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Messages - Hannah

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General Discussion / Re: What is Your Favorite Yummy Fruit?
« on: January 10, 2011, 06:27:06 am »
raspberries. I love the texture. THey are so velvety and squishy, I just roll them around in my mouth before swallowing.

General Discussion / Re: How long can you store meat in a refrigerator?
« on: January 10, 2011, 06:25:34 am »
I asked this question a while back too.

I cut my meat into small strips and seal them in single serve pouches with my vacuum sealer. It is VERY convenient and doesn't skeeve out anyone else.  I recently left a sirloin steak on a stainless steel plate in the fridge for a week. I don't like the texture as much as it gets dry but it didn't really bother me. There was NO SMELL! I was shocked.  Supermarket meat always smelled to me. I have had my nose in good grassfed beef and smell nothing. Otherwise I would freeze it. It shouldn't get high in the fridge though.

General Discussion / Re: How many calories you eat per day?
« on: January 07, 2011, 09:34:19 pm »
I read somewhere that neanderthals consumed insane ammount of calories which most of it was from fat.
Fat is very satisfying and very high in calories so I imagined that people on this forum who do high fat diets their calories intake would be insane either.

I havn't really found that to be true. With lots of fat and lower carbs I usually hit about 1300 to 1500 calories a day. I wa ssurprised that it was that low when I started calculating it.

General Discussion / Re: Help with cravings
« on: January 07, 2011, 03:55:47 am »
I know Iguana. I just can't leave it alone at this point. I'm using the Cronometer to get the nutrition data. I have a tendency to overeat so I need to track it for now but not forever. I maintain my weight really well, so I suspect that when i reach my ideal weight it won't be a problem for me to instinctively eat to maintain, but losing seems to be a completely different thing for me.

We all seem to have different degrees of authenticity when it comes to being a caveman. :)  I am trying to eat more raw and unseasoned foods which is easy when you get away from veggies. They are not as palatable raw.

General Discussion / Re: Help with cravings
« on: January 07, 2011, 03:04:05 am »
I havn't been tracking everyday, so I don't know if it is that low everyday. I suspect is it more like 1500 a day. I reduced my carbs down to 90 by swapping out a mango for blackberries etc. So that should help.

This week I have been doing Lotte Berk in the mornings before I eat to rev up my metabolism. it is a strangth and lean muscle building exercise. I'm not doing too much cardio right now because it is really cold and I don't have a gym membership. But I plan on doing maybe two days of a more cardio dvd. I havn't heard of "lift like a man, look like a Goddess" but it sounds awesome :D

I think I am just needing to find my groove with this diet. I have felt much better today so I think that less vegetables and more meat and fruit works well for me.

Thank you so much for helping me. :)

General Discussion / Re: Help with cravings
« on: January 07, 2011, 01:49:28 am »
Low-carb doesn't mean no carbs.
50-70 g while losing weight is a good amount.

hmm. yes I am too high then. Today's count came in at 130 carbs and 1300 calories. So good calorie wise but not so good carb wise.. Should I swap some of the fruit for low carb options?

General Discussion / Re: Help with cravings
« on: January 06, 2011, 11:28:40 pm »
ok, I needed that lashing :D

What the hell indeed.. It's not that it makes sense to me, and I completely understand the detrement of eating like that. But I think I just reverted back to the old habits to comfort myself.

I lost 50lbs of a reduced calorie diet this year (since May of 2010) but started having painful digestion with all the grain and chemical food. Then I started on paleo and immediately lost 9lbs in the first two weeks. Then I gained back 3.5 and started getting discouraged. I have been sick and I know my water intake is up trememndously so that could be the culprit. But the point is that I don't want to go backwards. I have about 30 more lbs to lose but I am dieing to lose this last six because that will have me at one of my biggest goals.  Has anyone used the cronometer with any success? Or should I just focus on eating everything raw that I want? ???

