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Messages - Grithnir

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Health / Re: Hair Growth. Alopecia.
« on: October 25, 2013, 09:19:52 pm »
Thanks, you guys, I have begun to rub my nails together, just out of boredom, to see if it will do anything.  But yes, I will look into these alternatives.  I even found a strange source that claims covering your scalp in onion paste, stimulates hair growth.

Health / Re: Hair Growth. Alopecia.
« on: October 25, 2013, 05:07:51 am »
Yes, I am on raw paleo, since last December as stated.  It is an interesting video, but the fact is, that herbs, I don't consider toxins, and I remember bumping paths with a woman on here, that believed she knew how to increase the strength and volume of hair follicles.  The diet alone, may have rid my body of toxins, but I have had only minimum growth.  I just started again, the treatment I stated, and it has worked twice, but not full hair cover, but almost.  I am just looking around for other herbs, not steroids or other medical treatments, because I don't believe in that.

Health / Hair Growth. Alopecia.
« on: October 25, 2013, 04:43:26 am »
Hi, this is James, I have been on RPD since last December.  I have had hair off and on since I was ten, and the times I did were through the following herbs, Horsetail Stems & Strobilus, Dulse Fronds, Rosemary and Sage leaves.  So I am back at it again, with this, in gel caps, and was wondering if anyone has this problem and other solutions.  When I posted about it before, a woman said she had a formula to increase hair volume and follicle strength, and I am looking for ideas...??

Welcoming Committee / Re: Hi, I am back again. My new story.
« on: April 13, 2013, 11:37:17 pm »
I would actually like to hear more details about restoring hair growth.  Especially things that are inexpensive.

Welcoming Committee / Re: Hi, I am back again. My new story.
« on: April 13, 2013, 05:53:58 am »
Hi DaBoss.  So I am taking 200mg B6, 1000mg B12, 250mg Niacin 3x daily, 500mg Calcium, 400mg Magnesium at bed time, and 22mg of Zinc twice daily.  I am currently taking 40mg of Prozac and 2mg Risperdal.  I have been taking 1mg of Klonopin but tonight I am trying to cut that in half and get off of it.

After exercising and the spring air, everything has cleared up for me.  I have huge amounts of energy, and the whole winter experimenting with the raw paleo diet, was harsh.  I went through a lot of anguish with it to get here so you know, but it's working now, my digestive track is efficient and I have no complaints.  It took so much experimentation with eating and I have it figured out, a small meat meal for breakfast, and than a huge meal for lunch, and than at night a cooked organic meal with veggies and a piece of fruit near bedtime.  I know it doesn't seem that strange but my body is so sensitive to routines and everything else that this has finally worked.   I realized what went wrong with my diet was the Prozac, someone convinced me to not take it, and I discovered this is my fucking problem. Not schizophrenia, DEPRESSION. And so I started it again and have been getting the hell off those other drugs and I feel fine.

Welcoming Committee / Hi, I am back again. My new story.
« on: April 13, 2013, 04:27:30 am »
I posted this to a friend on Facebook.

I wanted to report something. Many years I had a callous on my right elbow and both heels. I just took a shower, rubbed them and they are completely gone like they have never been there. Also I looked very closely in the mirror, I used to have four eyebrow hairs and now about fifteen full grown hairs. Also my head is fuller, I haven't shaved it for a week and voila it's double the hair growth it used to be! Maybe, this is pure magic!

Voila is French for "look now!"

Also today is my second day exercising! I feel super positive, my body shape is close to normal and I'm going for a toned body at this point. This SSI and employment options is stupid. But hey, if the world collapses, I'll have my health back, and maybe I'll teach others how to exercise at a gym after being trained. I don't like being seen is my biggest problem. That's why I'm so house bound. But give me this summer, I'll have better ideas what to do with myself. I'm really intelligent and stupid at the same time. It's a great problem. I'm very educated but I used to be self destructive and I belong working at much more manager like levels, but its impossible the way the system works and I have no real connections here to figure out how to promote myself for a career. I want to go into alien research and alien language, and have an office to study in. It's really the only thing I can pursue on an intellectual level. To give me something to sort through and figure out.

