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Messages - Topper Harley

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Personally I love running.  10 miles, 20 miles, 26.2 miles, all good to me. :)  I think the only thing bad about "traditional" running is that people use shoes.  I like to run barefoot.  As a matter of fact, I ran 5 miles barefoot a couple of months ago.  (been kinda lazy since but I'm getting back into it)  I only wear shoes if I have to. (clothes for that matter also)  things I play barefoot -> soccer, basketball, football, running, biking, tennis, hiking, mountain climbing (beginner only), etc.  I find it more fun and natural that way.  Also, for me I wouldn't soil myself just to finish some competition, I take breaks as I see fit and then continue when I'm ready.  In that way, I don't see marathon running a problem.  It's no different than any other sport when you push yourself like crazy. 

How does this work playing against other people who wear shoes? I'm not critical. I also think barefoot makes a lot more sense. Just wondering if you run into problems doing this.

Welcoming Committee / Getting Started
« on: March 01, 2009, 05:42:02 pm »
I'm new here. Eating raw flesh foods makes sense to me.

Many plants have a hard cell wall made of cellulose. Humans don't digest cellulose well. Cooking can break down this wall, hence cooking some plant foods is necessary if they are to be eaten. However animal cells only have a cell membrane. So why cook, if there is no need?

Anyway, how does one get started? I know raw eggs. That's easy, though not that appetizing.

How does one eat raw meat. I have some frozen beef (london broil) that seems like it might be good for a start. Is there anything special I need to do to it? How do most people eat their raw meat? 

On another note. I come here from a raw vegan perspective. I never adhered to a raw vegan diet, but it's what got me into the idea of raw food as being generally healthier. But I have noticed the same fanaticism sometimes associated with raw veganism is present here. Some people here make some pretty strong claims against plant foods that go too far. Some plant foods are definitely bad. I see how grains might all be slightly bad even when prepared in the best possible way. But many plant foods are clearly very good for us. Many people thrive to old age on plant heavy diets. It is probably not whether we eat meat, or whether we eat plants that matters so much as it is the kinds we eat, and how they are prepared. It's not until people eat the horrible western civilization style junk diet that things start to go horribly wrong.   

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