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Messages - eveheart

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It's just that it's getting cold as well and I tend to avoid the outside. But at the same time not seeing the sun makes me sad as well.

I've lived in your type of climate, and I don't recall avoiding the outdoors because of cold weather. Just be sure to wear the right clothes, including layers that you can open or shed when your body warms up. This will warm you better than hot food.

General Discussion / Re: coconut oil scam?
« on: November 15, 2014, 05:10:54 am »
Of course its clear that VCO is much more healthy than it's highly processed equivalents ... There is some kind of "stop" signal to it, which is the feeling of having ingested enough oil, but it's not the same.

I find a clear stop with good coconut oil, too, which has its own distinctive taste and smell. I challenge your statement that this is a different kind of stop because I think that the "feeling of having ingested enough oil" refers to satiety, or even fullness, not to a food-specific stop signal. You can still want more food, even when the coconut oil says, "Enough!"

How do you get around? Walking or bicycling can help lift SAD. Or chopping wood.

General Discussion / Re: Panic attack in Nightmares
« on: November 15, 2014, 12:52:10 am »
you may have too much food in your stomach before going to bed.

I'd consider this first, too. It's best to go to bed with an "empty" stomach, otherwise your digestion can impinge on your heart and make it race. That's why people feel indigestion as "heartburn" or back pain. If you eat right during the day, an empty stomach at bedtime does not feel like hunger.

General Discussion / Re: Fat intake?
« on: November 14, 2014, 08:07:45 am »
I'd say NO, too... but how much fat are we talking about? Stop when you are full.

Primal Diet / Re: help understanding AV pls!
« on: November 14, 2014, 08:06:13 am »
If you can take apart the blender jar for cleaning, then it is easy to do. I have done it before, but I don't own that kind of blender now. The benefit is that it is difficult to get all the contents out of some blender jars, so this way all the contents are saved in the canning jar. Also, you can use a different jar for each one of your blender recipes.

Primal Diet / Re: help understanding AV pls!
« on: November 14, 2014, 07:03:24 am »
AV means to use a "canning jar" like the one in the picture INSTEAD of using the jar that comes with the blender. Then he explains how to screw the canning jar onto the blade part of the blender. When he talks about getting a different "washer" he means una arandela to prevent leaking. The second picture shows how it will look.

Welcoming Committee / Re: New to RPD, some questions !
« on: November 13, 2014, 01:06:03 pm »
it seems like some animals actually are grass fed, and not grain finished, but there are not any labels or anything to know what was the cows diet

Don't worry, even with all the labeling laws where I live, I still have to ask questions and often visit the farm before I get information I can rely on.

Hot Topics / Re: Farming of the future?
« on: November 13, 2014, 08:32:31 am »
I would expect  that a nuclear war would concentrate nuclear blasts on the cities leaving the wild areas free if a little contaminated.

Exactly. This farming model is more suited for overcrowding, not a decimated population. The main advantage is in terms of possible length of food storage without decomposition. In post-nuclear  times or in space exploration, simple light-and-nutrient hydroponics would do.

Hot Topics / Re: Farming of the future?
« on: November 13, 2014, 07:17:34 am »
When I started reading this article, I thought, "Ho-hum, it's just another hydroponics farm." But then, the really important implication of this article struck me: It's the bacteria/insect/fungus-free environment on this farm that is the shocker!

No more sauerkraut! - It's dependent on surface bacteria to ferment.
No more birds! - So many need to eat insects.
No more athlete's foot! - okay, okay, J/K. But seriously, in a soil-free environment, fungus' role in decomposition is redundant.

Sure, this would never happen on a large scale, where there would be a lot of environmental impact. But still, projects like this can take hold while minimizing big-impact problems that lie ahead.

Welcoming Committee / Re: Introducing
« on: November 12, 2014, 07:42:43 pm »
After my ankle injury I was forced to quit with exercising...

Welcome to the Raw Paleo Diet forum. Nobody should be forced to quit exercise. Ask your doctor or physical therapist to teach you how to exercise with your current limitations. For example, I swim at a pool that has an entry ramp so that people in wheelchairs (made of plastic) can roll right down the ramp to get into a pool for exercise. My gym has a handbike for people who cannot pedal with their legs. Even yoga and pilates can be practiced while confined to a bed.

As far as diet, any paleo guidelines will cut out the foods you don't want to be eating anyway, and raw keeps those foods you eat in the best possible condition for your body. Read the newbie sections of this forum and start right away.

Welcoming Committee / Re: New to RPD, some questions !
« on: November 12, 2014, 03:42:19 pm »
Welcome to the forum. Sometimes it takes a lot of looking to find food sources that are really good. Maybe you can find some smaller farms that still raise cattle the old way, or switch to smaller animals like lamb or goat.

General Discussion / Re: coconut oil scam?
« on: November 12, 2014, 11:31:58 am »
Back to your original question, you bemoaned the fact that there is no "legal" definition of "raw, unrefined, cold-pressed virgin" used in coconut oil labels.

