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Messages - SaintAndScholar

Pages: [1]
Hot Topics / Re: Does ketosis accelerate AGEing?
« on: June 16, 2012, 06:23:15 pm »
So new guy. You Know nothing of my experiment? You also seem a little pessimistic about my outlook?

I am of Native American and Northern European decent, and I am fairly sure that my ancestors survived on meat rich diets throughout their evolution. If you know anything about genetics then you should know that genes have the ability to revert back to previous structures depending on the environmental conditions. There is a Genetic memory that may allow someone such as myself to convert ones metabolism back to the fat burning keto-adaptive mode that help my ancestors survive the ice ages.

To answer your other questions.
To be accurate I am not sure if I am really in ketosis. All I know is that I have been subsisting off of around thirty carbs a day, with about 60 percent of total calories coming from fat, 35 percent from protein, and about 5 percent carbs.

I may be an anomaly, I had some metabolic issues before starting this diet. My liver was damaged and would produce too much glucose, causing my blood sugar to spike even when I ate no carbs. Now that I eat copious amounts of raw fat and animal flesh my blood sugars as well as my whole metabolic profile is within normal range. I am also physically stronger and feel better than I ever remember feeling. I am not making this up, I am in excellent shape and do not have any signs of negative health effects that some people experience on low carb diets.

 My Diet consist of mostly Whole lamb(marrow, brains, other organs, blood,etc,) supplemented with extra stomach lining fat, a fair amount of coconut butter, some lemon water, high meat, and eggs.

This diet is working well for me and I see no reason to change it.

My statement was more of a challenge put forth against the claim that low carb Raw Paleo Dieting can not be sustainably healthy or that it somehow accelerates ageing.

I agree that Low carb may not work for most, {especially considering that most are not willing or able to take it to the extreme necessary to promote total adaption} , but that does not mean that there are not any mutants out there that are exceptions to the rule.


I'm quite the expert on all things genetic, and there is no such thing as genetic memory.There's epi-genetics and canalisation and introns and exons and all the rest...more than enough mystery in there without deluding yourself.

I also eat a high fat diet, although I prefer to get my lipid fuels from nuts and avocadoes and dairy etc.I eat the raw meat for minerals and iron etc.

You seem like a smart person, so I will be following you and your health.You are consuming too much protein though, and this is where you ketosis is coming from.

Proteins are not supposed to be oxidised/burned for fuel.They are structural elements.

Much respect for the coconut butter, but what the heck is   stomach lining fat ?

Hot Topics / Re: Does ketosis accelerate AGEing?
« on: June 16, 2012, 04:12:48 am »
I've been in ketosis for going on three years with no end in sight.

Why would it be harmful to stay in ketosis?

What about the Inuit who live into old age on high fat low carb diets?

You're not an inuit , you don't have their presumed special genes for such an unusual lifestyle.

What exactly do you mean "I've been in ketosis for going on three years with no end in sight"......?.....what does that mean ?

General Discussion / Re: feeding a new born
« on: June 15, 2012, 03:27:44 am »

Check out those amazing babies ! ......truly healthful .

Some of them seem to have adult-like facial emotions.

Hot Topics / Re: Does ketosis accelerate AGEing?
« on: June 15, 2012, 02:15:24 am »
Hi Phil,

you said
Chris Masterjohn also pointed out that glutathione (which is found in high amounts in foods like organs and egg yolks) cleans up AGEs and thus further offsets risks from consuming ketogenic or high-carb/sugar foods like honey:

In fact milk and in particular whey are the best source of glutathione.

To answer the original question - Does ketosis accelerate AGEing?
Intuitively, how could a natural metabolic process accelerate aging ?

Hot Topics / Re: Does ketosis accelerate AGEing?
« on: June 15, 2012, 02:07:47 am »
So you admit that you're a follower! Good, that's the first step!

Pretty sure Phil's got his shit together in the facts department!

Is Phil a scientist ? , why are you sure he has his facts right ?
1. He is not a mass murderer
2. He is a nice guy who spells very well
3. He has a lot of posts

So obviously he is correct

read that.

A low carb diet is necessarily a high fat diet.
I am the epitome of health , and recently broke the World record for healing from a bad  injury.