This is the best I could do, but its double what it has been and there is a lot of new peach fuzz on top of it.

I've regrown it twice before, once with the doctors and once for a long time with herbal therapy, but the herbs are highly expensive and you are supposed to take six tablets a day so I don't even get their pricing at all.

And somehow I figured the constipation out, if I do eat one cooked meal at night and some fruits throughout the day its working at 100% functionality. When I eat cooked foods it stops and when I eat just the meat it stops and becomes liquid diarrhea to be descriptive about it. Somehow in this middle ground I've figured it out, also just meat alone leaves me with a type of hunger only a cooked meal can solve so I sleep better. I've been getting sleepy at night all on my own without medications. So I'd say this is all working out really well.

From close to 300 pounds to now a little over 225 and shrinking since I started. I was getting to be quite big, and the nausea is corrected by the vaporized nicotine. It was smoking related.
Less heart burn, hardly a need for medication, and the warm weather has solved my anxiety/paranoia issues better than anything else could. I despise winters, or a poorly insulated small house and no visitors.

But I've got this figured out, this woman has motivated me to brush my teeth, and they are whiter too, but I really need to obtain a toothpaste without fluoride. I've been flossing and cutting my dental problems down a lot. I had a condition of bleeding gums, that my dentist said could be severe but now I consume not one ounce of sugar besides fruit, and they barely bleed and I feel no tooth aches. I just want to see what the dentist will tell me now about them.

My reluctancy about smiling is my embarrassment about my neglect of my teeth and smoking and staining my teeth that I had braces for a year and a half to make perfect.
Still working on coffee consumption, its just pleasurable to have when I wake up.

So it's been since December I have started this diet, the pictures are my scalp, I have had alopecia since I was 10, and this is me now, with almost an average sized body.

Welcoming Committee / Re: Hi, I am new, to all of this.
« on: October 31, 2012, 08:28:26 am »
I wanted to say something.  I am in Idaho, we have many ski resorts here, but I went to school in California, in fact lived in that state for four years.  I find people that are in the sunlight, that much, have minds that are way too open, like parts are falling out, and they literally lose sight of their identity by the weather being so perfect.  Can't really explain how, but sometimes when I was there, it's like the knowledgeable people just stuck out among this crowd of people drunk off the sun and it's effect on the brain. I am taking this to a psychological level.

Welcoming Committee / Re: Hi, I am new, to all of this.
« on: October 29, 2012, 05:40:01 am »
Thank you goodsamaritan. I read all of that and followed your links.  You may not have caught site of this from the earlier posts, but my inbox on this site is not functioning.  It's been a problem for two people trying to send me a private message, it's not really a rush thing, but I guess it would help.  Also so the others know, RAW has helped me locate a delivery farm, only, that has eggs, goat milk, and beef, to her specifications, so I am pursuing that this week, and she is giving me more of the directions of how to turn the meat into a "high" food, which I am a little weirded out by, but it's worth a shot.  Possibly the goat milk is unnecessary, and it doesn't help with schizophrenia. 

Yesterday was a really terrible day for my weaknesses.  They really came out, and besides my colon, what is the remedy for heart burn.  Just the meat, or other techniques?  I need all stomach problems gone, it's been five years of never getting it solved, and I can't live like this much longer.  Not to be dramatic, it's just it hurts so much, and I feel so weak, from this vicious cycle.  I am moving around a lot more already with the vitamins, but I am really hoping, this meat and eggs, just sends me to a symptom free world.

Welcoming Committee / Thank you.
« on: October 28, 2012, 10:54:44 am »
I found the Caster Oil, but not the herbalist remedy on Amazon, so it must have a different equivalent here.  -\   

Thank you.

Welcoming Committee / Re: Hi, I am new, to all of this.
« on: October 28, 2012, 09:57:11 am »
And because of this I can't even address my psychological well being.  It's this agonizing thing that I wanted to find a native American shaman to cure at one point.

