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Messages - Rawr

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TD & CK: You don't seem like you've watched the video. Have you?

Mercury poisoning -> "Autism" & Infertility <-> Population control

Mercury, Autism & The Global Vaccine Agenda : Dr David Ayoub M.D.

Primal Diet / Re: Is it just me or is Aajonus not looking so good?
« on: May 04, 2012, 04:20:32 am »
Hmm, let me think... Aajonus had:

-few hundred of heart attacks (or something that he later intrerpreted as that)
-4 or 5 types of cancer
-cauterized spine
-MANY poisons put into his body, radiation, and some surgeries done on top of that
-died 40 something years ago.  ;D - according to the white-coat mafia servants called MDs

For me, the way he looks right now is quite good compared to what he would look like had he not done the changes he's done in his life.

But for me, the most persuading thing isn't his current look, but the fact that most of his "belief system" around health makes more sense than what most of us (and most people generally) used to base our health-affecting decisions and actions on.

Of course, Aajonus is no "god" and I don't like people calling him a "guru" either.

I consider him a human that:
- has helped me let go of crap that I didn't consider questioning and thinking about before
- has been and still is somewhat of a "virtual guide/companion" on the way to better health and happiness

He is not perfect and hasn't figured "everything there is" out - but he has sure figured out / questioned a LOT to be an inspiration for me and I am thankful for him sharing his experience and ideas through his books and other recorded "materials" there.

Raw Weston Price / Re: The Great Dance: A Hunter's Story
« on: May 03, 2012, 11:46:44 pm »
I also found it on isoHunt (torrent tracker). Haven't watched it yet.

Raw Weston Price / Re: Apology re Weston-Price
« on: May 03, 2012, 10:50:47 pm »
I'd rather deal with the New Agey types than Barrett... You can throw proof at Barrett all day, but nothing will come of it.  He's too biased.  He's a fundamentalist of conventionalism.

Well... Quackwatch - Barrett - is no just a random "biased doctor". He is a Big Pharma puppet.

Dr. Stephen Barrett of Quackwatch Exposed In Court Cases

"During the course of his examination, Barrett also had to concede his ties to the AMA, Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and Food & Drug Administration (FDA)."

Failed MD Stephen Barrett

Barrett, in the Canadian case, has formally admitted, according to Canadian law, to a number of situations put to him by the Plaintiff, including:

"The sole purpose of the activities of Barrett & Baratz are to discredit and cause damage and harm to health care practitioners, businesses that make alternative health therapies or products available, and advocates of non-allopathic therapies and health freedom."

"Barrett has interfered with the civil rights of numerous Americans, in his efforts to have his critics silenced."

"Barrett has strategically orchestrated the filing of legal actions in improper jurisdictions for the purpose of frustrating the victims of such lawsuits and increasing his victims costs."

Barrett's Funding - TOP SECRET...

Barrett was cornered in a Federal case in the State of Oregon not long ago, and asked about his income.  He testified that over the past two years he made a TOTAL of $54,000.

How then does he afford to carry on fourteen (14) separate legal actions at one time?

If each legal action cost him $100,000, that would come to 1.4 million dollars ($1,400,000).

How do you squeeze 1.4 million out of a $54,000 total income?

There are many more article about this PoS if you google "barett quackwatch", but these have enough information in themselves/ If you feel like "beating a dead horse", you can read all day about this guy. Not that there would be a point doing that... His motives are clear from reading almost any 3 articles you can randomly pick on his web - if you're "de-programmed" and at the same time knowledgable enough of how disease bussiness operates.

General Discussion / Re: random arm pain
« on: May 03, 2012, 08:52:45 pm »
Did aajonus say muscle soreness is part of detox or am I mistaken?

Yes he did. And considering your description of what happened, I would consider it very likely. And I wouldn't worry about it unless it's bothering your "functionality" a lot.

General Discussion / Re: Loren Cordain on AGE contents in foods
« on: May 01, 2012, 08:32:08 pm »
This is the exact reason why I don't care what "science says" or "proves".