So I shouldn't be afraid of carbs? I was understanding that the best thing to do is go high fat and low carb.. Thank you for all your advice. I know it can be frustrating because I'm a newb but I'm trying to learn from all your sage advice. :)

General Discussion / Help with cravings
« on: January 06, 2011, 10:32:20 am »
I fell off the wagon today. I was fighting it from the moment I woke up. For the first time since I started I was craving sugar and carbs etc. all day to the point of discomfort. I couldn't figure out why, but I eventually indulged myself in mexican food with beans, tortillas and cheese etc. I of course feel really guilty now, but I mostly want to figure out what could be causing it.

The only thing I can think of is not enough fat? I ate raw beef for lunch and still didn't feel satisfied like I normally do, maybe I need more beef/fat? I have been craving cooked bacon badly...for the fat content maybe? I am trying to lose weight so I think i might have shot myself in the foot avoiding carbs from fruits and hitting the veggies a little too hard. So what do you do if you are getting cravings? ???

General Discussion / Re: Strange thing happened yesterday.
« on: January 05, 2011, 12:36:23 pm »
LOL. That's the beauty of online forums. Nobody gets spanked.  :D 

Feel free to reply with an "I told you so" but I did notice today that after eating a lot of veggie soup and my beet salad I'm having digestion pain again. *sigh* I'm just gonna stick to the meat and fruit that was working for me. and like you said, eat them raw etc. with the exception of my juiced pineapple in the morning. It really helps to ease my stomach pain..

General Discussion / Re: Strange thing happened yesterday.
« on: January 04, 2011, 10:46:13 am »
Its not scary I find it normal and healthy...I dunno why it takes some people THAT long to get this "acquired" taste, and why people say you must really eat 100% raw to learn to like it, I am sorry but I find that not true for some people.
I always liked raw beef, I even still eat some cooked food - and I still like it, even when I wasn't at all raw or paleo much I always ate a bit of raw beef just was afraid to eat large amount because of all the stupid false scares. Now I am sure I can safely gorge on all types of raw meat!
My boyfriend similar, actually he eats a lot of crap still and lots of cooked food, but all the time munches on raw meats, so no, you don't necessarily have to be strict paleo to enjoy the taste, you just have to enjoy the taste, or learn to enjoy it.

It WAS scary for me. :) I can't imagine choking down food that disgusted me for that long. I'm not eating 100%  raw either. I have a family with two small kids and it's not plausable. Plus, I will never give up bacon from a cast iron skillet. lol. Although tonight the skillet cooked pork chop that I normal love tasted foul to me. I ditched it and ate some raw beef instead. I always feel satisfied with raw meat in a way that I don't with cooked food.

General Discussion / Re: Strange thing happened yesterday.
« on: January 04, 2011, 10:42:33 am »
Coconut is AMAZING. In fact, I noticed that I started craving coconut more on paleo. Coconut oil helped to heal me after childbirth .taken internally ;). And I use it for everything. It is a natural detox so it WILL soften your stool as well as many other wonderful things. I use the oil and the milk/water, but I also find that eating nuts keeps me regular.

The enzyme in pineapple is Bromelain. My husband takes it with his SAD diet to help him digest. It's a great idea to put the juice on veggies.

Tonight I grated my beets and fennel and mixed it with some balsalmic vinegar and olive oil. I ate a TON of it. It was exactly what I needed. I think that will be a good option for me.