Welcoming Committee / Re: Hi, I am new, to all of this.
« on: October 28, 2012, 09:51:48 am »
I will explain than DaBoss.  I have had a terrible nausea, for many years.  I've told the doctors and they can't do anything about it, I am on a handful of pills just to control my stomach, including acidity, and I need to clear up the acidity, with no pills, really quickly, it's this chaotic cycle, that they have no answers to.  Where right now I am the worst, throwing up, heart burn and constipation, I had things going all right for a while, but I have a tendency to require milk when I first wake up.  If I go according to my plan of action against throwing up, it requires I start the day with some type of milk.  But I will to try many things to heal this problem.  My stomach is a nightmare, and for three years the doctors wouldn't even listen to me, and now they tell me there is nothing they can do!

Welcoming Committee / Re: Hi, I am new, to all of this.
« on: October 28, 2012, 08:01:05 am »
OK, thank you.  I will try, I am having a very rough time.  And very desperate to see if this type of diet would cure my stomach problems. Also, someone you all know sent me farmers that sell goat milk here, and I didn't or don't remember the full instructions on that, and what is the benefit.

Welcoming Committee / Re: Hi, I am new, to all of this.
« on: October 27, 2012, 12:23:33 am »
Well, in defense there, I am on anti-psychotics, and most schizophrenics agree as I find out, we are too sensitive to sunlight.  But I did miss out this fall, because it was only moderate for a few days, but in the spring I can. 

Also can someone mention this to the moderator.  My inbox is not working correctly.  It says two letters have made it 200% full.  I emailed back to the moderator, but I don't know if it went through because it is malfunctioning. 

THe supplements are alright with me.  I know it would be ideal to have a full diet of natural foods to prepare and make, for a very rich life, but I am barely making it to the next month without fasting.

Welcoming Committee / Re: Hi, I am new, to all of this.
« on: October 26, 2012, 05:46:52 am »
Hi Dorothy.

I don't often go in the sun.  It is drastically hot in the summer, and snowy in the winter in Idaho, so I don't often expose myself.  And I am getting a letter shortly about my deficiencies, that I convinced my doctor to research, with blood samples.  So I will have a definite answer about that soon.

Welcoming Committee / Re: Hi, I am new, to all of this.
« on: October 26, 2012, 03:10:49 am »
Thank you all for accepting me, it's quite an information overload.  I wanted to report a problem with my inbox as I just sent two letters out to DaBoss, and the administrator, and it claims my inbox is beyond capacity, but yet it has just two letters from those two inside it.  It's a technical problem, but I didn't want to repeat myself, much on that subject, whether or not those emails went through.  I am having a strange day, right now, and I feel slightly catatonic or stoic, and this happens to me many times.  But the letter to DaBoss, indicated I have attempted his instructions.  I am going to reread through this later, but I am really, behind myself today.   

Welcoming Committee / Re: Hi, I am new, to all of this.
« on: October 25, 2012, 06:43:43 am »
DeBoss, I have actually just purchased everything you listed to me in my private messages.  It will be shipped, and I chose 500mg Niacin as I figured it may take some smaller increments to get that high up there.  Also I did include the Glycine, as I told you a year ago I took it religiously but lost track of it somehow, and anyways, it does help me a great deal.  I am thinking, since you told me your other medication I will tell you I just added Seroquel, and I think I am going to slowly discontinue use of Risperdal, because it too has possible side effects associated with the liver.  So, what about kidneys?  That was the other one common problem a friend told me.

Dorothy, I think I am better, it was yesterday I was really itchy, but today I just took, 500mg Niacin and don't have any problems, though the first thirty minutes maybe some strange feelings.  There is a lot of things that seem could go wrong, or already are. I do not know.  Anyways, thank you for the invitation, and I hope we can remain friends.  I need encouragement many times, so thank you for allowing me to be apart of this group. 

Welcoming Committee / Re: Hi, I am new, to all of this.
« on: October 25, 2012, 03:37:49 am »
Thank you Dorothy.  I have a quick question.  So I just bought the non flush free, but I went with a much lower dosage because I have been noticing I am itching all over, and a friend said that's what Niacin can do, even damaging your kidneys.  I was only pushing 1,000 and I felt itchy.  And it's odd, because my sister just informed me that she has a strange pregnancy condition involving itching, that will cause her to go insane by the time she gives birth.

Welcoming Committee / Re: Hi, I am new, to all of this.
« on: October 25, 2012, 01:05:43 am »
Thank you.

