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Messages - raw

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General Discussion / Re: How clean is your food ?
« on: April 06, 2010, 04:03:12 am »
I cut it off too. I carve out a 1/4 deep pocket around it to make sure I get it all.

My meat is usually pretty clean. Sometimes I'll get a couple hairs on it but it just means it's real and not sanitized IMO. :)
hi dan, i'd love to know who's your farmer? probably, i can shop from him too. my farmer raises all 100% grassfed animals and he's from pa.

General Discussion / Re: which cow parts eatable ?
« on: April 06, 2010, 03:47:16 am »
Power hose using what kind of machinery?
i see my mom remove the lining completely using her hand. at 1st, you need knife to detect the lining, than pull gently and the lining will come out. it's very time consuming. good luck.

General Discussion / Re: How clean is your food ?
« on: April 02, 2010, 04:51:24 am »
raw meat is always clean to me no matter what's the source is.

General Discussion / Re: which cow parts eatable ?
« on: April 02, 2010, 04:48:07 am »
today i ate cows stomach. it's delicious! me and my toddler eat everything from cows including the eyes balls.

Health / Re: toddler's suffering with severe cold and cough
« on: March 08, 2010, 03:31:48 pm »
hi, i always give him enough fat to eat. right now, there's no animal's fat left, 'cause, our grassfed old cows are extremely lean and absolutely no fat they have. so i just add like 2 tbsp of regularly unsalted raw butter with almost 1/2 pound of meat and organ. only fobours he intakes, when he eats whole oranges or whole fruits. today he t's taken coconut meat from his grandma and started eating that. i see that he lose his weight. friends, can you also reccommand the source of clay that where can i actually buy them? this clay thing is interesting. how can i feed him the clay?

Health / Re: toddler's suffering with severe cold and cough
« on: March 07, 2010, 10:18:30 pm »
it took my toddler just a day to get rid of coughing. only problem is now, he has lot of stool and loosing his weight. I'm little confused. he stays kind of hungry and eats raw meat three times a day. he eats little bit of celery juice in the morning and this is the only vegetables he eats. also some oranges he likes to eat. any recommendations?

hi, after she starts eating raw paleolithic diet, she stops taking all kind of supplements for  couple of months, the result was bad. without vit C intake, her hands skin becomes very rough and showing some kinds of spots on. after she starts again of vit C, that problem's going away. she has lower back pain way before she started RPD, her medical doctor recommens to take   life long calcium supplements and vit D. she can't eat certain leafy green vegetables like kale, broccoli for her thyroid problems. spinach also contains some kinds of toxin. really need to know the right food intake in order to not have these supplements. she can't eat oranges, apples for her leaky gut syndrome. i know that vit D3 is necessary for some people where there is lack of sunlight. one of my family members live in Bangladesh and she gets breast cancer. when she tasts her blood, that clearly shows that she has lack of vit D in her blood. my point is, in east there's so much of sun and people still have problem of having vit D. so, people like my mother, who's actually suffering these all kinds of diseases, has to be very careful.

Here's my take on nightshades.

Even Dr. Cordain of Paleo Diet book fame said nightshades were harmful.

Quantum Minerals Plus is wonderful at eliminating arthritis pain topically.  Works really really fast.
thanks to all. but i need to know what's "Quantum Minerals"?

Stop eating nightshades.

Try and see a chiropractor or dorn practitioner.

thanks goodsamaritan. what's nightshades?

hi, my 56 yrs old mom's having arthritis and lower back pain after good amount of time on raw RPD. she did not have these issues for couple of months after she's started eating RPD. her sinus, hemorrhoids pains  are gone on this diet. she takes calcium, vit C and vit D3 supplements. as i mention earlier that she's been suffering with her leaky gut problem. that also improves with RPD. as a result, she also starts feeling the pain on her upper left thigh. her hands are extremely swallow. what to do? thanks in advance.

Hot Topics / Re: Cooked Starches
« on: March 05, 2010, 10:46:31 am »
this is so funny that in 3rd world like where i'm from, rich  eats lots of cooked starches, and poor eats all the good things.