I shovel healthy raw chow down my neck non stop.

Hot Topics / Re: Does ketosis accelerate AGEing?
« on: June 14, 2012, 06:51:03 pm »
OK, there does seem to be pretty wide agreement that periods of ketosis naturally occur among humans and other primates.

That's the problem right there.You are confusing empirical fact with a  democratic election.
Get your bio-chemistry lessons from doctors/scientists/encyclopedias not Joe Bloggs on the internet.

A female scientist (future Nobel prize winner) did work on metabolic pathways in worms (we have the same processes) and when she made her discovery , she immediately went home and chucked out all the grains and sugars from her fridge.

She replaced these carbs with fats , since to eat excessive protein for fuel is ill-advised.

I follow her.

General Discussion / Re: feeding a new born
« on: June 14, 2012, 02:21:35 am »
infants should not be fed honey of any kind.That is a well known.

Pastured eggs are very good.

check out Doctor Mercolas advice

General Discussion / Re: raw cow brains and fat
« on: May 18, 2012, 01:18:00 am »
BSE is insidious...

a perevrted protein (shape) that turns all the other proteins into a weird shape.
It's in the food chain.

In the Paleo period, grazing animals were not fed deadbrains of other animals.

There is useful fats in  brain, but they can be gained elsewhere.

General Discussion / Re: Germ theory and biofilms in ya grill
« on: May 17, 2012, 09:52:25 pm »
So my newly identified mission in life is to kill germ theory. I've realized that it's pretty much the root of all 'evil', money, you're free to go now, we've apprehended the real culprit, sorry for the confusion.

Think of a world without disease and sickness, which is what the concept of 'germ theory' brings. Instead of nurturing our systems with real, raw, living foods, we try to manhandle them and beat them in to submission with all sorts of poisons and butchery. Do you know how much nicer it is to live free from health issues?

Seriously though, do you literally know what you're talking about ?
It says in your signature that "all of my chronic issues".I am male so i would never attempt to describe being a female, so why do you,a sickling, speak about health ?

Germs are everywhere, and they are our friends.There are more microbial cells in my body than there are actual Human cells.

i am sure most organic eggs are more nutritious then regular eggs, but its a mater of relativity because regular eggs arent that nutritious at all

pastured eggs, and as dorothy said, you have to make sure you know your farmer and your pasture because that is a relative term as well, are definitely more nutrient dense, you can see and taste it in the yolk and white, the yolk will be dense and almost orange, my farmer calls it "cheddar cheese" and the white will be very firm.  you can clearly taste the nutrition and they are definitely more filling.  usually if i get a good yolk one is almost satisfying on its own for a meal, they are delicious.........

I am sure that even cheap eggs are very nutritious.I get pastured ones, and they have a little 'blood clot' thingy.The outer part is very stiff alright, and the inner part is much creamier.they are very expensive though,and hard to find

Primal Diet / Re: Juicing in Primal Diet
« on: May 15, 2012, 03:14:23 am »
I think he would be happier spreading his beliefs on an Ayurvedic forum, not a  Raw paleo forum.

Exercise / Bodybuilding / Re: What to eat and what to not eat?
« on: May 15, 2012, 02:20:45 am »
You eat 2 oz of meat five times a day and yet you take creatine supplements ?......insane

Primal Diet / Re: Juicing in Primal Diet
« on: May 15, 2012, 02:02:36 am »

AV tells EVERYBODY that they must drink milk. This is nonsense. It will make you sick if your body type is not OK with it. I am OK with milk but not OK with garlic for instance. If I eat garlic I will get sick and it will not be a pretty sight.

Why are you allowed to spout this Ayurvedic gibbersih on a Raw Paleo forum.

"Body type" ,is that prana or yogic flying or elephant God stuff.

If a person can digest lactose, then they should eat dairy.That's the science of it.I am going to be destroying all your karma waffle .

Health / Re: Weird reaction to honey + (butter/milk)?
« on: May 12, 2012, 06:23:01 am »
what is all that Ayurvedic crap ?

mixing honey and butter ? , no wonder you feel poorly.

try honey and milk

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