Welcoming Committee / Re: Hi, I am new, to all of this.
« on: October 25, 2012, 12:46:44 am »
Yes, I understand it now, because I read customer reviews.  But yes, I had been purchasing it from a pharmacy and made sure it said flush free, because of other people mentioning that. 

Welcoming Committee / Re: Hi, I am new, to all of this.
« on: October 25, 2012, 12:33:01 am »
Sorry, I don't know this, but is it D 3? That I want? I am not too clear on that.

Welcoming Committee / Re: Hi, I am new, to all of this.
« on: October 25, 2012, 12:26:35 am »
Sorry 1,000mg twice daily.

Welcoming Committee / Re: Hi, I am new, to all of this.
« on: October 25, 2012, 12:24:44 am »
Well, I just checked the Amazon website for Niacin in 1,000mg doses and they all say they will cause your face to flush.  Or you have to build your endurance to that.  I have been taking 500mg tablets. I found one reasonably priced but still pricey, "Twin-Lab" Niacin.  I do have a lot of stomach issues, that I want to know more about the raw meat, and how it works.  This is going to be costly, but yes Glycine is an amino-acid, that is found in jello and bone marrow, and it targets specifically the negative symptoms of schizophrenia, in fact when I am on it totally, I barely feel any pain, in my emotions.  I have trouble, affording this, all. Not that I am asking anyone for it, but I will seriously have to think about how I am going to spend my money on that plan. I think I will just do 2,000 and my roommate do 2,000 twice daily, plus whatever is inside the B-Complex.  Again, where does K2 fit in, from the previous thread second from top?

Welcoming Committee / Re: Hi, I am new, to all of this.
« on: October 24, 2012, 11:57:23 pm »
My inbox is not full according to what I am looking at, though I am definitely in Facebook mode, to understand a new software concept.  I take about 1500mgs of Niacin, twice daily, and I can't really get into the other stuff, because I am not too clear on it, where it came from, the details about it.  Someone just gave it to me, not open though.   For one thing, I am very poor, I have extreme paranoia of tap water that I pay $100 a month for purified water delivered to my house.  It's the only way I won't because if I have to carry that many by myself I would quit.

My diet is crap, right now, RAW, I believe is cooking up a diet for me, because I gave her the budget I have to work with.  It's so drastic that I am getting a food box today, because my partner, really went decadent with snack items.  And also, I need to purchase this all, for him as well, he is just like me, we were tortured into a schizophrenic diagnosis, and PTSD.  So yes, it will be pricey.  But please mail me the specifics of what words I am looking for on each vitamin.

Have you ever tried Glycine?

Welcoming Committee / Re: Hi, I am new, to all of this.
« on: October 24, 2012, 11:22:50 pm »
Thank you for the words.  I have a problem with the finances of all these supplements, like I need pills to have dietary substance and just say to hell with food, but anyways, the woman you are talking about is who recommended me here. I believe.  Can you explain what K2 does for the UI vitamin D? 

Ok, so I don't know how extensive this goes, but I would really like to meet someone in my area that practices all these things.  I'm outside Boise, Idaho.  Know that's probably a touch one.

So I take, Niacin, Glycine, B-Complex, multivitamin, and c, but I don't have D.  And than I am on a few psychiatric medications and I don't plan to quit them any time soon.  It's nice to meet you guys, and feel free to message me, with any specifics I should change because I get paid monthly and I will be out on the town November 1st to collect supplies.

Welcoming Committee / Hi, I am new, to all of this.
« on: October 24, 2012, 09:31:34 am »
Just thought I would say hi, I was recommended here.  I am a schizophrenic, on a lot of supplements, and never thought about this type of diet that was suggested from a friend on this site.  I take Niacin and Glycine in great quantities, and it helps me from rotating in cycles of confusion but I still do take the psychiatric medications, even though limiting them very much at times. I might drop one for the other, now that I feel less symptomatic, but I am interested in knowing more about probiotics, and certainly can't read a whole terrible amount tonight, but I am curious for any advice, especially about coffee replacements.  I have seen some teas, but also some warnings, and don't know what to trust, except perhaps green tea.  I live in the US, Pacific Northwest.

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