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Messages - eveheart

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General Discussion / Re: Sequential Eating and Food Combining
« on: November 24, 2014, 08:41:26 am »
...and i will test it tomorrow when i have my stomach empty again making sounds

Yes, keep testing things to see how you react. Also, try eating less of some food: maybe a few bites of liver will be finished in your stomach sooner. I am always surprised by how little food I eat now and never feel very hungry. I have used the instinctotherapie guidelines for learning when to stop with each food that I eat. The stop signal is very subtle, but it is reliable.

Noises in your intestines are often due to old junk being loosened and passed out. Many people mistake this for a bad reaction to a certain food. I think it means that a certain food is having a good effect on sick intestines. I may be wrong in your situation because only you can feel what is going on.

Exercise / Bodybuilding / Re: Fighting naturally/fighting smart
« on: November 24, 2014, 04:04:13 am »
And to put it in a "Paleo time" perspective, a broken leg usually means death, as it would be too much effort and responsibility for the other clan members to carry him around and feed him while hoping for the leg to heal soon. So I don't think they would voluntarily take the risk of getting their shinbone broken by hitting an adversary's skull, elbow, hip, or shinbone.

Another perspective from "Paleo time" is the idea that all fights are to the death. The thought of self-preservation pales in comparison to the thought of killing the opponent before he kills you, and you pull whatever punch, kick, twist, or bite is available in the heat of the moment. In other words, if you are going to win or die, you don't much care at the moment if winning is fatal to yourself. I know people who have survived a hand-to-hand fight to the death, and this is how they describe it.

Demonstration competitions look completely different, as the rules of engagement are an attempt to mitigate injury and avoid death.

General Discussion / Re: Sequential Eating and Food Combining
« on: November 23, 2014, 09:22:27 pm »
can get the point on "being natural" and saying that you eat whatever you want cause its paleo and so on. but if you do some paleo mixes your digestion is ruined, i know. it has happened to me many times.

What do you mean by "eat whatever you want" and paleo mixes? There are no paleo rules, really, except, of course, that foods were eaten as they were encountered. Nobody caught a fish and then looked for a lemon to squeeze on top. Cutting meat from an animal with stone tools was typical, but other food preparation, cooking, and seasoning was not yet invented. The mixing of food wasn't done yet. There were no ceramic bowls, no metal pots and pans.

In contrast, the modern diet in most places involves eating at set hours. A typical meal might be to start with a salad (vegetables, beans, bread croutons, milk products in the cheese or dressing), then a bowl of soup with various ingredients (let's say: meat, vegetables, pasta, and fruits), then a large plate of meat, vegetables, starch from grains and/or legumes), and finally a sweetened dessert (fruit, flour, refined sugar). For a person eating this way, food combining rules make sense because they lighten up the load on the stomach.

As far as healing past digestive problems, that is the puzzle you need to solve. Try to focus on what works for you, not what somebody else says should work. Give your body as much time as it needs to heal past damage.

General Discussion / Re: Sequential Eating and Food Combining
« on: November 23, 2014, 11:48:39 am »
Without disputing the usefulness of sequential eating and food combining in a modern "eat everything" meal, how would this device be necessary in a truly paleolithic meal?

Paleolithic man, in the pre-cooking period, did not use pots, pans, bowls, or recipes. Even in the early cooking period, man was not putting his meat and potatoes in a kettle with tomato paste and water and letting the flavors blend at a slow simmer.

Matters might be confused nowadays because so many people want to use so-called paleo ingredients in their modern-day recipes and call it a paleolithic diet. I prefer to do my digestion a favor and eat my paleo ingredients in a paleo meal - some meat when I want meat, some fruit when I want fruit, some nuts when I want nuts. No calculations and separations are necessary if you follow  both the letter and the spirit of the raw paleolithic diet.

Part of what got me here, I know exactly, is the lack of focus and procrastination.

