I've been consistently gluten-free for three years now, corn and soya free for two years or so, and sucrose free for a year except for three lapses. I have been moving towards an increasingly low carbohydrate diet this last year, cutting down or virtually excluding rice and potatoes and finally dried fruit, and excluding the cabbage family because of their thyroid suppressant qualities. I was drinking an awful lot of fruit juice, but think I've finally managed to kick it.
I have stopped eating pulses too. I'm avoiding fish for a while because the last six months of eating more and more salmon, tuna, trout, anchovies, etc my hair, already thinning this last two years, went totally mad, and turned into a fragile brittle mess. I'm also avoiding foods high in copper ( like parsley and other leafy greens, and organ meats ), because copper is a zinc antagonist and I think I may have a zinc deficiency.
So, my diet consists of lots of meat, which I still sear or "flash roast", but less and less so, and raw carrots, cucumber, avocado, raw goats and other cheese, a little bit of fresh fruit, ... ( and potato, cream, chocolate, cooked veg soups, and such like, aswell as rice with nut flour and honey, even lentils and tomatoes, when I succumb to starchy carbohydrates and sugars, which happens occasionally ).
I'm 47 years old, am english but have lived in France for the last 12 years, am somewhere on or near the autism spectrum, have 11 year old PDD/AS son, and am very happy to find a site which eschews the neolithic, and encourages and supports both a low carb/low starch pre-neolithic diet and the raw.