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Messages - Timatu

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General Discussion / Re: Raw beef fat Sweet taste
« on: March 26, 2021, 06:19:32 pm »
Yes, great fat from healthy animals taste really good.
Especially when you are very hungry.
Glad you are enjoying it!

Great, so it’s a good thing! Will keep enjoying it then, and definitely sticking to this source :)

General Discussion / Raw beef fat Sweet taste
« on: March 23, 2021, 05:58:41 am »
Hi all

So I have switched from raw butter to raw beef fat trimmings, and I have noticed something interesting. It tastes very sweet to me! It's interesting since even raw butter, and beef fat I get from other butchers doesn't have this sweetness at all. It's fresh, vacuum-packed grass-fed grass-finished beef fat. Any ideas why this is? I am enjoying it, but it almost feels like a carb xD!
I am trying low carb at the moment, soooo don't want that to deter me (I know it probably won't, already feel great, but just curious!)
Does it have to do with the cow's diet, is it bad / good?


General Discussion / Re: Raw Fruits in the UK
« on: March 10, 2021, 11:11:20 pm »
also peeled cucumbers for a non sweet fruit, melons r good too but have to juice those or spit out the fibre

General Discussion / Re: Raw Fruits in the UK
« on: March 10, 2021, 03:36:10 am »
Peeled pink or yellow (not green) apples are as far as I know the only fruit I can digest well, without any rash or allergic reaction. I only have 1 at a time, and total 1-3 a day.  I don’t experience hypoglycemia from them personally, but then again I’ve never experienced it from any fruit or honey.

General Discussion / Re: High meat
« on: March 02, 2021, 07:49:40 am »
There is an extensive thread on high meat called High-Meat-Recipe Preparation For More Advanced RAFers.

Follow the directions and you won't get sick. Well so it seems. I had my first high meat yesterday and some more for breakfast this morning. I got impatient for the stuff in my fridge so put some in a jar and left it room temperature for 3 day's.

None of my high meat smells too bad as far as I can tell. If you make a small amount at room temperature you might be able to eat it before the smell gets too bad. Or there is something wrong with my sense of smell, but I don't think there is.

Thanks for the tip on the high meat thread, completely missed that

I think a 3 day old high meat wouldn’t smell too bad, but I understood it should be left for longer than that.. I’ll try it for 3 days tho

How did you feel you digested the high meat compared to regular fresh meat? Better / worse?

General Discussion / High meat
« on: March 01, 2021, 03:03:51 am »
Hi all

I’m Interested in making high meat and have some questions

So first off, how do u make sure u don’t get sick from it? I have really bad digestion issues and have tried everything except high meat, but that also means I have a weak stomach.

 I’ve tried really old meat from the fridge 3 weeks old, really liked it it tasted like cheese to me, but never at room temp before.

Second, how do I make it in a way that isn’t so incredibly smelly that it would stink up the house (as I’ve been lead to believe)? I currently live with family and can’t move out ... I’m a student. My mom is a clean freak and she doesn’t mind me eating raw as it’s part of our culture actually, but smells are not acceptable for her. Even inside my room. I guess I could hide it in the bathroom but ... it has to be something “removable” as we have a housekeeper who cleans all the rooms daily. If it smells she’ll tell on me .. lol.

Finally, I am coming from an ED background (bulimia/anorexia) and I am underweight + my stomach is a mess, what would u say is best to eat for someone with a f*cked stomach from ED? There’s no worry of me relapsing as it’s been a year... but my stomach capacity is limited and triggers me to fast often. Doesn’t matter what the food is, anything above a cup of food will just sit for me. I’ve tried reeeeally strong probiotics, just made me fart ...

Also, Can I use lamb? I prefer the taste to beef...

That’s it, thanks for the helpp

Health / Re: Oyster safety
« on: February 28, 2021, 04:22:54 pm »
In my country we have red tide alerts.

I squeeze drops of lemon or dunk it in some apple cider vinegar or any vinegar for that feel of cleanliness.

Your taste buds are your friend.  If it stinks or tastes bad or tastes dirty individually, spit it out.

I eat oysters individually so I can taste them if they are good or not.

In our markets when they sell oysters in their shell, it is understood they are ALIVE, do not buy them in the shell dead.

Do not "clean" live oyster outer shells by scrubbing out the mud, they get nutrition there that keeps them alive.

Eat immediately while they are alive, don't let them die on you.

FYI I eat oysters on a regular basis, once or twice a week.  They are relatively cheap where I live.

Thanks for the info goodsamaritan

According to the seller, they’re alive
He also said “they’re perfect to eat raw”..
How can I tell they’re alive myself?
How long do they stay alive in the fridge?

They smell like the sea, not fishy at all. but that’s only the shell, maybe the inside would be different?

I don't know if we have red tides here, tried to search it but nothing ..

Health / Oyster safety
« on: February 27, 2021, 08:57:25 pm »
Hi All,

So I am new to raw paleo altho I have attempted in the past but couldn’t keep it up. I have been doing 100% raw for the past week and have decided I stick to it as I feel best this way.

Anyway on to the topic, I impulse bought 6 wild oysters at a food market today whete I usually get my chilled unfrozen tuna despite never having them before. I’ve been too scared to eat raw shellfish although I’ve had sashimi and raw meat many times since I was little. I’m mainly concerned about the Vibrio Vulnificus bacteria that exists in shellfish and apparently eats your flesh. Read about people dying of it. So yea, kinda scared, especially since I still have stomach problems altho thwyre getting much better. I attached a photo of the oysters, they are locally sourced (UK) still alive and fresh and also wild.

Please let me how to be safe eating oysters. Maybe adding ACV or lemon, ginger? Should I wash them? Any throughts are welcome !