What works for me also works for others but not everybody, so I'll propose a solution that may or may not work for you:

Early on, someone pointed out that not all of our goals are actually goals at all. Instead, they are actions toward a goal. The problem, then, is defining the actual goal(s) that we may have. In that case, my true goal is not about eating a certain way or focusing differently or getting exercise - those are just actions toward a goal. The real goal is to overcome a negative pattern that was learned earlier - a pattern like not treating myself with love, or betraying myself, or being untrustworthy to myself.

Our negative patterns are not hard to detect because they always manifest themselves in the ways that other people irritate us. You might look at Byron Katie's The Work ( for a lovely method that you can use when you write in your journal. If I'm feeling like eating wrong foods, I use Katie's method every morning in my journal until the bad feelings are resolved. Other methods work, too, so you can find a good one for you.

I believe that you can improve your outlook with some form of daily meditation. I realize that I'm in my 60s and have had a lot of practice, so I don't want to imply that the process ahead of you is easy or painless... but constant improvement is possible. The world has an infinite number of solutions for every problem, and just as you found RPD, you will also find many solutions for your emotional turmoil.

This Tale of Two Wolves might help you choose a course:

An old Cherokee chief was teaching his grandson about life...

"A fight is going on inside me," he said to the boy. "It is a terrible fight and it is between two wolves.

"One is evil - he is anger, envy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, self-doubt, and ego.

"The other is good - he is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion, and faith.

"This same fight is going on inside you - and inside every other person, too."

The grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked his grandfather, "Which wolf will win?"

The old chief simply replied, "The one you feed."

Welcoming Committee / Re: Hi, new here
« on: November 22, 2014, 03:20:53 am »

Even with my age in the sixties and very sick, I've gotten good results without special liver flushing or other cleanses. Simply put, if you cut out the junk that humans are not supposed to eat anyway, your body will start to clean itself up. I want to clean up the toxins from cooking, too, so I eat everything raw. I buy meat "untrimmed" so there is a lot of fat on it, plus my butcher gives me chunks of fat for free if I ask for it in advanced. I buy beef from a butcher, seafood from a fish market, and whole lamb from a good ranch. I am always looking for good food sources, and I find new sources even now, three years after starting to eat raw.

Good luck. I hope you find a way to stay raw.

Omnivorous Raw Paleo Diet / Re: Sudan's Fermented Food Heritage
« on: November 22, 2014, 12:47:21 am »
I have mixed feelings about that article.

Regarding Sudanese regional fermentation of food: excellent.

Conclusion (about genetically-engineered fermentation cultures): how sad.

I wonder why people need to get their food in factory packages in order to believe that they are successfully civilized, whatever that might mean.

General Discussion / Re: where to find truly raw nuts?
« on: November 20, 2014, 11:48:28 am »
If you're in California, you should know that "raw" almonds must (by law) be treated with heat; even so, they may (by law) be labeled "raw." Uh, I don't get it, either!

My best bet is getting nuts locally right after harvest. By "locally" I mean wherever I have friends with nut trees. I store them in the freezer in their shells sealed in a canning jar. Maybe that would work in your area, too.

Off Topic / Re: Give us a laugh !
« on: November 20, 2014, 08:40:45 am »
Hmmmm..... so would you get a  seaguin or a peneal

Whatever you call it, don'tcha wonder about that bird-mammal issue? The word, it turns out is monotreme: an egg-laying mammal.

Primal Diet / Re: AV dvd set
« on: November 20, 2014, 07:54:17 am »
Yes, I drink water and follow any natural appetite for unprocessed food. That's what I don't like about following someone else's program, even AV's. I believe that, once you get past cravings for things like pizza and chocolate cake, your appetite will lead you in the right direction for the right foods in the right proportions.

The body eliminates toxins all the time via the urine, feces, skin, and lungs. You might get lots of urine, diarrhea, pimples/rashes, or bad breath from this elimination. If you are not too uncomfortable and reactions resolve in a short time, then I cannot see a problem. AV does discuss what to do to slow down cleansing reactions by eating certain other foods, but I never used that advice.

Basically, anyone who has eaten excess toxins for a number of years and then cuts out refined and processed foods will notice improved health and perhaps some withdrawal symptoms. No te preocupes.

