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Messages - Lurch 51

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Welcoming Committee / Re: What I Need To Do
« on: February 20, 2012, 09:11:45 am »
Another thing that hasn't helped any is eating tons of yogurt, kefir, raw milk cheese, and taking calcium supps. I was really trying to build bone but I'd bet it was too much Ca and it created less absorption of Mg and probably Zinc as well. Been overdoing it with dairy for sure. I ate 3 cups of whole milk yogurt this morning. I seem to tolerate it but that's too much calcium to eat very often.

The following substances and conditions reduce total body magnesium

    Alcohol- all forms cause significant losses
    Burns- with large surface area
    Calcium- high levels block magnesium absorption
    Carbohydrates- especially white sugar, high fructose corn syrup, white flour
    Chronic pain- any cause
    Coffee- significant losses
    Cyclosporin- extra magnesium can protect from side-effects
    Diabetes- magnesium spills with sugar in the urine
    Diarrhea- any cause
    Dieting- stress plus lowered intake
    Diuretics- even potassium sparing diuretics do not spare magnesium
    Insulin- whether from using insulin or from hyperinsulinemia
    Over-training- extreme athletic physical conditioning/training
    Phentermine / Fenfluramine
    Sodas- especially cola type sodas, both diet and regular
    Sodium- high salt intake
    Stress- physical and mental- anything that gets your fight or flight reaction

Welcoming Committee / What I Need To Do
« on: February 20, 2012, 09:00:14 am »
I figured it out. I was really sick the last few days. What I'm pretty sure I'm dealing with is the effects of an over alkaline stomach from hypochlorhydria [very low stomach acid output].  I haven't tolerated HCl capsules too good lately and I think that's because of low magnesium, even though I've been taking Mg.

I also have been having 3 dry heat saunas a week and using weight bearing machines at the gym, both things that may deplete my magnesium. So, I'm going to lay off that for a while and try to improve my Mg levels so I can take HCl with each meal. I was tested twice with the Heidelberg Gastric Analysis test and found both times to be low in HCl.

I'm thinking that if I take HCl with meals, and Mg at that time, that I will absorb more Mg from that meal, because, I think Mg depends on an acid environment to be absorbed.  All the problems I've had with foods is because my gut isn't acidic enough to thwart off the bad bacteria, so it thrives and I get sick.

I always seem to do great with foods like sandwiches with acidic mustard, tomatoes, corn chips with hot salsa,and other acidic foods, so until I can replete my Mg, I might as well eat this stuff and enjoy it. Alkaline soups with lots of vegs raised hell with me, even low carb soups - too alkaline in my gut..

Been reading all day long about how to replete magnesium. Was thinking of going 2 hours away to see if an MD would give me a Meyer's Cocktail IV with Magnesium, but they say Mg Chloride and other supps can do it just as well.

Omnivorous Raw Paleo Diet / Re: Breaking down cellulose?
« on: February 19, 2012, 09:55:23 pm »
Oh ok, thanks.  I've searched the rpd forum but can find no posts relating to Bee Wilder so I guess it will remain a mystery.

I've been reading on her site a lot lately. A lot of what she says makes good sense but some of it I do not agree with. For one thing I disagree with, she says we should all drink tap water, filtered by a Brita or Pur water filter. She says "don't worry about fluoride in tap water". This is the first time I've ever seen anyone recommended filtered tap water over RO water.

Welcoming Committee / Re: Did I come to the right place?
« on: February 19, 2012, 09:46:10 pm »
No, I eat tons of coconut oil, butter, skin on poultry, full fat dairy, etc.

Welcoming Committee / Re: Did I come to the right place?
« on: February 19, 2012, 09:29:30 pm »
The salmon smells like onions and mustard. The sea salt and onion seem to preserve it. Yes, it had been frozen for weeks before I thawed it out.

Welcoming Committee / Re: Did I come to the right place?
« on: February 19, 2012, 09:02:06 am »
Was never much into taking probiotics, but lately I'm making a lot of my own fermented vegetables and kefir. For a light supper I had 2 lightly cooked eggs and some fermented turnips & beets. It's really good and tangy.
I've cut back on carbs in a major way. It may cause me to lose some weight but overall I should be ale to put on some muscle, so it should be worth it. I'm also eating a higher % of protein, and that to might help me build muscle.

Welcoming Committee / Re: Did I come to the right place?
« on: February 19, 2012, 08:41:08 am »
I seem to do quite good with fats. I recently consulted with a nutritionist in MT [metabolic typing]. It cost me $250 and I kind of feel like I was sucked into that deal in a way. I mean, I learned some things from him that could do me a lot of good but $250 seems kind of like a hard pill to swallow. He makes a lot of sense on many things but I wouldn't say he's the last word on some things, no one is, or, only we are of our own bodies.

