Hot Topics / Re: Squid Oil vs Fish / other Oils
« on: January 16, 2016, 10:29:01 pm »What do you think?
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The complete article:
So nothing is "proved", the evidence is just anecdotal.
I saw a news report about this on the news this morning, but I can't help but think this study seems flawed.
I'm personally a strong believer in fasting, because its shown, when done properly, to have an amazing benefit in terms of healing. A load of science and personal experiences back this up, too.
What I don't agree with is a diet that is everyday constantly restricted by a certain amount. That's just simply keeping the body at a reduced state of efficiency. What I DO believe in is eating very healthy and normally everyday, and then once a week for 24 hours you fast with only water. This is roughly a 15 percent reduction in your overall diet, but the key is that its done in a much more proper way. Your body can be buzzing with nutrition the whole week, and then apply that nutrition and energy with the help of a fast like you never would otherwise be able to achieve without that concentration of a 24 straight block.
Regular monthly 2 and 3 day water fasts can be very beneficial as well. The important thing is that you do it right. Eat very nutritiously, wind down slowly for the fast beforehand, eating easier and a bit lighter. Then when you're done the fast, wind up again slowly, eating mostly veg items at first and bring your metabolism back up gently.
Chia has a lot of anti nutrient compounds in them and should not be used in large amounts
is this a recent post by him?
Dr. Amen can show you in a brain scan what alcohol consumption (even small amounts) does to people generally.