General Discussion / Strange thing happened yesterday.
« on: January 01, 2011, 11:52:17 pm »
I know you veterans out there find this silly, but for me it is interesting to see how things are changing for me. Maybe other newbies will know they are not alone. :)

Yesterday I woke up hungry. I had an urge to eat a raw egg, but had not yet cracked one open and eaten it. So I gave in to societal norms and didn't eat it. I then decided that I didn't "feel" like eating raw meat and would give my stomach a rest for the day. So I put some honey on a banana and sat down with it. It was like my body was totally against it. I ate it anyway and waited a few hours. By this point I was grumpy and had low blood sugar and didn't feel well at all. I was trolling around for something to eat and opened the fridge. I immediately grabbed some sirloin and started eating it with my hands until it was completely gone. I felt soooo good. Like a fat cat ready for a nap. It was so strange to me how without following any rules or guides my body is plowing towards this diet on its own! I usually eat wilted greens with my eggs in the morning (runny yolks) and this morning it just tasted downright bad. So I ditched it and ate a few raw yolks straight from the shell. Seems like raw food is the only thing that makes me feel good now.

When I started reading on raw food they said it could take up to a year for a person to start liking the taste of raw meat. That was scary. Only took me 3 weeks.

But I am worried about not eating enough raw veg. What sort of things should I be eating? Most of the things that I ate in the past required cooking (beets and greens, broccoli, onions. etc..)

General Discussion / Re: Raw Glucose Source
« on: January 01, 2011, 01:40:40 am »
Persimmons are in season right now and they have a high glucose ratio. They also have huge amounts of potassium and vitamin C. So that might be an option. Plus it is a wild fruit so it is better than domesticated fruits.

Exercise / Bodybuilding / after workout pick me up
« on: December 31, 2010, 02:47:39 am »
I know we were talking about this somewhere but I can't remember where.. Anyway, they were talking about eating sweet potato after a workout. BUT I recently found Persimmons to be excellent when in season. They are mostly wild and high in Vitamin C and potassium. They are also fairly high in carbs and sugar. Might be a good option as they are in season now.

General Discussion / Re: Ate raw beef today. Virginity lost.
« on: December 28, 2010, 03:04:31 am »
yes, I remember hearing a few of you talk about eye color change. Very interesting.  Of course if you go to a pharmacy in France they look at your iris and looka t your tongue and give you medication. So there is something connecting health and eye color. But I havn't read into iridology.

General Discussion / Re: Ate raw beef today. Virginity lost.
« on: December 27, 2010, 03:59:08 am »
lol. Fertile I don't want to be.  :D

But I HAVE noticed that my eyes look more blue than usual. They usually tend to be more green looking but have turned more slate grey/blue than normal. My digestion feels great and after eating MUCH more raw beef I don't feel anything weird about eating it. I sat down for lunch with my husband and he didn't really think it was all that weird. It's always good to have support.

I really don't like the connective tissue or fat that much. I trimmed the thick hard fat off for now. I was eating sirloin so it's not very fatty anyway. But I bought some ribs for this week and the marbleing actually looks really appetizing.

Love the oyster. :) I laughed when I saw it. Being of the birht industry I have a lot of art containing a vulva. Reminds me of a scene from Harold and Maude...

General Discussion / Re: Ate raw beef today. Virginity lost.
« on: December 23, 2010, 05:19:55 am »
baby steps my friends. :) no roadkill for me.

General Discussion / Ate raw beef today. Virginity lost.
« on: December 23, 2010, 03:05:43 am »
I have been eating just fish and eggs so far because I wasn't quite sure I would like raw beef. I usually find something off putting about steak that is cooked really cool etc. I don't know.

Well, today I found an amazing butcher who only uses local grass fed beef. He makes all the cuts right in front of you. So I get it home and unwrap the paper and squint waiting for the funky beef smell....and nothing. So I leaned down and smelled it...nothing. As I was cutting it I was surprised by how my mouth was watering (and even is now talking about it) and how natural it was.  I had NO problem at all eating it. The taste didn't bother me at all. It was actually good! I think it will take me a little while to fully get over the stigma of eating raw meat. There was still a little voice inside me saying "eww don't it's raw!" But I think the animal in there was roaring louder.

General Discussion / Re: How long do you store meat?
« on: December 23, 2010, 02:54:15 am »
I'm not hating on his fridge. It would just be alarming if you didn't realize the principal behind it. :)

I got two huge sirloin steaks and cut them into strips. Then divided them into 6 vacuum sealed pouches. Nice and convenient.

