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Messages - makin8

Pages: [1]
Exercise / Bodybuilding / Re: Cold water Therapy
« on: May 17, 2012, 12:31:03 am »
I'm going to start trying this! I have always done the hot/cold mix up when my body is sore post work out, which really does make a big difference for me.   I also struggle with migraines, and love taking a cold shower to help relieve the pain there..

For the next week I will work on starting my day with a cold shower and see if it helps with my energy first thing.  Great article, thanks to everyone for sharing their experiences, very motivating!

Exercise / Bodybuilding / Re: Face exercises?
« on: May 16, 2012, 03:26:43 am »
Wow this is something I have never heard of, but it absolutely makes sense that working out your face muscles can help better firm up your face! The teeth and gums benefits are also great!

I just did a brief look around online and it looks like there are different types of yoga for your face for lifting cheekbones etc, which could be good for ladies who don't necessarily want a "strong" looking face.  Very cool!

Exercise / Bodybuilding / Re: Today's workout?
« on: May 16, 2012, 03:00:19 am »
Loving this topic! You guys are animals and its given me some great ideas for new work outs!

Today my Crossfit WOD is Overhead Squat 1-1-1-1-1-1-1, my previous record was 65lbs.  I find any kind of squatting difficult because I have two bad knees but I'm hoping I have improved since October when I did this WOD last.

Later on tonight I will be getting my cardio on at ball hockey, really looking forward to it!

Lots of energy today, have eaten all Paleo today and feelin good. Also got my dose of Vitamin C as the sun is shinnin'

Happy work outs everyone!

Welcoming Committee / Hi I'm New!
« on: May 15, 2012, 01:25:44 pm »
Hello everyone, just introducing myself here.

I stumbled across this forum while researching further into the Paleo diet and I think it might be a great opportunity for me to gain a clearer understanding, and see other peoples first hand experiences.

I am a 26 year old female and have been eating "cooked" paleo for just over a year now and am getting very motivated to start exploring it further into the raw side.  My reasons are similar to others who have posted here- health being a key one, to continue to increase my energy and fitness levels and to just be even better with the things that I am choosing to put into my body!

I look forward to exploring this forum some more, it looks like a solid community.

Pages: [1]
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