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Messages - robbyt

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Health / Re: To those who are/were on the Warrior Diet..
« on: November 27, 2011, 02:18:14 am »
I have tried the Warrior Diet for a while now. There seem to be a few major flaws, some of which have been mentioned above.

-The biggest flaw people like me who are heavy eaters i.e. need lot of fats and have a quick insulin trigger, is that eating whey all day as Ori suggests is a recipe for spiking your insulin all day long, you can't lose weight this way. BCAAs are highly insulinogenic, and whey as high as it gets in BCAAs. People like me need very slow digesting proteins.

-Secondly, as a post above mentioned it is very hard to get a day's worth of heavy meats and fats in one meal. I've tried, eating nearly 3/4 of a chicken, but it's just too extreme. I think Ori can do it because the stuff he eats is so light and his metabolism breaks it down so slowly. But if I ate all the grains he eats I would rip through them and it would spike my blood sugar, it wouldn't give me any steady energy through the night as he suggests is the goal.

-Related to the first flaw, if you are a meat eater and eat lots of meat at night, especially purine meats, they will keep you up all night, purines cause insomnia.

In a nutshell, the warrior diet as Ori spells it out doesn't seem to be designed for heavy-food metabolisms like mine. I am experimenting with a large lunch, which seems more natural to my metabolism, then a smaller dinner.

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