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Messages - Paleo93

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Welcoming Committee / Re: My intro:
« on: January 27, 2011, 09:27:21 am »
Question:  I know it's less than ideal but if the only way I can get the raw meat down is by swallowing it in little unchewed pieces with water is that going to affect how my body is able to digest raw meat?

Eating some raw venison in this fashion with honey and kimchee and a little lemon juice on the meat as I type...

Welcoming Committee / Re: My intro:
« on: January 23, 2011, 04:25:54 am »
i would seriously ditch the dried fruits and honey...sugar in general.. u sound like u have hypoglycemic symptoms

Thanks...  I know dried fruit is bad but I was under the impression raw unheated honey was ok.  Reading about hypoglycemia now...  this is definitely one angle I need to be looking at as I seem to be getting a number of the common symptoms...

Some of the problems that you have described could be caused by food allergies. Try an elimination diet. Take away dairy, egg white, and nuts and see if you feel better. My skin breakouts did not stop until I stopped eating all of these.

You say that honey and dried fruit makes you feel better. Are you sure? I used to have a fruit addiction because I felt like I needed sugar since it provided that temporary lift.

Indeed, but allergies are just the top layer over many underlying symptoms and causes...   The only thing that I really eliminated (aside from all the chemical additives in "regular" food) from my diet has been gluten and I am not noticing much of a difference from that.  Raw eggs have been noticeably more pleasant to digest then cooked ones so I am not too worried about that...  I just need to find a good source of fresh eggs or perhaps get some chickens because the ones I am eating now are not the best, although they are better than your average store-bought ones...  Nuts might be a good thing to try eliminating...  I have been loving these raw cashews though 

Ditch all raw and pasteurised dairy, and try websites like etc. so you can get raw grassfed meat delivered direct to your door. Isn't Maryland the state Washington D.C. is in? That should mean it would be much easier to find grassfed meat there than anywhere else.

I will try for a few days and see how I feel...   thanks for the link.  Grass-fed meats are not a problem but it seems all the small local farms are closed or just reeeaallly slow this time of year so I would have to order it offline...   So far the only place I have found that feeds their chickens right that is near me does not slaughter them for meat.  Raw milk I could live without but raw butter I would really like to try.. even if it ends up being incompatible with my system I will just eat raw animal fat.  But it's a shame that raw milk is illegal in my state   >:

Welcoming Committee / Re: My intro:
« on: January 22, 2011, 09:12:11 am »
Here is what I ate today:   

raw-honey with organic PB for "breakfast"

later, a (organic) turkey sandwich (gluten free bread, if it even matters) w/ raw cheese, avocado and pickle on it, w/ a carrot, and some raw cashews..

then I got desperate and ate an organic yogurt (blueberry) with some raw honey and then some dried papaya (org., no sulphites) , followed by a raw egg... 

and a few glasses of water...

sorry if all that cooked food makes some of you want to barf...  but that's what I ate   :D

I am thinking getting back into the habit of keeping  a food journal would be good once I start to really get into adding more raw foods (esp. meat since I can't afford a juicer atm) to my diet... 

Welcoming Committee / My intro:
« on: January 22, 2011, 09:06:30 am »
Here's what a vegetarian diet with (cooked) milk eggs and probably way too much processed soy did to me...   I got the worst case of eczema and dyshidrosis my naturopathic doctor and dermatologists had seen in some time...  And none of them as of yet have been able to help me to any significant degree...  nor did the literally hundreds of bottles of herbal and other supplements I consumed in the hopes that it would correct the deficiencies and bring me to some semblance of balance.   Now that I have been eating cooked meats for about a year or more and in the later part of last year including raw cheese (salt added unfortunately) and eggs in my diet and occaissionally some raw frozen venison, bison, or chicken I am feeling on the road to recovery; but nowhere near where I would like to be health-wise.  Now I mainly suffer from general fatigue and irritability though that seems to get better when I eat raw honey and no processed sugar or dried fruit (which I hardly ever eat though I did have some today so that's why I mention it).  The full-body eczema I was experiencing has subsided to a few "patchy spots" here or there and I am mainly affected by the fatigue and the dyshidrosis which strangely only affects the hands and feet with fluid-filled vesicles which itch like crazy, and can make doing some pretty normal things like walking quite uncomfortable.  I am slightly wary about consuming the chicken (once frozen) because it's grain-fed and that is all I can find around here atm.   Raw milk and butter are nearly impossible to find here in Maryland...  but it is within reach in PA if I am willing to make the trip.

Glad I found this community..  I have to hide the fact that I am starting to eat raw meat from my family but that may change in time once I become more confident of the benifits.

any suggestions or comments welcome.

Also since I am not exactly a paleo dieter yet so i guess my name would more accurately be "interested in" paleo 93, but you all can just call me Garrett....  thx  ;)

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