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Personals / Re: Raising Livestock Yourself
« on: September 11, 2010, 01:45:30 pm »
I think the best chance you have to make something happening quick is to run an add in your local area to all people interested in joining for a co-op.

You can tout the health benefits of organic farming, but do not mention raw paleo (until maybe later) as that could scare most people away.

i'm sorry to say that, Sully will live only with paleolithic people. from now through the next couple of years is a good to get a home like that. cash deal will be the best. but if all of us contributes little money from our pockets and get all these freedom, that all we want. simple life, stress free life... for me it's more important,'cause i've a child to raise.

Carnivorous / Zero Carb Approach / Re: The complete Paleo Diet
« on: September 09, 2010, 12:12:57 pm »
Yes, of course, but fat is not muscle meat. Do you know anyone who eats only muscle meat?
my mom is eating only muscle meats. she still eating rice (wild rice), but her excuse is she is eating everyday very small amount (comparing to my country where people eat big bowl of rice 2 or 3 times a day). she still suffering and i try my best to improve her health.

General Discussion / Re: Nude sunbathing testosterone rises 200%
« on: September 03, 2010, 11:15:14 pm »
THANKS A LOT for this wonderful video. sun gazing and sun bath  makes so much sense . i will be providing the further information after doing the sun gazing and nude sunbathing. i'm not sure for how long i can take this advantage using the sun when winter is coming. he also mentions the power of raw food over cooked food. overall excellent video!

General Discussion / Re: Nude sunbathing testosterone rises 200%
« on: September 03, 2010, 02:14:21 pm »
Hi all, i just get an amazing result just for about 25 minutes of naked sun bathing. i'm a light skinned woman from south east asia. but my face and arms already burn from sun (i mean that's the only thing i expose being a Muslim woman. i never wear shorts or anything like that in the sun). i also write some topics about bleeding gums...etc. for past 3 months of straight simple raw paleo diet can't stop my bleeding gum. i tried everything until the other day i've decided to put myself naked under the sun (only my entire back part). i am amaized to see no blood in my gum and some toothache also has gone immediately. the worst part is i'm fasting and it's so difficult to go under the hot sun without drinking water for almost 24 hours. but i don't want to miss this strong sun for this summer. so i'm fasting all day long and sun bathing for 30 minutes. another thing i realize that if i stay more than 20 minutes, i feel that my breathing gets shorter or i can't breath. i'm so curious to know that, which parts of our body makes more vit D? anyone knows!!

Health / Re: Depression ? Can I use this diet to get off my meds?
« on: August 21, 2010, 01:38:19 pm »
depression also runs in my family. my own brother has bipolar and every year he's becoming worse. he's severely suffering. Angeline, your informations are really helpful. i wonder, if you consume those wild salmons raw. it's difficult to feed my brother and he hates fish. he suffers with his bad stomach, ears and nose (he'd a surgery and become worse) inffections often. now he's very suicidal. most of the year he stays in hospitals. he changes his mind thousands time a day. he claims that he gets a fly inside his ear...etc. i was also depressed (very mild) before i started raw paleo. i used to get very angry for no reason after my nap in the middle of the day. i know the suffering from depression. it's harder than the cancer or aids. 

General Discussion / Re: Which way to go when having to compromise
« on: August 21, 2010, 11:33:23 am »
i eat once a day. so, if i go out for entire day long, i eat my raw meat right before i go out. rest of the day i eat frest fruits. if i really miss those cooked junk food (not because i'm hungry), than probably beef jerkey or any cooked meat or fish. if i go out for couple of days, than i carry my own raw meat and eat them my suitable time when no one sees me. my toddler eats his raw meat in the public park, restaurents, st...etc. you can imagine, 'cause i blend the entire meat and organs and fats and no one can predict what i'm feeding him. he only eats twice a day (morning and evening). between these meals, he might eat, freshly squeezed orange juice with water, fresh dandelions or other wild green leaves juice (once a week or twice), half banana and freshly picked apples from the trees...etc. the bottom line is, i don't like to compromise  over my paleolithic diet. ;)

General Discussion / Re: Tonight's dinner made me sick...
« on: August 21, 2010, 09:45:42 am »
I got my bison back fat yesterday, and my bison adrenals, and had some tonight for dinner. I had about 6oz of grass fed bottom round steak, 3-4oz of back fat, and one adrenal gland (about .4 ounces). I ate it all cold straight form the fridge. Afterwards I had a sour stomach that lasted for hours and drove me to find some soothing comfort foods (not raw paleo, green tea with honey, chocolate covered peanuts and cole slaw seemed to be what I was craving). This took the edge off the sour stomach. I will probably have some more green tea after posting this.

Anyone have any experience with this kind of issue? How much adrenal gland should I be eating in a sitting? Was it the cold fat? I am going to experiment with warming (not cooking) the food next time I have the stomach to eat. The thought of eating raw meat/fat/glands right now is so repulsive even 4 hours later.

