Health / Help with Healthy Lifestyle change
« on: November 09, 2012, 07:35:43 am »Before I get started please note that this post is about your typical, "I wanna lose weight and exercise; what do I do?!" I will do my best to make this post as original as I can.
A little about myself — I am a full time junior in college with student loans and a part time job bringing in about $100 per week. Typical poor college student. I'm living with my parents until I graduate so I am blessed with a few meals and a roof over my head. I am 20 years old, 6-foot 2-inches and 188 lbs.
I have a very unhealthy lifestyle. I eat out often, drink sodas and sweet tea, and do not exercise with the exception of running (well, more like jogging) a couple times a week. The only other exercise I get is running in 5K races (I do one every month) that I do in 30 minutes (10min/mile pace). I go to bed late and wake up to go to class every week day. Yuck.
Heres the part where you come in — what can I do to make my lifestyle healthier, and even more important where can I get the motivation and will power to make this change permanent? It's not that I have no motivation or will power, but I want to know what you do to stay fit and healthy.
I want to change. I will change. And I have goals.
The first goal is feeling better. I feel sluggish and I am not as happy as I once was. I want to feel like I can take on any challenge.
My second goal is to be able to run faster. I run with friends in 5K's, 10K's, and half marathons. I am always the last once to finish. I am beginning to love running and I want to take it to the next level.
My third goal is to look good. I want muscle and I want to show it off. Period. It will raise my confidence level and will please my lover
Where should I start? What tools do you use to your advantage? What are some great tips and tricks? How do you motivate yourself?
Thanks in advance for all your great input. I can't wait to hear what you have to say.