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If you think that mainstream nutritionists, dieticians, doctors and the like will be convinced you are dreaming.And most ordinary people will fail to be convinced of this sort of diet. This diet really only appeals either to eccentrics or those who are desperate and have tried almost everything else and failed. About the only thing that would work a little bit is if some celebrity like Trump or Sanders or Clinton were to adopt this diet.You're essentially correct, of course.
Just one thing, I as a GM, may no longer be RVLC but this has nothing to do with my health. In social settings, nowadays, I find it impossible to avoid eating some level of carbs as the alternatives are even worse. I do therefore want to make it clear that RVLC is perfectly healthy - I did it for many years in the past and did fine on it.So theoretically healthy but practically "impossible"?
Humans to our credit are adaptivores..... while the pandas, lower primates, and a multitude of other species seem to change very little and very slowly there seems to be a much higher aptitude for adaptation in humans (an adaptitude)Well put, Sabertooth!
Aronia berries are not astringent and bitter, I have 4 bushes in my own yard. They are somewhat sweet and nice tasting, perhaps a little sour.The ones in my fridge are astringent and slightly bitter, and also mildly sweet, and result in some mild dryness in my mouth after eating them. It's probably partly due to the fact that I only started eating them this year, plus I'll bet there wasn't a frost before they were picked. It was explained in these articles:
<<The name "chokeberry" comes from the astringency of the fruits, which create a sensation making one's mouth pucker.>> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aronia
<<Aronia berries have a distinctive, pleasant flavor. Astringency is the sensation that most people notice first. They will make your mouth pucker. This dry mouth feeling is caused by chemicals known as tannins. Tannins make dry wines dry. Many people like that dry, mouth puckering quality of dry wines and aronia berries. Freezing reduces the astringency of aronia berries.>> "Aronia - A New Crop for Iowa". March 4, 2009. http://www.extension.iastate.edu/news/2009/mar/110401.htm
"The taste perception of aronia berries is also influenced by the age and experience of the person doing the tasting. For example, younger people usually perceive aronia to be too astringent. This is a natural, healthy reflex. Children often spit out astringent and bitter plant parts. That helps them to avoid eating anything poisonous. (A large number of naturally astringent and bitter compounds are known to be toxic.) Only in the course of becoming an adult do people realize that astringency and bitterness do not always indicate foods that are dangerous to eat. Such foods can even be tasty. This is also the reason why children usually dislike grapefruit, Brussels sprouts, coffee, and beer but later as adults they may enjoy them. ... freezing ... reduces the astringency of aronia berries."
Paleophil already pointed out, years ago, a brilliant point, namely that pandas have not changed their diet since they were giant pandas some 5 million years before or so. So, length of time is NOT a sign of dietary adaptation.Thanks. That's stated more strongly than I intended it. I meant that long periods of consumption do not guarantee optimal adaptation. Plus, humans do seem better adapted to carby plant foods than giant pandas, which is not surprising given the differences in evolutionary history and physiology. You are correct in the sense that we can't assume that we are fully adapted to a food just because we have been eating it for some thousands of years.
The only caveat is that the Inuit do indeed seem to be proected against ZC diets with lots of raw in them, due to having extra-large livers.So, perhaps some ethnic populations can indeed switch quite quickly to different diets, due to survival?Yes, the harsh Arctic conditions probably forced accelerated evolution among the Inuit, though it would have started earlier than their North American habitation--in Northeast Siberia, where they came to N America from. More physiological differences are being found among the Inuit and Siberians vis a vis Europeans, so emulating Artic peoples' diets may not make a lot of sense for Europeans.
I never had an issue with dorothy other than that her posts were somewhat unnecessarily "over-long".Yes, I didn't mean to imply that you two did have any issues, if that's how you took it. I just figured you two might end up disagreeing. The actual conflicts turned out to be with others, rather than you, as I recall. Not trying to blame anyone. There were just unfortunate misunderstandings.
Well, I don't see how people reporting teeth problem on the AV forum has to do with ATCP being aware that AV is dead or not?He wrote "Aajonus's facebook forum." Aajonus's forum, on Facebook, not some separate Internet forum by someone else about Aajonus' guidelines. How would a fan of Aajonus not notice that he had died a while ago and thus doesn't have an active Facebook forum, if he ever had one? Seems more likely a vegetarian-oriented guy that is just parroting what he sees AV fans write. It's not proof of anything, just circumstantial evidence, but it also fits in with the reports from Cheri and Tyler. At any rate it sounds like he would have been happier elsewhere anyway.
I mean, people can still follow his main guidelines regardless of him being alive or dead.
Many people on Aajonus's facebook forum are reporting terrible teeth problems...Aha, just noticed this and see that this suggests that this dude was indeed likely a troll, albeit an oddly long-lasting one, as he apparently didn't know that Aajonus is dead, and thus perhaps only pretended to have been a fan of him. What do you think, JeuneKoq?