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Messages - Rawzilla

Pages: [1]
Journals / Re: Southeast Asia here i come!
« on: March 20, 2010, 04:13:24 pm »
Don't get vaccinated.

Vaccines are dangerous and of dubious value, do not get vaccinated under any circumstances.

I spent 3 months in thailand and came back 2 months ago. I hardly got any insect bites and I never even saw bugs there.

You don't need anti-malarials either (quite toxic by themselves), but less toxic is to rub 30% DEET over your entire skin surface except eyes of course, every 8 hours.  AND that is ONLY if you're heading to the Burmese border in north Thailand, the interior of Cambodia, or Palawan in the Philippines (already posted).  Compared to 50 years ago there is very little problem in the region, thanks to deforestation :'(.  Which concurs with everyone else, though I know you just needed to hear it from someone who has stayed in Asia 20 years.

Journals / Re: Southeast Asia here i come!
« on: March 20, 2010, 02:23:43 pm »
If you have ladies with you, they like shopping.

They always do l)

Hot Topics / Re: Do you live forever on a rpd?
« on: March 17, 2010, 12:26:14 am »
 Oh I've just got to weigh in on this one...

First, to stay on topic, based on the assumption of compete application of my present state of knowledge, which I'm surely moving towards, my reaching 120 is feasible, given that the female record of 122.5 years wasn't based on CR or IF.

No male has ever lived past 115. Who knows if we can even digest raw food past a certain age.

It's actually closer to 116.  Pulling at straws here as there really is no way of knowing that no male has ever lived past 115/116 as many people born in the 19th century didn't have documentation, in other words, born free.
If you can't digest enzymes then your already dead :'( .  A good place to begin : Enzyme Nutrition by Edward Howell

The Intermittant Fasting is proven to be better than simple CR.

APPEARS to be the case with animals, however limited human studies upon which "The Alternate-Day Diet by  James B. Johnson M.D." is based on, aren't conclusive based on careful examination of the data.  Keep in mind published research generally likes to draw conclusions that are in sync with the authors favoured hypothesis'.  Put another way: "If you torture the data enough they will confess"
This topic (ADF) deserves a thread of it's own which I shall do justice to soon enough...

Welcoming Committee / Re: Time to participate and share...
« on: March 16, 2010, 01:41:45 pm »
That's all mental, not physical
lack of friends?
You have wife and kids?
Do you work?

sugar cravings?
Do you mean you consume carbs?  That's not bad.

Currently, I'm usually in Thailand or Singapore. I usually eat alone where nobody can see me, unless it's just fruit.  If I'm meeting someone for obtaining work, I can't refuse to join them for a cooked meal and eat cooked food anyway.  Then I feel terrible, and get some chocolate and feel worse.  When I'm with my kids we try to eat RPD but my wife doesn't agree, won't eat with us and says she wants to vomit -v.

further info:
  As a "recovering vegetarian" (maybe I'll start a vegetarians anonymous chapter ;D) I can certainly can see things from both sides of the fence. In my search for knowledge I left no stone unturned including beyond.veg, waisays(still up after a few years, just checked), etc., I suspect many forum members have been down the same road.  Many others have also become vegetarian because we believe (almost religiously) that meat is bad.  We are SO close to the truth - that it is only cooked meat that is bad - but seem unable make the connection.

Welcoming Committee / Time to participate and share...
« on: March 16, 2010, 02:12:50 am »
   I became a vegetarian (but not raw) at 16 for - wait for it - "health reasons" and almost died from an asthma attack by 30 (first attack was four years earlier) - talk about a wake-up call I nearly didn't wake up from.  Before this time I started to have cravings whenever I smelled seafood being prepared.  I remained vegetarian except for obeying my cravings for cooked fish once a week.  This helped somewhat, although it wasn't until reading/researching "The Protein Power Lifeplan" that I comprehended the self-inflicted damage brought on by my "health experiment".  During this lo-carb phase my blood tests (hormones/lipid profile) improved during this time especially thyroid, even though I was eating all cooked well as fast food.  This was already big step, my closed mind was opening anyway. I finally happened upon a website about raw meat - someone that studied AV's book - eventually I went to supermarket bought a pack of ground beef and ate it raw the same afternoon I got.  Three years later from only eating raw meat/eggs part time, I never needed an inhaler again. However, I still wrestle with lack of friends, social pressures, sugar cravings, etc

Welcoming Committee / Re: Raw Vegan to Raw Every Thing
« on: March 16, 2010, 01:17:20 am »
Good Going , Damien!

I only regret this forum wasn't around when I was 20, you've got insight anyway

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