(Even if there was no direct incentive for the scientist to "rig the science" or outright falsify the results - which usually IS THERE in "these days" of the last century or two.)

Science measures 1 thing and ignores (or isn't even ABLE to measure) a million other things.

Does plastics have any AGEs?... I guess NOT! Why don't we eat plastic then?

Science is great when we build new things like buildings/cars/electronics from the stuff we already know, but in "optimizing" natural living things it always fails...

And EVEN THOSE man-made things based on science have a lot of unintentional negative consequences to our life.

Unfortunately they're usually "too good of a bussiness opportunity" for the people that produce them to care about those consequences - as long as it doesn't affect them. But that's a natural consequence of individualistic "private property" society that we've evolved to.

Off Topic / Re: Ron Paul for President of the USA
« on: April 30, 2012, 01:04:40 am »
My older brother can't even get a job with his degree, and he's stuck paying thousands of dollars in loans.

Does he still live with your parents? If he doesn't officially own anything "big" he might be able to get rid of the loan through declaring a bankruptcy.

Hot Topics / Re: Ancient Astronauts, Sumeria, tracking our origins
« on: April 28, 2012, 08:03:37 am »
Have any of you awake people done any research on this stuff?

Not yet. Not on history.

Well - actually - I've seen a revisionist-type of documentary about the concentration camps in WW2 (Schwindler's List if I remember correctly?) and big discrepancies in numbers of dead jews, doubting of "gas chamber" theories and some other stuff. The fact that there (in many "western/developed" countries) is a LAW that DENIES, BANs and MAKES CRIMINAL even questioning/researching the "official holocaust truth" gives a lot of plausibility to the people questioning or outright saying that a lot of it is false; made up.

And I've also seen most if not all documentaries/movies of Alex Jones, Zeitgeist movies, and quite a few other "reality turnaround/outframe" movies - sure, most of them add some theory or author's opinions to the facts, but a smart person can usually dissect those movies and find a lot of useful information. People often dislike the way these movies are presented/individual "speaker styles"; however, there are various kinds of people, and each "presentation style" captures the attention of different kind of a person.

Since I can't trust anything coming from any government, any scientist, any authority figure, it's like you have to totally start from scratch with a super open mind to get anywhere, and all of a sudden, everything that sounded crazy before, now makes a whole hell of a lot more sense.

I absolutely agree on this.

And I already feel a lot like a Neo in the Matrix; even though I know that I still have a lot to outframe, unlearn, learn.

Health / Re: Healing Lupus and MS w. diet, resources, examples.
« on: April 28, 2012, 05:25:19 am »
I have friends and relatives who have [illness] and I have found it just about impossible to try to explain the advantages of changing anything, diet or otherwise.

I am reading lots about [non-mainstream-medicine method] for solving the immediate problems but again they have no interest in anything but drugs and surgery.

Human nature I guess.

Social programming.

Unless the person is willing to do EVERYTHING you tell them, you have to simply accept that they will do what they want to do and believe is right.

Unless the person at least SPECIFICALLY ASKS YOU FOR YOUR ADVICE /stance/opinion, there is nothing you can do.

And in that case, it's best to let it go.

Health / Re: Transition To Raw Diet?
« on: April 28, 2012, 04:47:33 am »
1. Consider yourself lucky that the MDs didn't have any poison to offer you to "treat" (read as: worsen :)) your health condition. :)

2. I would advise to focus on the fats more at the beginning of the diet.

If you're like me and most people, healthy fats are what you've been getting the least of for the most of your life. I also have a tendency to believe that healthy fats can somewhat "smooth" your body's "detoxes".

I eat eggs, butter (raw), avocados daily, and now and then some virgin coconut oil.

I have a feeling that most people here who have ever eaten bone marrow (from grass-fed organic/wild animals) usually prefer it over all other fats. I haven't tried it yet but look forward to.

