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Messages - raw

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before raw paleo, i was so weak to take the sun. after consuming so much raw meats, i feel great in the sun. i put my little one naked under the sun.  8)
i wish i lived in a tropical place where's more sun.

Health / Re: Raw Paleo Diet for Cancer Cure
« on: June 13, 2010, 04:18:02 am »
personally, i don't know anyone who is eating raw meat and cure his or her cancer. but it makes so much sense that this diet which  is mainly  raw meat and raw animal fats, absolutely a curative diet. my own mother's severe conditions also deminishing for this raw meat and rotten meat. when and how she starts, you guys all know that from the beginning.

that's again, part of going green and staying healthy slogan. maxwell looks ill in this video. this society is sooo unbelievably unhealthy!!

there are many very old people who are still living and working. my own grandmas (two of them), probably passed 110 yrs where their children died already. grandmas are still active without the raw paleo diet. they eat very small food though.

I have access to wild river turtles.  It's in my blog.

Farmed crocodile meat is sold in Palawan province, Philippines.
There is a restaurant in Boracay that serves crocodile meat.
You can buy crocodile meat in China in their Walmarts / Supermarkets.

I think I will make the effort to access crocodile meat.

hi, i'm wondering about the regular hard shell wild turtle to eat it raw. anyone have done this before? turtle lives many yrs and by eating them could be adding up more yrs of our own longivity.

Carnivorous / Zero Carb Approach / Re: High Meat, weight gain?
« on: June 11, 2010, 10:12:29 pm »
i eat high meat regularly and haven't noticed weight gain or lose. but when i experiment high meat on my toddler, i see he passes more stools like diarrhea and becomes very gassy.

Carnivorous / Zero Carb Approach / Re: Raw Beef Liver
« on: June 11, 2010, 10:03:49 pm »
i just like to eat plain liver without mixing with anything. most of the time i consume grassfed veal liver about one handfull a day. those days when i consume liver, i don't eat usually other organs except ground meat or muscle meat. i also consume a good amount of fresh thyroid glands and other glands and i  find that tastety. my all source of meats and organs come from grassfed animals. i'd love to try some game animals in the future.

Hot Topics / Re: what does your significant other eat?
« on: June 10, 2010, 09:42:39 am »
my husband tried raw blended meat before and he eats it without any complains. now he's saying me that it tastes completely awful! but he still wants to eat raw meat. now i try to give him fatty ground meat spiced with black pepper, soy souce, red raw onions...etc. still he says that does not look good and he doesn't want to eat any raw meat. but now sometimes, i make the spice with ginger, gerlic and green hot pepper and which i put in a big half done meat steak, he likes that. he likes to eat cooked paleo. he's haitian and i've seen his parents love to eat all those greasy food 24 hours a day. they never go to doctors for any sickness. so, probably it's more genetics.

Health / Re: Depression ? Can I use this diet to get off my meds?
« on: June 09, 2010, 07:28:51 am »
I know there was a thread on this before but it'd be great to get some fresh input.  I'm thinking between this raw paleo diet and eating high-meat I can get off my meds.  Has anyone had good results in this area of health?

I take a very low dose of Effexor XR for depression.  37.5 mg.  I've tried to go off a few years ago but was absolutely miserable. But that was before I was doing this Raw Paleo.

Also, I'm about a month into the Raw Paleo and in some ways I feel great, better than before, in other ways I'm more tired.  Have anyone found they feel worse in the short term but stick it out to really get the benefits long term.

Lastly, I wonder if I should stop eating fresh raw coconut cream I make with my green power juicer.  It's so tasty and I eat a few tablespoons a day, but I wonder if it's de-toxing me too much and contributing to my depression and anxiety.
sorry, green juice and raw coconut cream are not helpful for depression. my 23 yrs old brother has bunch of mental problems, including depression. with high meat, he shows positive signs. also long time ago, one of those chinese doctors recommend him planty of red meat in his diet. when he depends on green juice, he acts total crazy.

General Discussion / Re: Raw fat sources
« on: June 09, 2010, 02:58:10 am »
me and my toddler has a problem to digest beef fat. i tried raw lamd fat before and i liked them very much. besides that, my toddler eats raw brain, butter, tongue, bone marrows, very fatty meat, yolks, glands...etc. as a source of raw fat.

Hot Topics / Re: Giving up bread, difficult, ?
« on: June 09, 2010, 02:36:45 am »
it's really difficult for me to give up eating rice. i'm from a country where the staple food is rice and people eat three times a day. it's very hard for me in the beginning, but after six months of raw paleo, i completely give up this rice. i feel good about that now. i hope you do that too for your better health.

well, my mom feels much better after 5/6/or 7 months eating raw meat and rotten meat. she addicted with rice and eats a table spoon of brown rice a day. i think after she stops complete eating rice, she'll be cured.