Anyway, I'm a mixed type and MT recommends I eat 35% protein, 45% carbs, and 20% fats, for what that's worth. :) It also recommends that people fine tune their personal diets to get the perfect ratio of macro nutrients.

Welcoming Committee / Re: Did I come to the right place?
« on: February 19, 2012, 07:05:04 am »
Hi Van,

Interesting idea. Do you think it might work if I eat cooked chicken all alone, or any other protein? It may be a good idea. I tend to have big gaps between my meals, and eat big meals. Over eating is really a sign of bacterial over growth in the GI tract, I think.

Wondering if eating meat all alone will hurt my colon. I used to get pains in my colon if I didn't eat 75%+ carbs with my protein. If it doesn't, it might be a great idea for me to eat small protein meals for a while and really let the bad bacteria starve.

The good thing about these kind of problems is that the human body is quite forgiving and you can turn it around in literally a few hours. The main thing is to listen to your body and change when the need arises.

I've got raw wild salmon in an air tight container on top of my fridge, with mustard, sea salt, water, cayenne, and raw onion. It's been at room temp for 24 hours now. I may eat it on Sunday. I've made this before, years ago, and it was really good. I put lemon juice in it before, but none this time. Off hand would you say it's safe to eat? I bet it would be real easy to digest.

Welcoming Committee / Re: Did I come to the right place?
« on: February 19, 2012, 04:38:38 am »

I was depressed last night and not feeling well.  Since last July I've struggled with trying to correct the mess that a vegan diet did tom my GI tract. I've been in denial in a way. What I've needed to do is go back to low carb vegs and animal proteins only and quit the nuts, seeds, grains, legumes, at least for a while. Broccoli, cabbage, and onions inhibit bacteria. So do turnips and rutabaga but they're higher carb.

I noticed as of late that I don't tolerate things like Betaine HCl, distilled vinegar, and even calcium lactate any more. Betaine gives me palpitations, and taking 5-7 caps with each meal depleted my magnesium. Vinegar to acidify my GI tract does not feel like it's the right thing to do. Raw ACV made me quite sick.

I had the idea that my pH was too alkaline. It's weird but I seem to be able to tolerate acid producing foods OK, foods like meat, eggs, rice, tomato, corn, Ezekiel bread, and olives, but the eczema on my head didn't improve, and if I kept eating all these carbs, I don't know if it would ever improve, or would take a long time if it did. If I was too alkaline, I could taste it and feel it. I've been that way before and it can make me so tired that I can hardly get off of the sofa. I don't think I've been too alkaline in a good 10 years or so.

Not sure what made me sick yesterday, well, actually, I am. I was going to try the 2 or 3 day VCO cleanse, and I did OK with it while taking my home made pasteurized organic milk kefir, but when I took pasteurized organic store yogurt, I got sick and had bloating, fatigue, head fog, and all that awful stuff. I just need to be real careful what I eat at this time. I hate to admit it but I need to go back to square one, the square I haven't been at in 15 or 20 years. It seems so unreal to walk into stores and not be able to buy the foods I've been buying for years but I need to eat to live at this time.

For the second time I found calcium supps to sedate me. I broke my ankle last Summer after I collided with a car on my bicycle and was taking calcium tinctures to help mend the bone, and they used to make me feel groggy, sedated, and sleepy. I tried Calcium Lactate for a week or so and it seems to do about the same thing. Not a good feeling at all. You sleep like a log but you feel kind of subdued and depressed in the daytime, and, it isn't worth it. I was told that thyroid hormone is needed to build bone, among other things like Ca and Mg.

I'm not sure what I'm going to do but this makes more sense than the raw vegan or even cooked vegan diets. I'm going to have to educate myself on this RPD more. I'm kind of tired of changing the way I eat, reading health books, etc. Low carb is really the WTG tho. If grains prevent me from healing my GI tract at this time, this will most likely subtract from my well being when I feel my GI tract is healthy. My stubbornness to quit grain may be a big part of the reason why I have poor muscle tone and eczema. I have to start at square one in order to get to square 2, 3, and 4. You can't skip any steps.

Not sure if I'd devote to this way of eating. If cooked paleo improves your health some, and raw does even more, than I may try it myself. I have no social life, so from that POV, I could do it.