Omnivorous Raw Paleo Diet / Re: Macadamia nuts
« on: March 05, 2010, 10:42:43 am »
being  a raw vegan for sometimes of my life, i consumed tons of best quality nuts and didn't get any benefit out of that.

back home , my two grandmas are living now very well when they're over hundreds yrs old. they eat minimal food and they starve for in purpose. have little food in good quality is like blessings. in third world, many people live easily over 100s yrs. my own great grandpa lived for 125yrs...

General Discussion / Re: Tibetan High Meat
« on: March 05, 2010, 10:26:47 am »
it amazes me how far we are from this place (eating)...

no longer intuitive, i learned from you guys about aging meat.. and if anyone ever saw my kitchen it would be something foreign, illogical, and repulsive to them
you go girl!! that's a true feature of a paleolithic tribe's kitchen. my back home, they burried the wild caught very oily river fish in ground for months. i love that type of rotten fish. so, tasting high meat is nothing to me. the smell of high meat reminds me of the smell of rotten fish. this is so funny that the people who eats stinky stuff, they smell actually better. ;D

General Discussion / Re: Raw Glandulars
« on: March 04, 2010, 07:29:41 am »
I used to take the multiorgan supplement which had a little freeze-dried  pancreas in it.
i'm afraid to say that i give my toddler fresh grass fed beef pancreas, i mean i probably give him two table spoons amount a day and he makes lots of stool. my question is, is it too much for him?

General Discussion / Re: Favorite organs?
« on: March 04, 2010, 07:23:16 am »
my favorite organs are lamb testicle, tongue, lamb fats are also super delicious...

General Discussion / Re: Eating brains for a healthy brain?
« on: March 03, 2010, 09:02:26 pm »
my toddler's eating fresh grassfed brain regularly. i just give him and i don't have enough to share with him. i guess i'm following mother's instinct...

General Discussion / Re: Where is everyone getting raw organ meats?
« on: February 26, 2010, 01:20:58 pm »
Out of curiosity, would a diet of nothing but organs work? Has anyone ever tried? You can get plenty of fat from tongues and brains. I've been eating 50-60% organs in the last week, i have an infatuation with organs.
just be careful with liver. you have to have limit to eat liver, otherwise that could cause you the toxicity. tongues and brains are full of fats, and you can eat them alone if you can.

Carnivorous / Zero Carb Approach / Re: High meat video
« on: February 26, 2010, 12:39:37 pm »
my leg problem cures by rotten meat about 98%. i put 2% aside, 'cause i don't do anykind of exercise (streching), also i love to wear highheels and i'm not sure if i can wear them. i just feels light pain sometimes but nothing serious. rotten meat is a miracle for me and oviously that changes my life otherwise i'd be in wheelchair by this time.

Health / Re: toddler's suffering with severe cold and cough
« on: February 26, 2010, 04:38:05 am »
hannibal, i look forward with onions. thanks buddy.

Health / Re: toddler's suffering with severe cold and cough
« on: February 26, 2010, 04:36:47 am »
i agree with you savage. actually "rotten meat" i found this is truly a healing food for me.

Health / Re: toddler's suffering with severe cold and cough
« on: February 26, 2010, 04:10:31 am »
to savage, it's very interesting!! you're suggesting me at this moment i just only give him fatty meat and water? that's the only thing he eats when he is not sick.

Health / Re: toddler's suffering with severe cold and cough
« on: February 26, 2010, 04:03:46 am »
dear rawzi, i just don't know where to buy a good organic chicken which is not grain fed. my pa farmer's chickens are grainfed. so, i never gave him any chickens yet. what do you mean by "cultured butter"? my pa farmer supply me his grassfed raw unsalted butter all yr round. i'm not also familiar with 'Astragalus" ...

Health / Re: toddler's suffering with severe cold and cough
« on: February 26, 2010, 03:51:15 am »
dear rawzi, what's linden and how it works? did you tell me that you also ate raw grassfed meat when you had cold? thanks.

Health / Re: toddler's suffering with severe cold and cough
« on: February 26, 2010, 03:44:46 am »
It's of paramount importance to go through the illness in a healthy way and think about it as a very positive thing.
being a mom, it's very difficult for me to see my son's caughing nonstop.

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