Health / Re: hookworms
« on: June 07, 2010, 01:41:01 pm »
    I haven't tried it.  I know people who eat raw pig intestine to try to get worms and heal.  I'm not opposed to it.  If I thought I needed it, I would do it.

    Bon voyage and good luck!
i've been eating raw beef stomach, intestines regularly and there's no worm's problem. i think, my  health improves after that.

Health / Re: hookworms
« on: June 07, 2010, 01:38:32 pm »
    I haven't tried it.  I know people who eat raw pig intestine to try to get worms and heal.  I'm not opposed to it.  If I thought I needed it, I would do it.

    Bon voyage and good luck!

Health / Re: Parasites: Monsters Inside Me
« on: June 07, 2010, 01:35:46 pm »
i simply realize, raw paleo dieters don't freak out of parasites. i'd them before when i wasn't raw paleo. after having raw paleo, i don't even know if they're exist. 

Personals / Re: What would Raw Paleo people do for socializing?
« on: June 07, 2010, 01:28:24 pm »
socilizing doesn't bother me and my toddler at all. we go to Bar-B-Qs and other diner outside, we just dont feel hungry (after eating raw meat at home). we drink water or any kind of fruits with other people. that's fun. :D

Instincto / Anopsology / Re: Type of diet
« on: May 29, 2010, 12:54:57 pm »
I have frequent access.
I have a number of extended family and friends who hunt deer and are more than willing to share a kill. I also plan on hunting this fall myself so game will be even more plentiful.
As for wild seafood I can buy quite a bit as I live fairly (40+/- miles) to the Atlantic shore. I buy a pound or two of swordfish every other week and have tried a number of other fish with varying degrees of success over the past couple months (Mako Shark was the second most successful). As it warms up there's supposed to be a fishmonger at the local farmer's market where I get my meat so we'll see what they have as well. ;D
WOW, I'd love to share some wild game meat straight from my country home's backyard. some fish from my pond and turtle meat too. djr, and all of you're invited.

this is so interesting that each time i eat a little piece of spleen, i feel i'm eating liver. my mom doesn't like the taste. anyone knows the benefit of eating spleen everyday? is it safe for  toddler to eat everyday spleen? how much we should consume? thanks in advance.

   Hi raw.  I just read or reread your answer now.  That's a soybean coagulant.  What does she eat it for, if you don't mind me asking?  Does it taste good?  Could this be why she's sick?  Or is she using it as some successful medicine?  I hope she continues to eat the good foods, and most of all continues to get well and get done with the symptoms.  I wouldn't mind learning more details of how to make the raw fermented fish that you have in your country.

dear rawzi, i'm wrong to pick up that chemicals that i don't know the english name. it looks very white and could burn your hand . so you figure it out. i'll try to give you the name. in my country people use them to clean the tripes.

General Discussion / Re: What are you eating right now?
« on: April 09, 2010, 11:43:46 pm »
my toddler moonzier gets a very special lunch today. it's all raw veal (contains marrow bones, testicles, thyroid gland one tea spoon, adrenal gland one tea spoon, heart and little bit o tounge with  raw butter ). for the diner he'll have brain with grounded veal and eye balls. bon appe`tite... ;)

General Discussion / Re: which cow parts eatable ?
« on: April 08, 2010, 02:23:04 am »
    I got tripe from a farmer.  He must have thought poop eating when I mentioned AV, in all the good healing ways of course.  Anyway, he gave me tripe that had poopy looking grass all over it and smelled very wildly strong like poop.  Does your mom take that part off with water before she peels the lining?
yes, that what she does.

I would recommend potatoes. I do better on cooked tubers than cooked grains for some reason. Sweet potatoes would be a good recommendation.
my mom always feels good eating sweet potato. the sweet potato here is totally different from sweet potato in asia.

How much to eat at a time?  How does it taste?  Sour or sweet?  Or is it just moldy?  It might depend on what you eat near it, so it wouldn't throw off your digestion.
there're two different types of fermented rice. one tastes like  sour, but definitely not moldy. it's served  on raw banana leaf. the other one is sprouted and than fermented and that tastes sweet, also not moldy.

i don't eat rice anymore. but i'm just curious to know about fermented rice. i see people eat delicious fermented rice in back home. if i really want to eat rice, can i eat fermented rice some times?

i always give my toddler raw butter and raw meat. he does very well with this. i also have high quality grass fed yellow fat and my toddler gets problem with that and so do i.  :(

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