

P.S. don't forget to see the personal messages. i miss you rawzi.

Hot Topics / Re: gwyneth paltrow vegetarian diet nearly killed her
« on: September 17, 2010, 12:28:06 pm »
vegetarian people need more sun than anyone else. it's been claimed that the sun is the main food for human and for all other livings. that also says that yogi can live without eating anything but just staying under the sun. sun is devine food for human no doubt.

Off Topic / Re: Photos of your home or local area
« on: September 16, 2010, 10:55:34 am »
i'm also impressed with the beauty of new york state. it has it's own reputation. no wonder that real estate is pretty expansive here. greatest city and the greatest state of the world!


Off Topic / Re: Dengue Fever Treatment Plan eBook
« on: September 16, 2010, 10:37:34 am »
i wonder if anyone can get this fever who eats raw meat regularly!

Omnivorous Raw Paleo Diet / Re: attn. parents! need some advice
« on: September 16, 2010, 10:25:14 am »
hi shannon, thank you for being such a great mom for your children. i know how hard it is being myself a child transforms from extreme vegetarian and raw vegan diet to almost now zero crab paleolithic diet.  i traine him from his early age.he is raw from birth. i used to make vegan food all day long. most of the time he vomits  -v than. motherhood i take so seriously that i almost forget that i'm a human myself. anyway, those days are gone and he's more enjoying his raw paleo . i have more time and less mess. good luck. 

Personals / Re: Yon and GS meet up - you should too!
« on: September 15, 2010, 04:45:13 am »
i know how yon and gs feel about there meet up when i just had a conversation with sully last night... it feels so great!  rawzi supposed to meet me in brooklyn, ny, instead she met with my parents in georgia. so, i'm also waiting to meet up with our paleo friends nationally and internationally. Yon,  if you want, you can stop by my home too for couple of days on your way.

Personals / Re: Raising Livestock Yourself
« on: September 15, 2010, 04:33:18 am »
I agree...unfortunately you can't make enough money in farming. We would hope to at least break even. Raising livestock and growing certain vegetation is definitely a good idea.

It seems we're all in similar financial situations that would require jobs on the side, but I still hope we can get something together for the near future.
hi, i live in nothern nj too. i'm also interested for paleo farming buying up something in upstate ny. i can't afford by my own to do this alone. so, if we get enough people, that will do the job. i own a home in upstate ny, where rawzi and djr want to meet me over there. in the future sometimes, i wish you can join with us there too. we can also search some farming properties together. thanks.

General Discussion / Re: Dry Skin?
« on: September 13, 2010, 09:22:40 am »
egg yolks and oily fish (lots of fat) are very good for dry skin. if you're completely raw eater, than try nude sunbathing. the dry condition of the skin will disappear in no time (of course, depands on your body type and immune system). skin is the main visible organ which reflects the inner health of a person. please, avoid the soap and use soft clean water for shower or avoid taking shower.

Journals / Re: Sully's Journal
« on: September 11, 2010, 02:06:22 pm »
Some Wild Fruits

Wild Plum

Wild Grape

other day, my little boy asks me "ma grapes! ma grapes" , i do not pay attention him and entire day long on and off he asks that. at last i've seen those very delicious wild grapes vines just right in my own home that my son is asking me. his eyes are everywhere in the jungle.

Sully, please, tell me how do i get that wild plum's tree? i want them in my country home to grow. all wild and exotic plants fascinate me.

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