3. One way or the other, detoxes are a natural part of life and especially when you've been "collecting" crap in your body for a lot of years. If they're too intense, I would advise trying to add more healthy fats. AV also recommends/used to recommend some cooked starches (potatoes?) to slow detoxes of some people in some situations - I would try to avoid or limit this.

4. Good luck, and welcome. :)

Health / Re: Sick/Detox transitioning?
« on: April 26, 2012, 06:50:26 am »
i am noticing my body seems to be rebelling against cooked food more and more... ...wondering if anybody else had similar symptoms.

If you want to call it "symptoms"... ;D Yes. Or maybe. After about 2 weeks on fully raw (PD/RPD), I always noticed some of these after I've eaten a cooked meal: heavy stomach, slower digestion, more tiredness, overall feeling worse.

I think that the reason I noticed these "symptoms" after 2 weeks "on raw" is simply that I "got used to" feeling better/easier digestion and therefore I had a new "reference point"/"baseline" from which I could notice/compare/realize how eating cooked food affects me.

General Discussion / Food Inc.
« on: April 26, 2012, 04:13:39 am »
Food Inc.


Food Inc. (2008)

Health / Mercury, Dental Amalgam, Thimerosal & Disease
« on: April 25, 2012, 08:12:01 pm »
Not really?

Mercury, Dental Amalgam, Thimerosal & Disease | Dr Boyd Haley (2003)

Mercury, Dental Amalgam, Thimerosal & Disease | Dr Boyd Haley (2003) *SEE DESCRIPTION

Anyway, I won't bother more to "convince" you. I'll just keep this here for anyone interested.
There are more (much more) resources available electronically, but this is enough for a start. Have a nice day so far.

Primal Diet / Re: Questions about Primal Diet
« on: April 25, 2012, 07:44:49 pm »
the lacking of evidence is the legitimate criticism against AVs claims

I'm pretty sure that if the claims re his health history were fabricated, the corporate media in which he appeared would find out pretty quickly and use it against him in their shows to crash his credibility. Instead, all they were able to find "against" him was the blabbery of MDs, "food safety specialists" and other mainstream hogwash.

Primal Diet / Re: Questions about Primal Diet
« on: April 25, 2012, 05:47:19 am »
There are salt lakes inland, mineral springs. Plus animals eat mineralized clay (AV actually recommends this, go figure) I heard that chimpanzees eat dirt and gorillas eat their own faeces to restore minerals balance. Salt seems like a better alternative :)

Unfortunately, what most people call salt or "table salt" is basically 99+% "salt of sodium" - NaCl. Even sea salt has negligible amounts of other minerals. I suspect himalayan salts to be 90+% NaCl also. It can't even remotely be compared to what would I call "real salts"/"full-spectrum salts" with not only 1, but all 20+ minerals our body needs. However I doubt that such "full-spectrum salts" with optimal mineral ratios for human body exist in the nature.

Aajonus recommends honey and dairy because those are foods that people addicted to cooked foods can enjoy easily, as replacements for sweet/fatty junk food.

He recommends to avoid fasting, and also recommends to eat a lot of food, because he wants people to avoid getting so hungry that their cravings get too strong, which could cause them to backslide into eating cooked junk.

He recommends blending because most people don't chew well, and often have digestion problems.

He also recommends dairy because it can be a good transition food, from SAD food to raw paleo foods.  Dairy is not ideal for many people, even when fermented, raw and grassfed, but it's better than McDonald's cheeseburgers.

Cheri, how have you found out these reasons/explanations? I thought I've read/seen/heard pretty much everything from Aajonus that's available electronically and I haven't heard him talk about this so far.

Health / Re: Infectious causes for autoimmune disease?
« on: April 25, 2012, 04:17:10 am »
My hair analysis showed I was off the chart in aluminum, as well as high in cadmium, nickel, manganese.  I was also deficient in magnesium, zinc, selenium and many of the trace minerals.

I believe that occupational poisoning was at the heart of my autoimmune issues, and yet I couldn't even get a single doctor to consider the plausibility that environmental toxicity may be a root cause of these conditions.

Of course. They have been in-DOCTRi-nated very well.

