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Messages - Wai Kai Zen

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Health / Re: How to Use Papaya Seeds for Deworming
« on: May 22, 2014, 11:55:05 pm »
This is very interesting.

GS (or anyone else who has tried it) what were your results?
Anyone who has some more info on this remedy please let me know ;).

Hot Topics / Importance of organ meat
« on: April 15, 2014, 01:42:36 am »
Hi all,

Im still in between raw or cooked paleo, but Im not promoting anything.
I feel like whether the meat is raw or cooked, organ meat makes me feel way better than muscle meat.
Gives me way more energy and my digestive issues are gone.

During my life Ive never really eaten any organ meat and I feel like it has got alot to do with the western society.
In the western society its normal to eat muscle meat and Ive never noticed anyone eating organs.
I feel like this is a huge attributor for the lack of vitamins/minerals in our body and thus resulting in more disease.

Just my take on it. Im no expert, just someone who experiments.
If anyone has an explanation for my observations then please enlighten me/us.



This article talks about eating raw fruit, fish and egg yolk as being the optimal diet.
What do you all think?

Health / Re: what causes mental problems?
« on: October 03, 2013, 04:20:06 pm »
In many cases its a lack of oxygen somewhere in the body (mostly the brain) that is the cause of mental problems.

Hot Topics / Re: Raw Vegan Annette Larkins at 70 looks like 30.
« on: September 15, 2013, 08:04:20 pm »
Maybe it has to do with the amount of toxicity we are born with..
See, if you have very low to none toxicity in your body while born.. then you can eat alot less clean of a diet than people who are born with high toxicity in their body.

Just a thought tho  :)

Hot Topics / Re: paleo love? attention GS and iguana
« on: August 30, 2013, 03:56:07 am »
Capitalizing on the goldfish effect is not a trick os scheme, its an appropriate method of using deep seated primal phenomenon to attract mates, that hearkens back to the days of primitive matriarchal tribal cultures. Women are deeply influenced by the preselection of desirable traits of the other women within their clan. The matriarchal nature is far more concerned about how other women perceive them than they are about what the men think. So if some members in the clan view a male as worthy and desirable it will influence the others toward desiring that same male over other males of assimilate merit, whom may be more available.

In primitive cultures the ideal was a man who was the strongest and most capable provider, one who was kind, caring, and devoted toward the whole tribe( Kinsman, females and children). Why wouldn't all the women want to give their love to such a man.

This primal nature of love was somehow culturally perverted, as society became complicated by cleavery devised games. During the rise of civilization there was the emergence tricksters who learns how to mimic culturally ingrained merits that triggered the mechanism of attraction and were able to gain the affections mates, without ever having to provide any primal benefit to society.

This trend toward perversion of the primal love mechanics is supremely manifest by the capitalization of sex by Madison avenue. Social engineers motivated by personal greed have learned how to manipulate these primal urges in order to prophet from making whores of civilized man.

The inverse of goldfish theory is especially true... if the group of females has rejected a male, then even if an individual female has an attraction for him, she will suppress it, if she believes the other females would think poorly of her choice.

Who knows there may even be subtle differences that can only be picked up subconsciously that leads to some men getting flocks of fan girls.

Forget the wing man, if you want to make it with the women get some wing girls.

I understand your view and I agree with the observation.. and  I can go a long way with your view.. but maybe a different explanation.
I feel like.. actual experience with women.. makes a man better with women.

If I choose to stop dating girls for a month.. I have a hard time getting back in there.. (attraction is initially still there.. but goes away because I feel uncomfortable).
When I mess around with girls for a straight week.. it gets so easy.. its ridiculous... and these girls did not even see me with a girl other than them.
Its like a Vibe I get in.. the longer I stop.. the harder it is to get back in.
Though.. being an attractive male gets u way more opportunities, no matter what circumstances..

So being around women makes a man comfortable with women and thus makes it easier to connect with other girls. So in that way I  can totally agree with having girls around a man may help him. BUT for actually creating that Lust, that burning desire to have sex.. I just dont see how this would work.

Hey, but having girls that are friends.. is Always good  ;D!

Hot Topics / Re: paleo love? attention GS and iguana
« on: August 29, 2013, 07:00:41 pm »
You can fake the goldfish thing.

Have girl... friends.... in the friend zone as part of your gang.  You can also use relatives, sister, cousins, etc.

Sure u can. But should it Always be necessary to have girlfriends around in order to get a woman interested?
And maybe if a man gets them interested, when hes alone with them.. does this mean theyre automatically aroused?

My point is.. theres more to it than just tricking them in. Plus.. does a man have to create all these circumstances and step-by-step plan in order to get a girl?  :o

Hot Topics / Re: paleo love? attention GS and iguana
« on: August 29, 2013, 03:31:36 pm »
You miss the point of the goldfish analogy. Female goldfish when having to choose between two males that are equal in appearance will choose to mate with the one who is mating all the others females.

