Hi UB. I wasn't 80-10-10 just before RAF, but I was high carbohydrate vegan for many years. To start, much of what I would eat was raw grass-fed cream that I cultured to facilitate it's digestibility (and lower its carbs). The add a fertile real free range egg yolk to facilitate the fat digestion. Then add unheated unfiltered honey for sweetness and ease digestion of everything and protect from new microbes I was not accustomed to. Then add half of a medium size unripe fruit for fruity flavor that would be extended by the fat and honey. It worked, as I didn't eat fruit any other way for over a year after that. I hope this helps someone like you switching off fruit.
Thanks RawZi, unfortunately raw cream is not available where I live, only pasteurized. Therefore, I won't drink/eat it.
Raw honey is no problem. In fact I have some sitting in my cupboard. How much honey do you suggest I take per day?
What is a fertile egg anyway? I read it all the time, but have no clue what that is. How do I know the organic eggs I buy are fertile eggs?
After reading your advice several times I take it that everything you suggest here is mixed/blended together as a drink, is that right? Sounds yummy really, but with no raw cream how would I do that?