However I want to point out one thing about hair analysis:

- the fact that something does show up high does indeed mean that you've been/are being contaminated by that crap, HOWEVER
- if some toxic element doesn't show up high, it still doesn't guarantee that you're not poisoned by that - often it is the case of your body not being able to get rid of that toxin through your hair.

An example:

Autistic children usually have less mercury measured in their hair analysis than non-autistic children - while usually having the same amount injected into them through the vaccines*. In other words, the children unable to excrete the mercury out of the body tend to become autistic.

* Of course, vaccines are not the only big source of mercury poisoning of babies/children. Falsely marketed "silver" amalgam fillings (that are more than 50% not silver but mercury) in the mother are another big contributor. However, this mother-to-child poisoning usually happens slowly and gradually during the whole pregnancy time, and not at once and in conjuction with tens of other harmful toxic chemicals injected in the vaccination proccess. So the child - I mean, baby/embryo - has more time to move the mercury carefully into the less critical parts of the body than it's brain and CNS.

Health / Re: Infectious causes for autoimmune disease?
« on: April 22, 2012, 05:42:04 pm »
What do you guys think about this info saying that MS and other autoimmune diseases are caused by bacteria and viruses?

I think it's medical BS propaganda as always and I will not even read it after you've said "caused by bacteria and viruses".

As Aajonus said in one interview:
Anything the medical profession says, do the opposite 99 percent of the time and you'll be right.

Regarding "MS"/numbness/tingling/"brain fog"/chronic fatigue - and many other mental/emotional/neurological symptoms... mercury.

Mercury in the brain/CNS.

Usually combined with nutritional deficiency, stress, and sometimes other metal toxin. But I doubt there are many (if any) cases where mercury is not the main cause.

Hot Topics / Re: Taste of raw meat
« on: April 19, 2012, 04:41:39 pm »
... till your belly explodes…  >D ;D

My belly hasn't exploded yet. ;D  Though you might be right. I'll try eating it separately from now on.

Hot Topics / Re: Taste of raw meat
« on: April 19, 2012, 02:55:52 pm »
I enjoy cooked meat ... Why it should be so complex with raw meat?

1. With raw meat, people usually don't realize well enough that cooked meat is practically always eaten with added salt/spices/sauces/other stuff. Therefore it has to have more taste.

Have you ever eaten cooked meat that was never "flavor enhanced" with anything else? I've tried this with chicken breasts (long before I switched to PD/RPD) and they were pretty tasteless - what little taste it had definitely was not an appetizing taste.

2. I've read somewhere on this forum that some of the chemicals produced by cooking are addictive - I don't remember if it was regarding cooking meat though.

How did you start yourself? Did you enjoy raw meat right away or it took some time not only to get used to but to enjoy it?

1. I'm on this diet approximately 6 weeks. I went "cold turkey". I've never tried adding salt/spices to my raw meat yet.

I didn't "enjoy" it right away but I didn't "hate" it either. I enjoyed the "unlearning and learning" of the texture and taste.
I started with little bites and little pieces, and let my body "map" the  texture and taste only as slow as it "wanted to". :) It happened sort of "automatically/instinctively" that I've wanted more and more of it every next time I ate. Slowly my "meal sizes" started somewhat stabilizing

2. I've "cheated" - ate 1 portion of cooked meat meal - approximately once a week - the smell and "memory" of the meal always "lured me in".

However - and luckily for me - I was conscious and "watching my body" enough that I always noticed feeling worse after any of those cooked meals (in my case - heavier stomach, slower digestion, more thirst, more tiredness). :) And that's one of the reasons I've decided not to eat them again (as long as I have a choice).

I still might get lured in by the smell and memory of other cooked meals that I enjoyed - but I know that even if I did "get tricked", I would feel worse after them and not want to eat that specific meal any more even if I had it under my nose all the time, all day long. :)

3. Different animals and different organs taste differently. Some meats I enjoy and prefer more, others less. I always prefer eating those I enjoy the most. The ones I enjoy less/least I'm keeping in the fridge and letting them become "high meat".

