« on: April 08, 2011, 03:24:48 am »
OK, so when I first embarked on ZC, I held the assumption that I need not be afraid of consuming any amount of fat (in the form of beef backfat) and weight/adipose gain wouldn't be an issue. I figured appetite would guide my instincts on when to stop eating and such.
I tried it both ways, high fat and moderate protein, and moderate fat and higher protein. Here's what I found:
High fat/ moderate protein: WEIGHT GAIN. But great sustained energy. Body deviates from being lean.
Amount eaten (probably 1/4 pound fat to up to 1 pound chuck meat)
High protein/ lower fat: Weight gain also.... because I ended up eating a lot more meat because my appetite wasn't fulfilled as quickly. Eenergy did not last as well throughout the day.
Amount eaten (probably 1/7 pound fat to up to 2 pounds chuck meat)
If I eat NO meat and STRAIGHT fat, I can only stomach about 1/7-1/8 pound maybe? It doesn't taste too good by itself and appetite is killed fairly quickly. Perhaps I should eat fat until my appetiete is slightly killed, then consume the meat?
Bottom line is, I'm wondering what the latest agreed general consensus is on fat and meat ratio... There are some contradictory info in the Journals... For example, Lex states high fat causes weight gain for him. Kristel's journal begins by reflecting the same opinion, but then her last posts before she went inactive in 2008 states she advocates HIGH fat.
My experience with raw paleo ZC has been weight gain ONLY, I have not lost any weight at all... I don't really like to keep gaining endlessly if it it isn't lean mass. Am I just eating too many calories? WHat do I need to do to get a balance between energy and relative leanness?
Any inputs appreciated...