He is saying that many women operate in the same way, they are automatically attracted to a male whom they perceive other women to be attracted to and will ignore a male whom the perceive is undesirable by others, regardless of the merits of the individual male.

Its a generalization for sure, but its one I have also witnessed to be true. When I am speaking to a third party, in praise of my girlfriend, or even make some reference regarding a girl who likes me, I can often notice from the corner of my eyes that if a women is around she will pick up her ears and have a look of longing on her face. 

Its the gold fish effect.

I totally got that analogy, dont worry :). Its pre selection in the goldfish world.

But do you really think this is true for all men tho? Because I feel like it just works on men who already get alot of women, not on those who have been unsuccesful for years. To prove a point, let me use this example:

-Is a fat, bald dude, with glasses and big nose and ears and no front teeth.. ever gonna get as many chances with girls as a guy who has all the characteristics of a handsome man? I think most people would say no.
So.. not many women are going to sleep with him. And girls know this.. no matter what u want to make them believe with tricks or lies. Women can totally see in an instant if a man has success with women because of attraction.

The goldfish thing.. he talks about the brightest color fishes getting the most attention, but just ONE fish will get all the ladies. My guess is that this ONE fish.. is just a slight bit more healthy than the other bright fish. I don't know for sure, I will admit that.. but to me (the way I view it) it makes sense that females mate with the healthiest specimen.

The same thing goes for the peacock or the gorilla and probably more animals.

But, I am open to being convinced otherwise.. because I'm interested in learning more. I'm just asking questions and putting examples out there.. to share the way I interpret a situation.  :D
So someone who looks like your average joe.. who has become the ultimate womanizer with these tricks.. speak up!!

Hot Topics / Re: paleo love? attention GS and iguana
« on: August 28, 2013, 07:50:39 pm »
Check this out guys....

That was a fun little video to watch :).
The thing that GS already mentioned, preselection.. is a good thing that the maker of the video mentions.
But I feel its another PUA who is selling his technique bullshit. Excuse me for my language.
If your attractive to a girl.. it does not matter what you do or say.. its not where you look or the way u stand.. wtf who comes up with this stuff.

The goldfish thing he talks about is interesting.. he mentions how all the females are interested in the male with the brightest color (healthiest looking).. which is a fact. Funny thing is.. Ive noticed how this same principle works for men aswell..

Have u ever noticed how geeks are in a lot of cases very pale? At the same time.. the men who have very good complexion.. (healthy red glow) seem to get the girls most of the time. Its a sign of health.. its oxygen travelling through the body in a rich and easy way. I could go on more about this.. but in the future I will write a short book on my observations and view. Also on how to increase the oxygen etc. etc.

Just my 2 cents..  :-*

Hot Topics / Re: paleo love? attention GS and iguana
« on: August 28, 2013, 06:18:20 pm »
Because we live in an agricultural-industrial society where you and everyone of us are brainwashed by the utterly stupid "Standard Narrative of Human Sexual Evolution", as called by Christopher Ryan and Cacilda Jethá in "Sex at Dawn" linked in my above post.

Does this mean it actually shouldnt bother me? Now I think of it, its kind of a possession thing aswell. I dont want to share my girls  :P. But its weird that I get turned off by it and girls seem to get turned on by it..  ???

Hot Topics / Re: paleo love? attention GS and iguana
« on: August 28, 2013, 05:58:44 pm »
GoodSamaritan knows his stuff ;).
Some guys have tried to cockblock me by saying that I am a player.. HA! did that backfire.
Initially the girl says that she doesnt want me anymore, but in the end.....

I do not understand this at all.. because the other way around.. I dont want a girl who has been with alot of men.
Why these double standards for attraction  :o ?

General Discussion / Re: I'm lost on the raw paleo path
« on: August 27, 2013, 04:57:50 pm »
Thats crazy man  :o.
I dont know why thats working bro, but its definetly not raw paleo.

P.s. I cant send u a PM right now since I sent 5 messages this last hour already.
I will reply to your questions as soon as possible.

Off Topic / Re: Raw nutrition, love, premonitory dreams, visions and ESP
« on: August 26, 2013, 05:57:20 pm »
Great, but will you ask your regular girlfriend and will she be ok and glad for you if it works — I suppose you’re still together? Ideally all the ones concerned in such a relationship should at least like each other and be friends. But as most people are nowadays neurotically jealous, it seldom works, unfortunately.

I think your talking about the girl Ive mentioned in the previous post?
I have not been in a relationship with her and she is still with her boyfriend.
Only thing is that the boyfriend didnt like that she cheated on him, which is something I can understand.
So Ive been single this entire time, but quite some times I am attracted to girls that already have boyfriends (not that I know this beforehand).

