General Discussion / Re: Diabetes
« on: August 06, 2009, 06:56:10 am »I don't like "treat", after my experience of the medical system, so how about "in remission"?
Sure, as long as it doesn't give the impression that the condition is fixed.
/* * Patch for filter_var() */ if(!function_exists('filter_var')){ define('FILTER_VALIDATE_IP', 'ip'); define('FILTER_FLAG_IPV4', 'ipv4'); define('FILTER_FLAG_IPV6', 'ipv6'); define('FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL', 'email'); define('FILTER_FLAG_EMAIL_UNICODE', 'unicode'); function filter_var($variable, $filter, $option = false){ if($filter == 'ip'){ if($option == 'ipv4'){ if(preg_match("/(\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3})/", $variable, $matches)){ $variable = $matches[1]; return $variable; } } if($option == 'ipv6'){ if(preg_match("/\s*(([:.]{0,7}[0-9a-fA-F]{0,4}){1,8})\s*/", $variable, $matches)){ $variable = $matches[1]; return $variable; } } } if($filter == 'email'){ if($option == 'unicode' || $option == false){ if(preg_match("/\s*(\S*@\S*\.\S*)\s*/", $variable, $matches)){ $variable = $matches[1]; return $variable; } } } } }
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I don't like "treat", after my experience of the medical system, so how about "in remission"?
I think you might be onto something. I have had a test a couple of years ago when I was feeling dodgy. Not sure if it was hair or blood, but they told me I had mineral imbalances - I'll dig out the test results as I can't remember exactly.
Also, I've been taking a good multimineral for a week or so and I believe it's helped to sort me out.
Know any good sites or books?
It's encouraging that you're having sucess on strict raw paleo. I will def give it another go, but I just need to feel good for a while now and do other things. Maybe when I save up some pennies I'll take a holiday in the Phillipines and eat meat and fruit and crash out on my own all day
-Have trouble holding a mobile phone to my ear (it burns me about an inch inide my head) have to use loud speaker
-Feel really bad flying, feel ill, tired and the air is so dry
-Can't stand smelly people epecially when they wear perfumes
-Detox quickly after breathing in pollution
-Less tolerance at work waiting for guys who constantly seem to be eating/drinking/shitting/buying food. I swear they spend hours every week going to the toilet.
-less tolerance for negative people
DameonWolf : it sounds like placebo to me that you need vegetable juice to feel "clean". Are the meats you are eating of high quality (certified organic and grass/pasture-fed)?
Another issue is what does "deficient" mean. With the boondoggle of the government's Food Pyramid showing that carbohydrates are the foundation of health and other fiascos related to Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) for specific nutrients, who's to say what's normal - my doctor who suffers from gout and type 2 diabetes?
I would like to have a reasonable idea of how to interpret the results of any test I take before hand. After many years of misery following traditional medical advice, I've become rather jaded. For the time being I prefer to go by how I feel. It may be true that my eating habits will ultimately give me a fatal heart attach, but right now I feel wonderful and I'm able to do the things I love to do - without the aid of a power chair, stair lift, wheel chair, or hospital bed.