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Messages - Buddha

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Health / Re: Health problem, epstein barr
« on: December 21, 2021, 05:38:51 pm »
now, after eating raw meat, the allergic reaction is very strong and causes a lot of stress and an increased heart rate.  Until I go to do the poop, the heart rate is raised...

For person who sent me on private:
Nie moge wyslac pw, napisz do mnie na maila

Journals / Re: Ramblings of a madman...
« on: December 21, 2021, 05:30:51 pm »
your posts are very long and I can see you've tried many different methods.  I have similar problems with intestines, fungi and allergies, and it all started with switching to keto diet and covid.  Could you please write down which activities have brought you the best results?  did you find any food for these allergic reactions?  Even raw meat is bad for me now :(

Health / Re: Remove amalgam fillings and replace with nothing
« on: December 11, 2021, 04:49:31 pm »
I recommend that you do not remove amalgam in a regular dentist's office. I did and got mercury poisoning. This should be done in a special office where they provide a separate air circulation and special valves so that the remains of the seal do not enter the esophagus.

Health / Re: Health problem, epstein barr
« on: December 07, 2021, 12:30:05 am »
Okay, overall I have a very big problem with my digestive system, especially my intestines.  I wonder if hepatitis does not block the enzyme to digest fats as aajonus wrote.  my problems started six months after switching to ketosis

Health / Re: Health problem, epstein barr
« on: December 04, 2021, 05:23:00 pm »
yesterday, after eating, I felt very weak.  there were such white spots in front of my eyes and I couldn't see anything in their place.  it lasted about 30 minutes and from then on I can barely walk.  I am lying all the time.  I had it 2x when I ate a lot of pork and eggs from the pan.  yesterday I ate one egg yolk with milk for the first time grom 1,5month but is it from one yolk something like that?  in addition, I ate rabbit and beef - tallow and kidneys, those that had been lying for over a week.  and every day I try to eat a little dairy - cheese, milk, butter, cream.  I also drinks carrot, beetroot, cucumber and sometimes orange juices combine it with fat because i want to increase weight.  I weighed 77 and now 71.5.  sometimes i drink coconut milk and from yesterday natural mineral water from glass bottles.  Heartbeat backs to normal when i drink more mineral water. Sometimes spleen hurts me. I also ate a fermented piece of meat for the evening.  do you think too much of it all?

My face turns red every 3 days or so.  now that's what happened after eating the rabbit

Health / Re: Health problem, epstein barr
« on: December 02, 2021, 11:35:21 pm »
now after 4 days of raw meat i started diarrhea and my face is red all over. I have a problem with hydration and electrolytes (fast heart rate and contractions). What I blurted out was nasty. How can I slow down my detox without becoming dehydrated? Is this diarrhea normal symptom or is something wrong? Yesterday I drank rabbit blood for the first time, ate rabbit meat. In addition, I drank the juice of the white part of the watermelon and the curdled goat's milk, and that's when the symptoms started.

I would like to add that a strong geopathy was also detected on bioresonance.

Welcoming Committee / Michal from Poland
« on: November 30, 2021, 12:49:59 am »
Hi guys! Im Michal from Poland and im 30 years old. I started eating raw meat yesterday because of disease.
Nice to join You!  :D

Health / Re: Health problem, epstein barr
« on: November 30, 2021, 12:42:04 am »
Thank you! I feel sorry because I know what you went through and I am very glad that you dealt with the disease!

I have access to good beef, I also have my own geese, chickens and eggs. What about the eggs? Can I eat them without worrying about the virus?

I also have access to bioresonance and I wanted to ask if I should weaken this virus with currents or not?

Health / Health problem, epstein barr
« on: November 29, 2021, 04:58:37 pm »
Hi guys!
Last year I was on a raw vegan diet. There were big changes in my life because I stopped using chemicals in cosmetics and soaps, I started meditation, grounding, started taking supplements and going out in the sun. I repaired all my teeth and removed 6 mercury fillings (I could poison my body with it). Currently, I have 2 canal teeth left. I only stayed on a vegan diet for a month. This diet got me into bulimia. After a few months, I switched to optimal nutrition (this is very similar to ketosis, you eat a little more carbohydrates, about 50g a day). The change was very big. I became much more aware, at ease, and felt a lifetime of energy. However, after six months (January 2021) I caught "covid". I did not go through it hard, but it weakened my body, and by doing hard work, I got my body weaker. It was also a time when I switched from optimal nutrition to ketosis. In addition, in a state of weakness, I ate the red fly agaric (amanita muscaria), it ended with diarrhea and vomiting. I ate the fly agaric before when I was healthy and nothing happened. I also ate raw pork liver 3x. After all this, I started to have tinnitus, spots in front of my eyes, brain fog, weakness that was there all the time, and a terrible aversion to everything. I was hospitalized with diarrhea but they didn't find anything so they gave me anti-parasitic drugs blindly. I took medications but I also went to bioresonance where they found dog roundworm (toxocara). I killed her with electric currents and I also took these drugs. The diarrhea stopped, but the symptoms were there all the time. I had eosinophils at level 45 and now I'm at level 25 all the time (the norm is probably up to 6). I went to the doctors but they couldn't find anything. I had changes to my lungs and they got bigger and that's all they focused on (I had a 3x tomograph). In the hospital, they found me antibodies to mononucleosis (epstein-barr) but they didn't say anything about it, so I ignored it. In July, I burned my head in the sun and was given an antibiotic. Some time after that, the diarrhea started again. I went to bioresonance and I found lambles - I killed with electric currents. Then again, after 2 months, they found a human roundworm and lambles in me. I also killed with electric currents. My condition is getting worse all the time. I started having bladder discomfort. I can hardly eat anything. Allergies (for example to fructose) have developed. I have a digestive and intestinal problem. I went to a bioresonance clinic with the newest equipment and they said epstein-barr was driving me. During keto I mostly fed on pork and eggs, and apparently this virus feeds on it as well. So I started using antiviral herbs and currents selective for the virus. I started giving up meat on the pretext that the virus feeds on it. Not her eggs. I don't eat pork or beef. I read that this virus feeds on arginine and carnitine. I start eating cooked chicken because I feel terrible about the plants. Yesterday I gave up all supplements and herbs and stopped eating plants (except potatoes to coconut oil). I have a blocked detox and lymphatic system. I can't get hydrated because I'm about to pee. In bioresonance, they correct the work of my organs (they unblock the meridians and upload antigens to ebv). They also found heavy metals, mercury, beryllium, barium and others and strong geopathy. They are trying to correct it for me, I have also changed my sleeping place. However, this does not bring much results. I'm so weak now that I decided to put everything into one basket and think about switching quickly to raw meat and dairy. However, I have concerns about this, especially since the body is very dysregulated and I have in my mind that when it all started I was eating raw liver. I am afraid that I will not get a "parasite" if I have poor immunity and that it does not develop even more dysbiosis. But I don't see any other option anymore. Please could you give me some clue? Kick my ass. Do you have any experiences with epstein barr? Isn't it really good to eat pork, beef and eggs, even raw?


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