I also noticed the jealousy. Its funny how girls tend to be super sweet and enjoyable during the phase of "getting with me", but once I would be exclusive with them, the drama starts. This is the absolute reason for me to not be exclusive with a girl.. I dont need no drama. I see it with all my friends who are in a relationship or have been in one, once theyre officially together, the girl seems to be not so pleasant anymore. I cant imagine its just me seeing this, right?  -[ ;D

Off Topic / Re: Raw nutrition, love, premonitory dreams, visions and ESP
« on: August 26, 2013, 05:09:07 pm »
Talking about coincidence or maybe.. faith  :o

Ive seen my "dilemma" of Lust or Love come to life yesterday.
Ive met these two beautiful girls yesterday (theyre sisters) and both represent one aspect of my dilemma.

One girl is drop dead gorgeous and makes you want to skip the chatting (if u know what I mean).
The other girl is still beautiful, but more like an above average type looking girl, but this girl is awesome in every way.. her intelligence, humor, outlook on life, hobbys.. etc.

But for the first time in my life Im starting to be more attracted to the personality than to the looker.
I was getting bored really fast with the looker and the more I hung out with her, the less attractive she became.

I think Im gonna skip the looker this time and go for the other girl (who is still pretty, but more in a classic sense) to see where it may lead me.

So crazy for this to happen to me now Ive been thinking about it for the last few days  ;D.

Off Topic / Re: Raw nutrition, love, premonitory dreams, visions and ESP
« on: August 25, 2013, 07:54:49 pm »
Oh sorry :) I thought everyone knew him!

Here; the reason why I made the connection with Charlie Sheen
Charlie Sheen and His Goddesses

Oh and also he is a famous actor  8)

Off Topic / Re: Raw nutrition, love, premonitory dreams, visions and ESP
« on: August 25, 2013, 07:40:17 pm »
Kaizen, it seems the normal relationships are triangular, meaning they imply 3 partners. It was the initial situation in your case, you said “she didn’t want to cheat”. If the normality of an open relation were recognized in our customs, there would have been no problem and her initial boyfriend wouldn’t have been left behind. You wouldn’t be in a binary situation now, but in a  natural triangular relation.  See my explanation here:

So  basically your saying that charlie sheen was right all along? Nice  8).
Then again, maybe Bookittyrun is right and when I get older I will have the need for Love more than Lust.

Hot Topics / Re: Why are people bashing Raw Paleo?
« on: August 25, 2013, 05:32:30 am »
Take it to PM please. The irony of the direction of the thread and its title. I'm tired of reading about us bashing each other.

Your right Dr. D ;). I knew what I was getting myself into, but did it anyway.. this time Im really out of this topic  8).

Off Topic / Re: Raw nutrition, love, premonitory dreams, visions and ESP
« on: August 25, 2013, 05:29:17 am »
Thanks for joining in Aura :).

Maybe I dont understand, but.. are there more than one people than can be actual Love? Not just Lust?
See, Ive been attracted to alot of girls.. but I dont know if I ever loved them tho.
I thought.. maybe its because theres just one girl that I will fall in love with? I dont know  ;D.

Off Topic / Re: Raw nutrition, love, premonitory dreams, visions and ESP
« on: August 24, 2013, 11:33:05 pm »
So, if Love and sexual energy should be one.. which I would like to believe (and maybe do believe a little)..
Then do you also believe there is just One Love.. or is there the possibility to Love alot of people?
And, if on the correct paleolithic diet.. would it be easy to recognize who this One Love would be?

Hot Topics / Re: Why are people bashing Raw Paleo?
« on: August 24, 2013, 11:12:08 pm »
There was nothing rude whatsoever in Poncho's post, which was why I thought that Kaizen was being deliberately hypocritical in this regard. As for Kaizen being thought of as a troll, he was being a bit too confrontational which was a bad sign. However, we'll see....

Im looking for truth about health.. Im asking hard questions perhaps. I think its dangerous for you, me or anyone else to say that their diet is perfect. Unless u can back it up hardcore with not just numbers, but results aswell. See, Im fairly new to this diet as I will admit, but you and some others are quite experienced. So for me as a newbie to ask questions shouldnt be bad as long as you can answer them with something other than.. "it just works" or "it works for me so it is truth". It seems like I have to be controntational sometimes to get some answers or evidence or results..

Is it wrong for me to ask alot of questions? Is it wrong for me to wanting proof in the lines of bloodwork, healthy physiques, and all this without drugs, supplements or whatever?

Tyler, you obviously stated that Poncho didnt say anything rude, so let me use her way of asking this to you:
 "Why doesnt it click in your head that Im just searching for evidence and in the end, truth?"

