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Messages - csrpj

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / what's your blood group?
« on: June 22, 2011, 11:06:36 pm »
it should be obvious to many of you why i'm starting this poll. for those for whom it isn't, google the "blood type diet".

it doesn't have any solid empirical studies behind and is commonly regarded as bunk, but it's popular enough that i thought it'd be good to start a few polls in various forums and compare the results with the statistical average.

BTW, i'm assuming the vast majority of people here are on a high meat based diet and find it to be (one of) the best diets for them. if you don't fall into this category PLEASE DON'T VOTE!

that i wonder.

PM sent.

ha, i tried just using my hands, and while it helps, it doesn't quite do the job.

i think i may first try marinating the beef. should i use lemon juice or pineapple juice? lemon is what is commonly used but apparently pineapple is very good for this purpose:

i'm wondering though, if i use pineapple, would it negatively affect the nutritional content of the beef? would it make the protein less bio-available at all?

General Discussion / any way to make untender cuts of beef more tender?
« on: January 08, 2011, 11:36:32 pm »
at the store where i found grass-fed beef, they sell two cuts:

one is much more tender than the other but costs over two and half time more. i'm trying to save money, but the tender one is just so much nicer to eat... is there something i can do (like marinating in some healthy oil) to the other one to make it more tender?

also, another question - the whitish part, is this fat? if so, it's good i eat this part, right?

General Discussion / Re: what qualifies meat that i can eat raw?
« on: January 05, 2011, 07:43:57 pm »
for seafood like sushi, are there prerequisites for it being ok to eat raw, like does it have to be first frozen right after it's caught?

General Discussion / what qualifies meat that i can eat raw?
« on: January 03, 2011, 04:12:40 am »
i still don't get this... what are the qualifications for the meat that's safe for me to eat raw? is it just that it has to be organic and grass-fed? i only found one reliable source of this kind of meat where i'm from, but it's very expensive, so i wonder what else i can eat raw...

Personals / Re: anybody from israel?
« on: December 07, 2010, 07:22:06 pm »
i actually just moved here, so i'm really not so sure about how it is.

Personals / anybody from israel?
« on: December 07, 2010, 05:15:00 am »
i'm in tel-aviv. i'm curious about access to grass-fed beef and other paleo food, if anyone can possibly redirect me. thanks.

General Discussion / Re: halitosis w/ raw salmon... any way to remedy this?
« on: December 01, 2010, 05:21:04 pm »
can't digest salmon properly? is this the natural conclusion of the fact i get bad breath from it? damn, this would suck indeed. i wonder if this is the case though. it doesn't disturb my stomach in any way, i enjoy eating it and feel good after, so my subconscious seems to think it's good for me. (also, could it be because i am eating "too much"? i sometimes eat a pound in one sitting.)

my diet? right now, raw salmon, boiled eggs, and a variety of fruits and veggies, and sometimes misc stuff but this is my staple. of that, most of the calories are from the fish and fruit. more calories from fruit than fish through.
not sure if this salmon i'm eating is wild or not.

i'm not sure what the deal is with this fish, but it's from a store which sells to sushi restaurants. it seems very fresh.
right now i'm not eating any meat besides fish. this is largely due to my unawareness of where i can get healthy meat (like grass-fed beef).

the parsley thing i will surely try. thanks for that suggestion, bharminder. BUT, before trying, i want to see if i can remove this problem without "covering up the symptoms" with parley, first.

General Discussion / halitosis w/ raw salmon... any way to remedy this?
« on: November 30, 2010, 07:38:44 am »
i absolutely love raw salmon. only thing, it gives me really bad breath. how can i reconcile these two facts?

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