Primal Diet / Re: AV dvd set
« on: November 20, 2014, 12:18:12 am »
We Want to Live was the first book I read that led me to raw eating, and I think AV explains what to do very well in that single book. He's a long-winded (uses lots of words) speaker and writer, and my opinion is that he would make as many books and DVDs as people would buy, but the good information is all in his first book. That's my reason for not buying AV's other books or his DVDs. Another reason is that I do not do well on milk products (even raw milk), and I don't do well with juicing.

On the other hand, some people want to hear his every word, not just his main ideas. I think he has a crazy side that doesn't interest me, and I don't want to hear that. If you want his words that much, then those DVDs are made for you.

General Discussion / Re: How to Eat an Artichoke Gifographic
« on: November 19, 2014, 07:31:35 am »
Raw artichokes? Those instructions seem to apply to cooked artichokes only. If they're raw, good luck pulling off the leaves. Can they even be eaten raw?

Current compromise diet while on the road and travelling
Pick rice over wheat product ..I tolerate rice way better than gluten..
Pick cooked paleo over junk in restaurants..Fruits over those..Fruitarian + cooked paleo on the road

I have a "formal" hierarchy for eating on the road, too. While I do try to take everything with me, I've done what you are doing for some trips, and it has paid off many times. For me, wheat is a "never" food. Also, I prefer to buy prepared foods in supermarkets rather than eat in restaurants. I carry a jar of coconut oil with me, and while I rarely eat coconut oil at home, it travels well. On a recent visit to a vegetarian friend's house in the middle of nowhere, I decided to stay for a few days, so I got a rotisserie chicken (of dubious quality) and a container of fresh salsa. I think it pays to have contingency plans, even if they fall far short of what you would eat at home.

Here's the New York Times article that is referenced in the link that Eric posted:

Great article, Eric! At first, reports were that Clinton was "still vegan, but eats fish" LOL. There are many pro-vegan comments at the end of the article claiming that Clinton and Hathaway were doing vegan some wrong way.

Remember Gandhi's autobiography? Even the Mahatma's health suffered from veganism, and his doctors begged him to eat some animal foods - even some milk - and he refused because of his religious convictions.

Health / Re: Acid reflux
« on: November 18, 2014, 11:31:02 am »
I had acid reflux and killer heartburn for years. The pain made me feel like I was having a heart attack! I bought antacid tablets wholesale. I have never had any symptoms since I switched to RPD. I don't do any other deliberate strategy - no need to use digestive aids. I don't go out of my way to follow any special food combining, but each of my meals has simple elements, anyway.

By the way, I realize that some people do better with a slow transition to raw, but I didn't do it that way. Nothing bad happened going cold turkey overnight.

General Discussion / Re: high fat, keto, feeling sick all the time
« on: November 18, 2014, 03:30:31 am »
Sorry, but LittleElefant is a friend of mine and I’m enraged because she’s in such a state although she’s been having all the info, knowledge and opportunities to regain a good health, but instead has been during several years in an erratic course from an unproven extreme diet to an other one in the opposite extreme with in-between periods of cooked diet. I hope that by telling her “stop it before it’s too late” it will finally ring an alarm bell in her mind.

Why become enraged, when compassion is what is needed? "Telling" someone to "stop it" makes matters worse, precisely because it lacks compassion. As her friend, perhaps you can think of something that will help.

General Discussion / Re: high fat, keto, feeling sick all the time
« on: November 18, 2014, 02:10:43 am »
So, you see where those silly practices have brought you....

I wouldn't call her practices "silly" when they are just attempts to heal what medicine cannot heal.

In saying that LittleElefant does not have diabetes type 2 (poor utilization of insulin) and then telling her that proper diet did heal another type 2 diabetic is besides the point. Diabetes type 2 is practically a no-brainer to heal completely, anyway. Also, being able to eat dates is not a test for the absence of diabetes.

LittleElefant's symptoms are more like severe "leaky gut" or diabetes type 1 (low or no production of insulin). I tend to think that it's not diabetes type 1 because even though she does have weight loss, she has a lot of other miseries that are not part of diabetes.