Off Topic / Re: Raw nutrition, love, premonitory dreams, visions and ESP
« on: August 24, 2013, 10:45:24 pm »
So, if I got it right.. you still believe in something, but its more of an universal thing rather than a religion?
I myself believe in sexual energy/life energy as being the life force.. having desire for something keeps us going.

Have you read the book, Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill?
It talks about desire and all kinds of desires we humans wish to experience.
Love is ranked 2nd of our utmost desires, number one is still sexual desire.
Ofcourse this doesnt have to be truth, but at this moment in time I do believe it.

I think a wrong diet does indeed hurt the sexual energy, which is a form of becoming a weaker species.
Going back to a paleo diet grows our sexual energy and makes us feel at peace.

I think we think alot the same, allthough we differ on the terms perhaps? U think all ultimate is Love and I think its Sexual Desire.. but I have to say I hope it is Love.. so that I am wrong. But I havent found proof of this just yet  :'( ;D.

Hot Topics / Re: Why are people bashing Raw Paleo?
« on: August 24, 2013, 10:28:20 pm »
I don't take supplements or medicine. However, in winters I have taken a vit D supplement, but I'm hoping that I won't need to this following winter.

Thanks for responding, Haai :).
1. So, what does your diet look like? And if you want, could you describe it as precise as possible?
2. Also, in what way did raw paleo help you?
3. And, do you feel as healthy as humanly possible, or do you think there is something to be gained still?

These questions are also meant for others who follow raw paleo without any supplements or medicine for some time now :).

Hot Topics / Re: Why are people bashing Raw Paleo?
« on: August 24, 2013, 09:15:34 pm »
Oh I see. I guess she was talking about non raw paleo causing a bloated rage.

I totally understand how you viewed her statements too.  Poncho can you see how this is pretty limited?  there are many people who have weak digestion here as well, were raw meats doesn't just work right away, many have low HCL or other digestive disorders that need healing with fermented meats, clearing of liver or gallbladder issues, etcetcetc.  consider yourself very lucky you have a %100 success rate

Its definitely good to take everyone "advice" here just as a sharing of personal anecdotes, nothing more, and focus on what truly works for you.  which, like I said, will probably change and evolve, its generally an erratic process, slow, big leaps and bounds, some stabilizing set backs due to availability of foods or whatever and repeat.

I do appreciate your understanding Jessica. And the way you view the process is something I definetly agree on.
I also appreciate all of you active members for your input and most of all, honesty. Even the fact that everyone does things a little bit different is a good thing. Admitting to taking supplements or medicine is also something thats brave to do.

By the way, on youtube there is a video where she is crying because she is not getting medical marijuana. Im sorry, but taking drugs and then say you are feeling perfect on a raw paleo diet takes away alot of the credibility. So 100% succes rate, I dont know about that.

Is there anyone by the way, who does live strictly on raw meats (maybe eggs and veggies with it) and has no need for supplements or medicine? If so, please respond.. Id like to learn more from your experience  :D!

Hot Topics / Re: Why are people bashing Raw Paleo?
« on: August 24, 2013, 09:01:57 pm »
OK, I had had never seen or heard this expression, so I had no idea.

Jessica said something I also witnessed several times (it also happened to myself, and not only with diet): our understandable enthusiasm when we discover something new and remarkable. Good you're are immune to that tendency! And you're no troll, I can certify that!  ;D

Haha thanks :).
I do understand the enthusiasm aswell. I have had it on raw veganism, fruitarianism, cooked paleo and even on parts of raw paleo. Ive been falling into that trap way too often to realize that I need to keep my options open. I understand that chances are that I might be wrong on some things, even if they made me feel good.

This is why I ask alot of questions.. because I am enthusiastic about what some parts of raw paleo have offered me, but Im also aware that things  might be much more complex then I think they are.

I think this is the first forum Ive been on where I can honestly express myself and play "advocate of the devil" in order to truly learn from you people and get to know all the ins and outs.


Hot Topics / Re: Why are people bashing Raw Paleo?
« on: August 24, 2013, 08:13:59 pm »
I fail to see why Kaizen felt that Poncho’s post was rude: my limited grasp of English prevents me to see what this fuss is all about. Who would be a troll and why? There seems to be an nasty obsession about trolls on this forum.

Talking about.. why it doesnt "click in my head".. is considered pretty rude, atleast to me. Its a demeaning way of talking to someone.
Its not just what she said to me, but the whole attitude to someone who disagrees with her.. like the other person is stupid and people should listen to her because she got the answer.

I dont understand why I am a troll either. Im not against raw meat at all, but Im asking questions.. Im critical towards anything, but willing to try new things at the same time.

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