Many people who are longer on this diet report that their tastes for different meats change over time.

Some sources taste better than others.

Yes - the taste definitely depends at least on:

- meat "color" - red/white/fish
- specific animal (chicken/duck/goose...)
- what the animal feeds on (natural food [wild game] / bushes / grass / grains / proccessed-feed)
- what additional toxins the animal received (pollution / medication)
- what specific organ of the animal you eat
- freshness (fresh/refrigerated/frozen ; fresh/aged/"high")
- if you eat it alone or add anything to it.

The egg with it {meat} was pretty good though.

I usually eat an egg or 2 when eating raw meat as well.
I don't "combine" them. I eat a piece of meat, then an egg, then a piece of meat, then an egg, and on.

Sorry,i'm new to rpd..still planning on switching to rpd. What is high meat?

"High Meat"

- meat that is partially pre-digested by bacteria (and possibly other microbes)
- traditionally made and consumed by Inuits ("Eskimo")
- most "modern western people" would call high meat "spoiled" or "rotten" - however
- as long as the source raw meat is healthy, the resulting "high meat" is also healthy.

Why would we/do we eat it?
- it's a great natura "probiotic supplement" for meat-digesting bacteria & a very easily/quickly digestible protein at the same time
- it is recommended ESPECIALLY for people with brain-function ("psychological/emotional") problems and people with likeliness of insufficient "digestive flora" (poisoned by anti-biotics / flushed by some "colon cleansing" procedure / other reasons)

What is it NOT:
- it is NOT equal to sour milk (which could be called "high milk" :)) - sour milk is pre-digested by different bacteria types
- it is NOT a reliable source for "whipworm"/"Trichuris suis" (doctors call them a "parasite" :)) - for that, AV recommends eating intestines of healthy pigs

Why do/would someone NOT eat it? :)
- it has a strong smell and an intense taste compared to fresh meat! >D That's why it's usually NOT recommended to "RPD beginners". :)
- you might still believe the propaganda that "natural microbes cause diseases"- for letting go of this, I recommend any and all materials and interviews with AV (Aajonus Vonderplanitz) - he frames that propaganda with both common sense approach and links to some other information sources worth having "mapped".

Health / Re: Weird reaction to honey + (butter/milk)?
« on: April 17, 2012, 01:10:30 pm »
What time of year does this happen? ie. cold/damp/hot/dry/winter/summer etc?
Are you slim/overweight/tall/short/strong/weak/healthy/active/strong or poor digestion?

Well, it happens at the "room temperature". :) Which is somewhere around 20 C/68 F I guess. Nothing extreme.

And I'm still sort of weak - I've been on the PD/RPD diet only 4-5 weeks. And it still hasn't been what I would consider close enough to a "full" &"ideal" version of PD/RPD yet.

My suggestion is... should avoid that combination.

I already do avoid it. I will try it again when I have really unheated honey or honeycomb at home. It just made me curious.

Health / Weird reaction to honey + (butter/milk)?
« on: April 17, 2012, 05:59:07 am »
here is the puzzle:

0. I'm eating 100% PD/RPD foods.

1. Normally, my hands and feet are always nicely warm.

2. I have noticed no problems from eating butter and milk (both raw) except maybe a bit of "passing winds", but I can't say for sure it isn't from something else.

3. I have a jar of honey at home.

It's crystallized. It has definitely not been pasteurized or (consciously) heated above 45 C/113 F. It's also "unheated" - however "unheated" in this beekeeper's case most likely means "not heated after crystallization" (I still have to ask him - the honey was bought for me by my mother, not by myself). It's most likely been centrifuged - maybe it went above 93 F/34 C, maybe not.

4. When I eat this honey with butter and/or milk, I reliably and consistently get cold hands afterwards.
(I haven't measured how long this lasts, my estimate is between 1-3 hours.)

I suspected the sugar in honey, but here's the "glitch"...

