Primal Diet / Re: Aajonus' Appearances and Primal Potlucks
« on: January 06, 2013, 06:04:03 am »(Potluck from 1-3 pm and Q&A from 3-5 pm)
Location: 1 Buccaneer St. #5, Marina Del Rey, CA 90292. If you are lost, dial (323)313-5802.
(Just two blocks South of Washington Blvd on Oceanfront Walkway
where Venice and Marina Del Rey meet.)
You do not need to RSVP.
Parking: There is a public parking lot at the end of Washington Bl. ($10?). Or park free on Pacific Ave if you can find a space, or metered parking on Washington Bl.
Walk on Oceanfront Walk to the 8th building facing the ocean South of Washington Bl., enter the tall white building on the corner at Buccaneer, upstairs on the right #5.
If you stay beyond potluck-festivity to enjoy and learn from Aajonus’ answers, please bring $40. Raise your hand if you have a question. Reading We Want To Live is required for anyone asking questions, so you are not asking questions which are already covered in Aajonus’ book. There is no fee for the potluck, but everyone is expected to bring and share a raw-meat dish for 2-4 people that is compatible with Aajonus’ Primal Diet (i.e. no salt, no store-bought sauces, and no vegetable salads, please