(Sorry, LittleElefant, that I sound like I am talking "about" you rather than to you. Wishing and hoping to be healed, and then not having healing, is very hard and can make you search frantically for a cure, especially when you think that others are getting perfectly well and you are not.

If I had to select any one suggestion from this thread, I'd go with what Jessica has suggested because you need that kind of soothing.)

General Discussion / Re: coconut oil scam?
« on: November 18, 2014, 01:42:36 am »
JK, does that mean that we must eat the whole orange with the peel? And then, why not the leaves, bark, and wood of the orange tree? The shells of nuts? The bones with the marrow? And following your example, what about the sugar cane (plant) that cane sugar (boiled down cane juice) is made? May we not chew the juice and spit the fiber from that plant stalk?

I can follow your example in terms of the instinctotherapie dictates, which do define grinding as a form of undesirable processing, but as far as general discussion here, "raw" is the guiding principle, so we have to say "Yes" to the original poster: Yes, there are fresh, raw coconut oils on the market. Yes, it takes an asking questions and a certain amount of discernment to find a good one, as there is no standardization of the words on the label.

Health / Re: Food and techniques for better eye sight
« on: November 17, 2014, 10:38:04 am »
Anyone know if infrared saunas would help?

I've read infrared sauna makers' claims that sweating in one of these saunas is more efficient that other ways to sweat (for detox). Apparently, they have their following.

Health / Re: Constipation
« on: November 17, 2014, 01:40:16 am »
Welcome. If you like the idea of intermittent fasting, consider the benefits of daily IF, where you eat within a 6 - 8 hour window and fast for the remaining 16 - 18 hours. This schedule gives a good cycle to eating and eliminating.

General Discussion / Re: high fat, keto, feeling sick all the time
« on: November 17, 2014, 01:36:03 am »
Finally remember that fat is 7 times higher in calories than protein.

I'm  not sure what you meant to write, but (by weight) this statement is incorrect. A gram of far has 9 calories vs a gram of protein has 4 calories.

Off Topic / Re: Monthly grocery bill?
« on: November 16, 2014, 12:37:44 pm »
Here in the high-priced San Francisco Bay area, I eat in mid-luxury right under $100 week. Includes oysters @ $1. a piece, lamb around $8 pound for the whole animal, beef $8 - $12 pound, and marrow bones @ $3/pound.

General Discussion / Re: high fat, keto, feeling sick all the time
« on: November 16, 2014, 03:21:36 am »
When I read what some of you eat without discomfort I'm amazed.

I'm not sure what motivates you to copy what someone else is eating when you don't feel that it works for you. Also, I don't want to challenge you about what type of diabetes you have, but weight loss like you describe is not typical of diabetes type 2. What does a medical doctor say about your situation? That information might be helpful to you - I find that information useful - but it doesn't mean you have to follow a doctor's treatment plan if you can do well on your own.

If there are foods that you tolerate (without high blood sugar) within the 100 g - 200 g range of daily carbohydrates, why not start there? That should put you in the "low carb" range without ketosis. In terms of "diabetes" jargon, you'd probably be eating 3% and 6% vegetables plus some fruits.

Display Your Culinary Creations / Re: Raw Mustard
« on: November 16, 2014, 12:50:41 am »
Mustard seed plus water! You can use ground mustard seeds or whole seeds - if whole, smash them after they are soaked. Use cold water to make  very hot mustard, warmer water to make  milder mustard. Use enough water just to make a paste. Let it set for 15 minutes before mixing it with anything else. That initial soaking is what sets the heat for your concoction.

The heat fades, so add a little vinegar or lemon juice if you want to keep it in the refrigerator, and that will hold the amount of heat in the mixture. It's the process, not the ingredients, that determine how mustard holds its flavor.

Different brands of commercial prepared mustard have different aromatic spices added, so if you want to imitate a commercial brand, use the corresponding spices.

Also, try collecting the mustard pods before they are mature or before they are dry and see if you like the taste of immature or mature "green" mustard seeds.

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