Welcoming Committee / Re: Did I come to the right place?
« on: February 18, 2012, 09:13:11 am »
I need a heck of a lot of luck, and lots of prayers too. I'm really confused and have spent a lot of my savings on ways to try to improve my health and it hasn't gotten me very far. I don't see that I have a very bright future. Sometimes dying seems like the best alternative.

Welcoming Committee / Re: Did I come to the right place?
« on: February 18, 2012, 04:47:31 am »


I changed my mind about that 2 or 3 day VCO cleanse. It doesn't seem like a balanced cleanse. All that yogurt is high in sodium, plus the rock salt he recommends taking with it. What I probably need to do, is cut way back on carbs and quit grain either for now or for good. It's been a long time since I was not well enough to be able to eat raw nuts. Someone said Bee's site has a lot of interesting info, and I agree that it does.

Welcoming Committee / Re: Did I come to the right place?
« on: February 18, 2012, 01:26:52 am »
OK, thanks for the replies. eveheart : are you the same age as me, 60?

Some things that make me wonder, yet, I'll educate myself more soon and will read Ajonus' book "The Recipe for Living Without Disease".

I have a history of elevated ferritin [iron]. Do you think raw red meat will make this go up? I think it's about 110 right now. I'd like to get it under 100.

FOr years I've eaten about 20%  meat and 70+% carbs or I'd get pain in my colon. Wondering what effect eating a high % of meat will have on this. I'm thinking that if I starve out the bad bacteria with low /no carb foods, that I will be able to eat more meat, plus, the raw factor must make it easier to digest. Does raw meat digest a whole lot easier than cooked? I've been eating a lot of crock pot cooked organic Coleman chickens.

Can't wait until I can thaw out one of these chickens and be hungry enough to actually tear into it, lol. When you're hungry enough to "eat the @ss end off a skunk", I think raw chicken would seem good, lol. My cats have been on raw meats for almost 2 years now. I think I'll have to compete with them for meals. I think I'd want to use a good sea salt.

Welcoming Committee / Re: Did I come to the right place?
« on: February 18, 2012, 12:10:01 am »
PS - I don't consider myself old at age 60. I've taken enzymes for years and have eaten mostly organic foods, have exercised, done several dry heat saunas per week, used tons of coconut oil, and I don't know but I might do quite well on this raw diet, maybe more than the typical person of age 60 would do.

I kind of wish I hadn't mentioned my age at all. I'm kind of shocked and insulted that you called me an old person. That was quite rude, in my opinion, or insensitive to say the least..

Welcoming Committee / Re: Did I come to the right place?
« on: February 18, 2012, 12:05:02 am »
Thanks for your reply. I'm surprised you told me to quit the VCO cleanse. I have had a chronic bacterial infection that I have not as of yet gotten rid of. The person I got this info from posts here a lot and lives in Manilla, Philippines. He has all kinds of cure info on his website.

General Discussion / Re: Candida/SIBO causing bloating ... fiber question
« on: February 17, 2012, 11:57:36 pm »
Glad to hear of this VCO cleanse. I have lots of VCO here right now.

I'm doing it without lemon juice though. Other things that could be substituted for lemon juice are GSE and cayenne, which are both effective against tons of pathogens, probably even more than Lemon. The reason I say this is because I've had trouble with lemon juice lately and I feel I need to expel the bad stuff before I can take even things like lemon.

Welcoming Committee / Did I come to the right place?
« on: February 17, 2012, 09:08:10 pm »

I need to turn my health around. I'm in good general health but I got sick on a vegan diet I tried for 6-8 months last year. I used to be able to eat all the fruit I wanted to but I can't tolerate any of it any more. I was OK until I started using ACV apple cider vinegar with raw honey in it. I seem to have a candida infection that I need to resolve.
I think I'm going to do a VCO fast with yogurt but with no lemon juice, but with rock salt and water, and plant enzymes, and GSE with cayenne.  I'm a male, age 60, and I've had Hepatitis C for 30 years. I'm willing to eat anything at all in order to get well. I need to get a grip on this before it kills me. I have poor muscle tone and skin problems, and thinning hair. I've eaten cooked animal proteins for most of the last 30 years, with legumes, grains, vegs, and fruit. Lately, all I seem to tolerate is foods like meat, yogurt, rice, oats, but I don't think this is improving the health of my GI tract. I've been really confused. Yesterday I had bloating and I'm not even sure why. I guess it was the mold on the raw walnuts or some dried coconut I ate. I also ate steamed broccoli and cabbage and onions. I had been doing OK on grains and meat, but when I added broc and onions, I seemed to have trouble, so, I'm finding this confusing.

Feel free to encourage me if you want to. I want to learn the truth about eating raw proteins.


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