General Discussion / Re: How long do you store meat?
« on: December 21, 2010, 10:04:00 pm »
wow...I know "aged" beef is better than completely fresh, but have never throught of doing it myself. Usually when I  leave a steak in  the butcher paper it gets yucky smelling. I can't say I will ever eat a slimy steak. -\  But a nice dry one sounds pretty appealing actually. I eat a ton of Jerky each week.

The pictures of your refrigerators are hilarious. If I were a girl on a date and saw that I would think you were an axe murderer.  :o haha.

I have a good vacuum sealer myself so I can use that.

General Discussion / Re: How did you end up RP?
« on: December 21, 2010, 07:56:08 am »
frankly it doesn't matter who started it or whether he was a quack or not. I also read that Berger was a phedophile who believed that adults should do away with oedipus constraints and please children. Frankly that makes me want to barf. But it doesn't mean that the science behind Raw Paleo is flawed. The Immuno-1 test has survived science and is still available and trusted in the medical community so they are obviously performing the test with measurable results. .....Or wait, maybe it's all a conspiracy.. l)

I think that really it shows that we DO adapt or were meant to eat foods that were available in our (original) geographic locations.

General Discussion / How long do you store meat?
« on: December 21, 2010, 07:47:48 am »
I know that good fresh meat smells good and tasts good (so I hear. I have only eaten raw fish and eggs so far) but our butcher is the next town over so I would have to stock up and either freeze it or let it sit in the fridge. But it scares me to leave meat i'm going to eat raw out for more than a day or two. Would vacuum sealing help?

General Discussion / Re: How did you end up RP?
« on: December 21, 2010, 12:32:35 am »
I know I am entering this conversation late, but I wanted to comment on the ancestral diet. It may not have a link specifically to ancestry but it definately does with blood type. Which may or may not be linked. For instance, I am type O which suggests native american/asian ancesty (among a few other regions but here in the southern US it is most likely Cherokee Indian) We do have several indian/scottish marriages along the line. BUT the point being is that for blood type O it has been observed that wheat proteins added to type O blood with literally pop the blood vessels. It's extrememly toxic. I found it interesting to read on the types of food that interact with blood types directly. The test is called an Immuno-1 blood test and is available by mail here in the us. I doubt anyone paleo would have issues because by nature most things tested are eliminated.

Exercise / Bodybuilding / Re: How much running?
« on: December 20, 2010, 11:01:24 am »
ok, you guys had me rolling. I don't know how I missed it for this long. I Generally don't LIKE exercising. Running was the first thing that got addictive for me because it challenged my mind to keep going. And lets face it, I don't have hours a day to exercise because I have two small children. The yoga/pilates I do is pretty intense and works ALL your muscle groups. It's more like dancing than "restful yoga" or stretching yoga. I don't walk anywhere  for work/school because I am at home with the kids all day and honestly don't even leave the hosue somedays. That's just the nature of things. But I am trying to find a bellydancing class as long as they don't make me take my shirt off. I DID just have two kids. :) and I think we even have a pole dancing class that could be fun. :)

I think I will get a jump rope since I could do it quickly and while the kids are playing in the yard. Alhtough I'm sure they couldn't stay away from me long enough to keep from getting hit with it l)

ultimately I want to continue my weight loss ( 50lbs lost, 30 more to go) but I want to be toned more than anything.

Lotte Berk looks awesome.

Hot Topics / Re: Creativity
« on: December 12, 2010, 08:43:46 am »
I'm no expert, but I would think that the only thing that the drugs are doing for you are clearing away all of the excess so you can tap into your creativity. You might try sensory deprivation. Lower the lights, float in water close to your body temp, play white noise,breathe deeply and meditate. then get up and focus on the colors you saw during meditation instead of the daily distractions. Then see what happens. I heard cannibis was ok under paleo if nothing else works. :)

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