Sometimes a "legal" definition helps disguise a lie, such as if someone "legally" decided that raw meant any food heated under 165 degrees or some such nonsense. If you watch the coconut-oil production video that GS posted, you can see that raw does mean raw; the only "refining" was natural separation of the components of the coconut; there was no heat used in the pressing; and there was the impression that this was the virgin pressing of the grated coconut (even though the pulp bag does get repositioned and repressed several times, there was no separate collection of the first pressing). I don't think I'd go as far as to say the label wording is a scam.

General Discussion / Re: coconut oil scam?
« on: November 12, 2014, 03:08:52 am »
I've been pleased with both Tropical Traditions and First Quality International brands. If you want raw, the question to ask is How high a temperature does the oil reach during processing (such as centrifuging)? 

Journals / Re: Sally's journal
« on: November 10, 2014, 12:55:47 am »
The book that came with my hemocode results offers the following explanation as to why I could be intolerant to milk and cheese but not yogurt. 

"  All milk products are not equal.  The intolerance is primarily caused by cow's milk proteins.  Yogurt and cheese are produced via milk fermentation or souring.  These processes change the milk proteins so that antigen structures can be destroyed and new ones can appear."

Did you get tested for raw versions of all foods (since protein is also significantly changed in the process of heating foods)? I'm thinking particularly of the long list of animal flesh that you are planning to avoid - were those tested for the undenatured protein complement?

Also, how do you prevent your body from becoming intolerant to the rabbit meat? I ask that because it is your body, not the food, that is "intolerant" to foods. Will the same body process that gave you IgG-mediated food responses to the foods on the list in the first place, also make you intolerant to introduced foods?

Journals / Re: Sally's journal
« on: November 08, 2014, 09:15:22 am »
Very interesting, Sally. I see your comment that you are considering eliminating milk products, so I hope my questions don't jump the gun on your decision: How can you have strong intolerance to cow's milk and casein yet have yogurt as a safe food? What happens to the casein in the yogurt, in terms of the IgG reaction, that makes yogurt a safe food in spite of the casein?

Display Your Culinary Creations / Re: Fish head smoothie Video
« on: November 07, 2014, 06:16:31 am »
Whoa, sword fish the most contaminated? link please?

Most of the "most contaminated" fish lists are based on that species' location on the food chain. The higher up the food chain, the more mercury is bioaccumulated. There are corroborating lab tests that actually measure samples of various ocean fish species, but most of the fish lists are based on the general theory, not on sampling.

The human body's response to ingesting mercury is another matter entirely.

Hot Topics / Re: How cooked foods foul up your genes via epigenetics
« on: November 07, 2014, 01:13:16 am »
Once in a while, members of this forum discuss their health progress with RPD - some with better results than others. Some are even outright convinced that they will live well into their hundreds! I didn't start eating RPD until I was a grandmother, and I have found tremendous improvement but not cure for major diseases that got their start earlier in my life. For me, the most gratifying result has been total absence of pain in arthritic joints, perfect control of diabetes (cured!), and lots of happy energy and mental clarity despite a lot of diagnosed autoimmune problems.

Scientists suggest that foods full of fat, sugar and salt change the way genes work and even swapping them for fish, fruit and vegetables cannot turn back the clock.
I have often sought to explain why RPD has not cured every disease I have, and this epigenetic explanation make sense. It's important not to get discouraged if you have huge improvement but lack complete healing.

@ Political Atheist: I didn't see any mention of bone broth in the article that TD posted. I get it that you are enthusiastic about bone broth to heal the gut, but this article wasn't even about gut healing. Perhaps you can expand on your experiences with bone broth in your own journal or a dedicated thread on the Weston Price forum. Otherwise, people searching for bone broth information will get search results that have nothing to do with bone broth, except for your off-topic posts in unrelated discussions.

General Discussion / Re: Coconut oil detox
« on: November 04, 2014, 04:02:08 am »
The only effective way to get rid of some heavy metals is to sweat them out, like at a Sauna.

I'd tend to agree, regarding heavy metals.

No and no. It's all BS by the way, this "detox" stuff.

I'm not sure why you'd say this, so I'd have to disagree - heavy metals are not the only things that can plague a person. Of the four channels of elimination (pee, poop, lungs, and skin), relying on the skin only for all your detox needs is limiting.

Off Topic / Re: Gk Chesterton quotation backed up
« on: November 01, 2014, 06:56:32 pm »
...Still, I would like a clear definitions of what is meant by “God”, since everyone seems to attach a different meaning to that word! So I don’t know what is God and if it exists or not; it depends on the definition.

By my way of thinking, once people start agreeing on a definition for God, their ability to agree indicates that they have found the wrong definition. By extension, that is what makes many organized religions "wrong" when they insist that everybody agrees on one, dogmatic definition.

I think God must be sought, and found by each individual, therefore cannot be defined. Some religions and spiritual groups provide a framework for this individual process, many do not.

