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Messages - Meloy

Pages: [1]
Welcoming Committee / Re: Hi from the channel islands!
« on: June 15, 2010, 03:40:53 am »
I'm definately going to consider going for a RPD

When that will be i've got no idea, want to read up on it a bit more until i'm 100% satisfied because it's something I'd like to follow for as long as I can if I can bring myself to stick to it

From what i've read both in books and on this forum/the internet people have gained great health benefits from PD and it seems more "natural" than the current craze of dairy and grains that people eat (taking our ancestory into consideration)

Plus I absolutely love eating meat, could eat steak till I burst


Welcoming Committee / Re: Hi from the channel islands!
« on: June 15, 2010, 02:42:08 am »
Thanks man

By Paleo diet do you mean raw meats?

I see loads of people using abbreviations and I dont know what half of them mean haha or the difference between Paleo and Raw Paleo (if there is one)

Guess I still need to look around some more


Welcoming Committee / Hi from the channel islands!
« on: June 15, 2010, 02:15:25 am »
Hey guys 'n girls

Writing here from Guernsey in the channel islands and stumbled across your forum whilst looking for some MMA stuff on google

I'd read up about the paleo diet before and I'm very eager to give it a shot! The closest things to raw i've eaten has been bacon (which I believe is cured or smoked before packaging and therefore isn't raw) and rare/near enough bleu steaks

Im gonna have a look around and see where I can start off but for the mean time i'd be very interested to hear peoples thoughts on the raw paleo diet and its benefits - ie weight loss, muscle growth, improvement to senses - anything!

Thanks all :)


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