I have been eating cold meat with room temp raw egg yolks with no problems for days. I am unsure the culprit in tonight's meal.

i had some food poisoning after consuming a tiny amount of fresh adrenal gland, until i went to toilet to flush that out. i give my toddler adrenal gland with other muscle meat and organs and he never had that problem. so, i think we can't eat just adrenal gland without consuming other organs all together.

Personals / Re: Raising Livestock Yourself
« on: August 21, 2010, 09:25:46 am »
I'm referring the place in new york state. Recently I've purchased a property in new york state (I also own a home in Brooklyn, NY and in new  jersey). I lived in Georgia in my past. but, new york is the best. city has it's own charm and it is very diverse. When you live in new york country, it's beautiful (especially the land is so fertile and so much wild lives existed). I can arrange to buy 75 acres of plain land with creek, old apple orchard and plenty of wild berries, frogs, wild turkeys, rabbits...etc and another 22 acres extra land next to my country home. it's less than 80 miles from new york city. Total of 97 acres of completely rural land. I also can get a better deal, 'cause these lands belong to the same farmer family who sold me the house.  My husband does eat raw meat often, but he follows cooked paleo diet. My child is 100% raw paleo. I'll Post some pictures and I will look for more properties like that. If we all contributes some (locally and internationally), we can definitely make anything possible.

General Discussion / Re: Hydration, how?
« on: August 21, 2010, 08:54:40 am »
I'm Muslim and doing the month long fasting . It's so fascinating that after doing raw meat diet for couple of months, my thrust almost gone. so when i break my fast, i drink a glass or two glasses of water with raw meat, but nothing else. When i strated paleo diet, i did not feel this way, i felt more dehydration. I find that if we stop eating anytype of salt, that helps a lot to hydrate the body (I was saltoholic). Fresh cucumber, seeded watermelon, or other fresh fruits will be a great aid from the beginning, but when body will adjust with this paleo diet, we don't need all of these to eat.

General Discussion / Re: What are you eating right now?
« on: August 21, 2010, 08:15:00 am »
my three years old toddler eats raw soft shell turtle for diner. he's now 9 months straight raw paleo diet and his health is so vibrant!

Personals / Re: Raising Livestock Yourself
« on: August 21, 2010, 03:04:38 am »
Caotue and I have been talking about starting up a farm quite a bit lately. We kind of decided a good place would be near the great lakes.
We need some more people.
Let me know anybody. ;) send me a pm
why not in new york? our international friends also can donate something to build up or purchase and when they'll visit USA, they will live in that land to enjoy hunthing.  l)
my husband is a well established and successful person in Wall St. it's out of my hand to ask him to move out from New York.

General Discussion / Re: Turtle Meat?
« on: August 19, 2010, 02:15:15 pm »
my toddler ate one big table spoon of soft turtle meat today. i blend that with the ground veal and raw butter. i bought that soft turtle from china town, manhattan. probably, i can buy couple of live turtles (little meat cost me $16) and put those in my swampy country land to grow.

Hot Topics / Re: Worms..?
« on: August 09, 2010, 07:04:26 am »
i did every thing with my hook worms. nothing was successfull, until i went to a monk to get a treatment which was extremely effective. after that, i'm in paleolithic diet and no matter what i eat, i never get that itchy feeling from my worm (1st time in my life). now it's been a year like this. i'm eating enormous amount of beef stomach without cleaning it properly. still i don't get that worms. so, i think paleo diet is superb. don't worry about worms. just eat better and in a strong body, worms can't bother you.

Carnivorous / Zero Carb Approach / Re: High-meat effects?
« on: August 09, 2010, 06:54:19 am »
my brother is severely mentally ill. if any day we can manage to give him high meat, he feels great and he believes into other spiritual thing as a side effect. but, we are not that lucky to give him that all the time. he is now in mental institution . only the age of 23. it's so hard to bear all these miseries for my family and myself  :'(. so, i always stay on high meat. i don't want anyone to suffer with mental illness. in this forum, we should look for all those miraculous cures using high meat.

Journals / Re: Sully's Journal
« on: August 06, 2010, 01:56:27 pm »
sully, i do get some wild cherries. when we eat wild, it's thousand times better than those farming food. i see your hand palm is very reddish, very good. your journal is very interesting indeed!

Personals / Re: Raising Livestock Yourself
« on: August 02, 2010, 12:02:30 pm »
Nice, I only got eyeballs and testes form wild animals.

Got you own property now. Did you get any of the animals you mentioned?
I am interesting in joining anyone who shares similar goals of mine! ;)

But, you know, what if I bought some land. And started a small community that got most of there food from hunting instead of farming? That would be illegal I guess (can't hunt all year round. Only Certain times and license is needed for legal activity)

But yeah, hooking up and raising animals would be nice. Perhaps you wouldn't even have to sell meat solely for income. Petting zoo? No feeder pellets, just give them some dandelion greens like I did at a farm. People were giving these already bloated goats pellets, and I gave em some dandelion greens :)

Or even have somewhat of a school to teach people about animals or something. Kids could take school field trips to the farm. Have people come and pick apples or other fruit. they pick what they want, and i'll just sell it buy the pound.