5. When I eat a good portion of a sugary ripe pineapple (I don't eat much of other fruits these days) with avocado or even without any fat, I do NOT get this type of a reaction.

So the question is: What's causing it? ;D

My only somewhat plausible hypothesis I came up with so far is this:

- the honey indeed is raw -> therefore...
- the insulin-like substance (amylase or whatever it's called) actually causes a drop in my blood sugar
    - either because there's "too much" of it in honey, or...
    - or because the sugar absorption is slowed down by butter/milk but the insulin-like substance absorbs more readily.
(So far I have NOT tried taking the honey alone and watching my possible reaction.)

Does anyone have another hypothesis, explanation, or similar experience?

Is it even correct that low blood sugar can cause cold hands? I don't really know how I "came up" with that association.

Hot Topics / Re: Germ theory information
« on: April 16, 2012, 04:14:34 am »
Non raw paleo dieters deserve to be healed too.

That could be debated if we wanted to "go there"... we could quite easily justify the opposite. A la:

"If one is unwilling to let go of disease-causing crap in his life, he might "deserve" to come down with illness and suffer."

Unfortunately, it's more complicated than that (as most things in our society...) - because it's also easy and rational to argue that:

"If one has been terrorized from birth by the society to be scared of eating healthy foods, it's the responsibility of the society to deal with the consequences."

Wish life was simpler, hehe. ;D


something more "practical"...

dengue fever

I searched a bit for "dengue fever" + some of my favorite "controversial" keywords - and almost immediately, I've found something quite "interesting" in the 2nd article that I've read:

Dengue Fever and BP Spill Complications

The timing of this outbreak of dengue fever presents two additional problems; the symptoms of dengue fever are very similar to that of exposures to chemicals such as those contained in crude oil and the dispersants currently being used in the contaminated areas of the Gulf of Mexico, potentially making it difficult to diagnose the source of a sufferer's symptoms.


- In Other Words...

(well, in my words :D)

Knowing how medical "science" operates and co-operates with other industries, it seems to me very plausible that the real source of what's called "dengue fever" and blamed on mosquitoes is - as in so many other "disease" cases - industrial pollution (toxicity) or some combination of them.  :)

I won't "investigate" this much further (as I couldn't even afford to investigate such things directly and scientifically), but I'll just "say" this...:

I would be more surprised if this wasn't just another case of industrial-pollution disease blamed on something in the nature, than if it was. ;D

More "stuff"

->"BP Oil Spill Toxins may be Activator for Dengue Fever"

-> "Corexit Tied To 'Dengue Fever' In Florida?, page 1"

-> "Dengue Fever Outbreak or Corexit Chemical Dispersant Poisoning?"
Dengue Fever Outbreak or Corexit Chemical Dispersant Poisoning Reported By Fox News


-> "Poisoning the Gulf's residents"

Health / Re: Heavy metals/parasites?
« on: April 16, 2012, 12:02:34 am »
Update: Re-edited a few times as my thoughts evolved/clarified - I'll try to avoid this kind of mass-editing in the future

Ok, let's backtrack a little...

Food-grade hydrogen peroxide

1. What concentration & amount?
2. Taken orally/IV?

By the way - if Joe is also interested in "non-paleo", laboratory-made heavy metal "detox-tools" as well, then yes, there indeed are some chemicals out there that are well researched for the use of chelating (strongly binding & expelling) heavy metals out of the animal/human body.

Some of these include:
  • ALA - Alpha Lipoic Acid ([NOT linoleic/linolenic acid])
  • DMPS
  • DMSA
  • EDTA

I haven't heard of any good research / history of successful use / lot of anecdotal evidence that would convince me of H2O2 effectiveness for this kind of thing yet.

However the biggest reason of my doubt is the fact that H2O2 is basically just "Water + 1 Oxygen atom" thus the only benefit I could implicitly see is the potential improvement in "oxygenation" of the body - which usually happens through breathing. How much of this kind of improvement could little H2O2 taken orally/thru IV do, compared to oxygenation through breathing? I don't have a clue...

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