I feel this deserves a post of its own. Who here mega doses iodine? What other things do they do to increase its effectiveness? What kind do you use? Etc.
My wife and I take Lugol's 15%, she has 2 drops and I have 1 every morning with breakfast.
We have been doing that for a year or so. I have not noticed any effect on me, I was only marginally short. My wife was much more depleted than me and had an enlarged thyroid. This has improved but has not entirely receded to normal. The main reason for taking it in both our cases is that we see it as a cancer protection against breast and prostate cancer. The rates of these cancers in Japan are very low, but when the Japanese go to live in a Western country their rates of these cancers rise to match ours.
We took an expensive test for our iodine status but it is much better just to try it and bear in mind the protection it can bring. We were warned by scaremongers about the dangers of iodine, as far as we are concerned we did not experience anything remotely negative. I did buy recommended cofactors but did not notice any difference so dropped it. Lugols is cheap and as your body gets rid of what it does not need a more concentrated form is probably a better bet initially at least.