Off Topic / Re: Gk Chesterton quotation backed up
« on: November 01, 2014, 08:59:49 am »
Hahaha! I finally read that article, and I was struck with the fact that the poll ("Do you believe in ghosts, aliens, angels, god, and/or UFOs?") was conducted at the Ripley's Believe It or Not! London amusement attraction. Just pointing it out because I think people at any amusement park do not represent an unbiased sample of people in any country in the world.

JMO. But seriously, I know plenty of atheists who don't worship amusement attractions

Welcoming Committee / Re: newbie query
« on: October 31, 2014, 11:50:46 pm »
Hi! I think it would be helpful for newbies like me if site admin create a highly moderated topic where every RPD follower can post detailed info about himself with pics and vids of himself(herself). I understand that the general ammount of RPD fans is still not very significant and there will be not pretty many people willing to post info about themselves for free, but with time number of such a guys will grow... I hope...
 As for me as an every newbie at forum, not RPD follower, but highly interested, i have many questions in my head. The most common and simple question is how body weight changes on RPD diet. It would be very handy to get info about all body changes in 1 topic, where every post meets some requirements(this is for anti-fake content too) so every post needs to include video where person confirms that he is on a raw food diet or explains his diet).

Welcome! A lot of the information that you are looking for is here for the browsing, but requiring members to determine strict "posting rules" (as you suggest) requires a lot of active moderation, such as moving and editing posts. The kind of forum you suggest is usually supported by retail affiliation or ads, which we don't have here. Start in the Welcoming Committee section at Individual member journals are good to browse, especially if you read something from a particular member and you want to learn more about that person's story.

The search function can find you a lot of specific information. You will have to wade through information that may or may not be of interest to you, but look on the positive side: members here are free to post their own posts without strict rules.

My most valuable acquisition from this forum has been how to store, prepare, and handle raw meat. I live in a world where every package of meat carries a dire warning about thorough cooking, and I had no idea how to maintain a raw kitchen until I learned how to buy and store meat well.

On the other hand, I don't particularly care about the verified results of others because I experiment with what I read to find out what my body's results will be. Selfish, yes; but that's all I really care about.

My friends (senior citizens) see me and how I glow with improved health while they are all taking insulin and putting rash cream on their psoriasis. Their medicine cabinets are full of prescription medicines, and mine has a jar of coconut oil. Like them, I believed the high-carb vegan propaganda of the day. Unlike them, I got tired of multiplying illnesses and switched to RPD. Will they follow suit? Nope!

    I would have guessed the opposite,, that the sizable reduction of meat, fat, eggs etc..  would have retarded the development of the brain, just as studies have shown how nursing mothers fed good amounts of foods containing Dha and other essential fatty acids rear babies with higher IQ's.

That's why the wartime outcome was out of line with the expected Flynn Effect (increase in intelligence driven by increased prosperity, nutrition, hygiene, and safety). - you'd naturally think that wartime poverty and food shortage would produce a lowering effect on prosperity, nutrition, hygiene, and safety.

Remember what happened with Dean Ornish's ultra-low fat findings? Ornish attributed his subjects' improvement with low fat, even though those same sick subjects also added exercise and eliminated sugar, alcohol, and tobacco from their diet. Subsequently, Ornish's findings have not been duplicated when ultra-low fat was the only changed parameter, pointing to general improvement in diet and lifestyle as the cause of improvement. (Duh!)


Run that topic by me one more time, TD... I read the article forwards and backwards and didn't see any mention of raw foods in the author's discussion. She does mention "Researchers think that cutting rich, sugary and fatty foods out of the diets of growing children had a hugely beneficial impact on their growing brains." She also states, "It is known that despite the stress of the war, the health of the lower classes improved as they were encouraged to eat vegetables, beans and fruit. Access to cigarettes and alcohol was limited." The article's accompanying photograph shows children chowing down on raw carrots, but that doesn't suggest a raw diet in the same sense that we talk about it.

Were there cooking fuel shortages during that war that led to increased consumption of raw foods?

General Discussion / Re: Coconut oil detox
« on: October 30, 2014, 04:48:51 am »
i had so brutal stomach cramps that i was literally laying on the floor crying in a fetal position and praying! brutal headaches, imbalanced feeling, muscle cramps, light liver tremours/cramps, explosive diorhea like 15 times per day..after  each toilet visit i felt  a bit better....

I've been eating cleanly for a while now, but back in the day, we would never start a full-on cleanse without a pre-cleanse routine. I remember preparing for 30 days before doing Bernard Jensen's 10-day Tissue Cleansing through Bowel Management protocol. I don't remember the details, but basically it was a few herbs and fruits for breakfast and lunch. The pre-cleanse was pretty cleansing, poop-wise, so things were moving along smoothly by the time the main cleanse began. The rationale is that you want your digestive tract to be fairly clean before you try to eliminate toxins from your other organs and tissues. You can make up your own pre-cleanse, or follow a protocol from AV, if you resonate with his advice.

If all else fails, you can always use the motto: "Better out than in!" With reasonable care and diet, your bowels probably won't ever need to feel brutalized during a cleanse again.

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