« on: November 24, 2021, 07:07:12 pm »
The following questions for a human being living in mid/northern europe, outdoors much (woods, field), much fresh air, max sunshine possible:
0. Surely only raw meat stored in a cool place is best, is frozen meat okay or to be avoided?
1. Odor, what odor does eating raw meat only give - any at all? Seeing the above lifestyle (outdoors, constant fresh air helps purifying)
2. Bathroom, does it stink - what is the consistancy? Years back, cooked meat + starch + veg was horrible
3. Anyone doing active spiritual practice in combination? How does the mind behave on it, seeing that raw flesh stimulates many cravings (eventual even heal due to natural saturation)
4. Social distancing more or normalizing (live and let live)? Veganism due to acidity was killing nerve-isolation, hence distancing much
5.1. Any known problems transitioning? Coming from 95% raw eating fruit, greens, nuts and the usual, over to smoked salmon and canned fish into salads, now to raw flesh.
5.2. is cold smoked raw meat a good start for transitioning to completely raw?
6. In general, raw meat eating has maximal effects when zero sugar, zero spices and especially zero salt is added, correct?
Thank you very much. All the best from Germany.