Health / Re: Vitamin D
« on: November 17, 2020, 07:11:12 am »
I've felt very good when I took Rosita. I'm ordering another bottle with the intent to make sure my Vitamin D is good. Back in the day I felt fantastic using a fermented cod liver oil and then they started tasting wrong to me. I had to stop it. If you listen to your body in an Instincto manner it will help you make the right choices after highly addictive substances like refined sugar are removed.

Here is an interesting video I came across recently which speaks strongly to having enough vitamin D, preferably from sunlight (which is not always practical), as well as sufficient B vitamins and deep sleep. It's all intertwined with gut health. It's about 90 minutes but makes some great points and is changing my approach right now as far as my current health recovery.

As far as foods you can use oily fish, liver, or quality egg yolks.
You need to make sure you get enough of the co-factors. Vitamin K. Calcium. Zinc. Magnesium. Boron. Vitamin A.

It's possible if you are low in the co-factors your body would have high circulating calcium and the body would reduce production of vitamin D to protect itself. I'd start with looking at vitamin K intake and move on from there. You may find you need to consider some greens if you are eating omnivorous. I'd caution against high oxalate greens like spinach and kale. See how you do with things like collards, turnip greens, or mustard greens.

I would agree that it's better to take it, imo, if ur deficient unless ur body is strongly telling u not to. I do well on Rosita too and it genuinely gives me energy.

and yes I think that's what it is, Vit K, calcium and magnesium
I'm actually quite worried for vitamin A since I eat liver, and I have read that can compete/reduce the vitamin D further? And that Vitamin D should be higher than A, but that's literally impossible to do unless I stop eating liver (I eat very little of it anyway... but love it)

I don't seem to do well on raw veg or even veg juice.... just so allergenic to me, even just the smell x_x
I eat lots of seafood however for Mg, and peeled cucumbers also

Thanks for the video, very interesting

Health / Re: Vitamin D
« on: November 07, 2020, 04:28:40 pm »
trash the CLO nonesense. This rancid shit can get you in serious trouble, if you take it for too long.

Would u say low D is better than taking it?
I know historically, it has been used medicinally and to cure rickets and other diseases ... so. maybe there are benefits?
I know that 99% are rancid, but the one I am taking doesn't taste fishy. it's oil in a bottle, not capsules, and it says cold-pressed raw and wild ... Rosita brand
better to quit it?

Health / Re: Vitamin D
« on: November 07, 2020, 02:27:59 pm »
Vitamin D supplements are not the same substance as Vitamin D in animal products.  I don't take any supplements and don't believe that they are helpful, probably toxic if anything.

I get into the sun as much as I can, even if it is a few minutes at a time on the face and in the eyes, and find a warm spot up against a big wall in the sun.  Remove my shirt if possible even for a few minutes. 

I also eat raw animal products like milk, butter, cheese, meats.  D is in there.  I feel fine in the winter now and used to suffer from it.

Yes, I do the same whenever I find some sun :)
Good to know that u feel good despite the low amount of Vitamin D from these foods (compared to the sun). Perhaps I'm overstressing over getting enough, and the amounts from diet are good

Health / Re: Vitamin D
« on: November 07, 2020, 02:19:25 pm »
The CLO should be good. Londoners didn't get vitamin D from sun, so yes, get it from food.  Go by how you feel.

I do get lots of energy from it, however lots say it's bad for u etc.....
maybe I'll reduce how much I'm taking, but can't help but think that getting some vitamin D from a natural source is better than none

Health / Re: Vitamin D
« on: November 07, 2020, 02:16:29 pm »
I can't really give you advice, as I'm still on a healing path, but I can give a different perspective.  I have basically all European ancestry. I've had vitamin D deficiency twice, confirmed by bloodwork.  Despite being put on high, therapeutic doses of vitamin D, I did not feel any significant difference. I've also taken vitamin D3 supplements on my own and never felt any difference.

Given my ancestry, I am wondering if the "optimal" vitamin D range is even valid for me. Obviously my European ancestors would not risk frostbite and hypothermia in order to sit around naked in the snowy winters so that they can catch what little bit of sun may peak through the dark grey winter clouds.

So, whatever you can get through food is probably ok. I would consider what kind of climate your ancestors lived in and how they may have gotten vitamin D. Of course, humans do evolve with their environment, so if you live in a very sunny climate it may be better to get sun (animals in sunny climates may not have as much fat stores and thus less vitamin D).

Very interesting way of looking at it
ancestrally i should be getting plenty of sun though... however I agree that the "optimal levels" may not be necessary to meet.. it's too broad for the entire population

I guess i will just go by how I feel, and honestly I have way more energy eating this way even with less sun than I had tanning daily but eating sub-optimally.

Health / Vitamin D
« on: November 02, 2020, 12:05:36 pm »
Hi All :)

I was wondering how the ones of you living in colder climates manage to get your vitamin D in? Also, what would you say is the importance of it when you have a severe deficiency? I feel like and have always felt that taking isolated Vitamins is not a good idea for the body, which is why I don’t myself take any. I used to live in a very hot climate and would tan 1-2 hours a day and I feel that the amount of Vitamin D my body made then could never be compared to the amount I may be able to get though food and raw CLO. Would you say for someone with an extreme Vit D defiency along with many health problems living in a sunny country and getting plenty of Vitamin D but eating a sub optimal diet is better than having a very optimal diet but no sunlight and less vitamin D from diet? I calculated the amount I am currently getting from food and it’s 2233-2965 IU (with raw CLO).  Also, do you think it’s possible for the body to create Vitamin D in London during the winter?

Thank you all!

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