Doesn't it seem silly that an instinctive way of eating, which seems prevalent among all other animals on this earth, should be wholly discredited because of one human's love-life? Guy-Claude did not invent a way of eating, he was simply a mouthpiece, drawing public attention to the bizarre fact that humans are both the sickest animals on earth and the only ones who make their dietary choices from (usually irrational and/or incomplete) intellectual beliefs!
Who is the "they" that don't understand that our instincts can be warped through years of bad habits and social conditioning? Comby certainly acknowledges the difficulty of transition to an instinctive diet in his books. Just because it is difficult at first does not mean it's not worth striving towards. If we all embraced this approach to challenges no one would ever have learned to ride a bicycle!
As I understand, most instinctive dieters draw their inspiration from our closest living relatives, the bonobos and the chimpanzees, and their eating choices, which are, like every other animal except humans, based upon instinct, paying special attention to olfactory cues, taste, and feeling of internal fullness/satiation, and responding to the body's immediate needs rather than some intellectual stimulus that says "I need more Omega-3s!" or "And now for some magnesium!" The latter being based, mind you, on the findings of particular fallible human scientists --or worse, pseudo-scientists!--who profess some magical formula that may well have worked for them, but may not work for you! Our bodies are infinitely complex organisms and each individual's needs change constantly. The only thing we can be sure we Don't need is drugs and junk-food and processed-food products. But to forbid oneself a whole category of whole, raw, natural edibles on intellectual grounds given by somebody else seems to me to be folly. How could anyone else know what Your body needs right this minute? Instinctive eaters often go for long spells on just-meat or just-fruit or just-onions (why not?) but they do so because they are carefully listening to their own bodies' requests and not some self-professed health guru.
So long as the choices we make available to ourselves are well-varied and consist in whole, raw fruits, veggies, nuts, seeds, sprouts, meats, fish, eggs, insects, earth, our natural (yet admittedly sadly surpressed) instincts tend to kick in after 5 days or so, no more, after which it becomes surprisingly easily and opens us up to whole new worlds of gustatory pleasure. And what is the great risk of having eaten "wrongly" for 5 days if your "wrong" choices were nevertheless only whole, raw foods?
In theory instincto means you just follow your natural instincts as regards food( but since instincts are warped by unnatural foods like dairy, grains and cooked-foods, these are avoided). It's very similiar to the Rawpalaeo diet except that, given the rules re following instinct, most Instinctos eat mainly raw fruit and avoid raw animal food except for one or two items like raw eggs or steak tartare or whatever. They don't understand that our instincts can be easily warped through years of bad habits and social conditioning, so that it takes quite some time for people to adjust to a raw animal food diet.
*I should add that Instincto has been discredited somewhat by the fact that Guy-Claude Burger, one of the main Instincto gurus, eventually ended up in jail for sex with an underage girl(no doubt taking the rules re following one's instincts a bit too far).