I don't want to turn into this big company. With thousands of animals. Just a small piece of land and be at peace with "enough money" TO LIVE HAPPY.
sully, same way i think too. for me farming is only which is a hobby farm where me and my toddler will  enjoy animals as they are our pets. to eat them, i better prefer to go in wild and hunt them (even though i never done that before). in new jersey, you can hunt animals all year round from your property. in new york you can do that too, but i don't know the rules in other place else. i've just bought my country home and renovating this now. but i do see bunch of wild turkeys and deers all around my property. we (raw paleolithic diet) definitely need to build up our own community. when i go out with my toddler, it's not normal for him seeing other toddlers eating all those unhealthy foods when he only knows raw meat as his staple food. i mean it's really hard to see that entire civilized society on a wrong diet.   ???

for real, i am interested to do that. we all should contribute labors or money or both to build up a small community. if the land is huge and we are just a small group living in jungle, who'll know that! in Hawaii, some people living like that too (they are raw foodist, but not raw meat eaters). :D

Personals / Re: Anyone in NJ?
« on: August 01, 2010, 11:04:23 am »
i live in new jersey and new york where i own couple of homes. i'm doing paleo diet almost a year now, so does my toddler. i'll be very happy to meet you too. i know that rawkale and some other people from new jersey too. i've an investment property in irvington, nj. more time i live in brooklyn, ny. please, let me know.

Personals / Re: Raising Livestock Yourself
« on: August 01, 2010, 10:59:21 am »
Hah thanks!
I can see my self screaming in a market! I got EYBALLS! WHO WANTS EYEBALLS? TESTES! ANYONE NEED TESTES? Haha just kidding.
But yeah when I raise animals, I will allow my costumers to have anything they want! Everyone should be able to have anything from the animal.
sully, U R AWESOME and so does your topic ! this is so interesting that recently i'm buying my products from an amish farmer from PA and i pay huge bills for eyeballs, testes, ovaries, glands, stomach, brain...etc. you just name it. i get them twice a month supply. comparing to buy from internet, this is the best. raising livestock also my life long dream. i see my entire family in back home does that. recently i've bought a country property to raise my own goat, sheep, deer, cow, roosters, ducks, turtles...etc. if there's a chance that we can do something together, i'm very interested to join with you. all the best!

General Discussion / Re: Nude sunbathing testosterone rises 200%
« on: August 01, 2010, 10:33:52 am »
i always put my three yrs old boy naked under the sun. i also believe nude sunbathing, but never done that for myself. we're too civilized... nice topic indeed!

General Discussion / Re: Water ionizers
« on: July 23, 2010, 02:51:37 pm »
one of my sisters are really crazy about this ionized water. she never tries raw meat in her life, but she's so big on this water. i want to know the truth too...

personally, i'd choose to buy conventional fertile eggs to eat. when i go to any farm and see the chickens and roosters are roaming around, i buy their eggs.

Health / the cure of type one diabetes for my vegan friend
« on: July 22, 2010, 01:43:01 pm »
is it possible to cure type one diabetes with paleolithic diet? my vegan friend reports her diabetes is under control after one year of strict  vegan diet. i want your opinion and real life experience about the matter of type one diabetes. thanks in advance.

Carnivorous / Zero Carb Approach / Re: Chicken hearts all the way!
« on: July 06, 2010, 12:36:40 pm »
i love to eat hearts from any animals . unfortunately, chicken is not my favorite.

Instincto / Anopsology / Re: Type of diet
« on: June 15, 2010, 12:41:41 pm »
   That's nice :) What kind of fish live in your pond?

    I don't have access to wild-game.  I do have access to pasture grazed grass finished (raw non-frozen) meat.  That's the kind of meat I eat.

    I have access to wild-caught (not frozen) fish almost all the time.  It would be out of my reach expense-wise to eat every day.  I rarely eat it, as I have lost some taste for it.  I feel like I need a more saturated kind of fat.
dear rawzi, catfish is very easy to grow. imagine eating it raw! i can eat any kind of turtle. eating turtle, we can live longer. i want to raise chicken in my brooklyn home, but now i'll be raising roosters and chickens together in my country home. lots of worms and green grass and insects will be there to feed my chickens. simple life costs too much money....

breast milk is good only when mom takes more nutritious food. and the other thing of breast milk is , baby gets stronger just sucking the breasts. now a days, everyone likes to be healthy, but most of their path is wrong. research found that, formula is much better than some mother's breast milk. here i'm not telling anyone to give their children formula, but, when mothers are in wrong diet, their babies don't get enough nutrients from that. wait until your baby is 7/8 months old and put the baby in raw paleo, the baby will be very strong eventually.

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