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Messages - sungazer63

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Health / Re: Chronic Kidney disease
« on: June 11, 2010, 03:21:41 am »
Hi Rayne,

what was you eating before you started with raw milk?

Why do you got these shadows under your eyes at first?

Maybe it was not the milk that helped only, maybe the raw meat/organs did too?


Hi Inger,

Before the raw milk, I was having only raw lamb, eggs, vegie juices with mostly celery, a small amount of fruit, and small amounts of homemade bread with only water and unbleached refined white flour (organic, unbromated). 

I have also recently substituted the lamb for beef, for cost reasons.  In addition, since moving from Ohio to Arizona, I am getting lots of sunshine/vitamin d and am doing quite a bit of sungazing, if you are familiar with that.

So, could it be the change to beef and sunshine that got rid of the dark shadows?  I have had them for quite a few years, especially the past 5.  I had always been pretty healthy until I reached 35, and at that point I started getting terrible three day long headaches, pms, weight loss, dark circles, restless legs syndrome, nerve pain and heat in the back of my head-down my neck and across my shoulders, bleeding gums, constipation alternating with diarrhea, I went into shock twice, and I also started getting red dots appearing on my lower arms when the bad headaches would come.  I have heard that they are signs of low platelet count.  I also got to the point to where I could not eat anything without getting a headache. I had some food allergy- ALCAT- tests done, and found out that i have reactions to almost every food.  I ended up being only able to eat brown rice and quinoa.  Eventually even that caused my weight loss and headaches.  That was when we found the primal diet and Aajonus's books. 

So, now I think I am going to live but I am now struggling with trying to lose about ten pounds too many that I have gained, the kidney flare ups from the milk (have been off the milk two days now, and am pretty sure that's what was causing it), and I had one bad headache last week that hit with the kidney stuff, also got the red dots, but other than that most of the old symptoms are all gone.  That headache was the only one in over 2 months, and I used to get a few per month.  The restless legs come and go.

By the way Inger, you look great, so you must be doing something right :)

Love and Light, Rayne

Health / Re: Bleeding gums
« on: June 11, 2010, 02:49:56 am »
Hi Rayne,  :)



Hi Inger, thanks for the link!

Love and Light, Rayne

Health / Re: Chronic Kidney disease
« on: June 10, 2010, 02:58:10 am »
Unnatural cravings for the very food one is allergic to are extremely common for those with allergies. I had the same issue at the start of going RVAF - I developed humungous addictive cravings for raw dairy and found the raw meat to taste less good than they did before so that I ended up on a 90%-raw dairy diet, and suffered accordingly. I strongly advise you to ditch the raw dairy completely.

Thank you, I fear you may be right.  There is one reason that I would like to have some dairy, somehow, and it is because ever since adding the raw milk the dark shadows under my eyes (indicative of a deficiency) have completely disappeared and my complexion has improved.  What do you think of raw kefir from goat?

Love and Light, Rayne

Welcoming Committee / Re: Introduction and sabotage
« on: June 10, 2010, 02:49:30 am »

I'd like to introduce myself and ask for a bit of help with some willpower issues I'm having.

I came across this way of eating purely by chance, after eating some undercooked chicken from a Chinese takeaway (how randoms that!)
Last august I spent approximately a month eating mostly raw meat and fat, leafy vegetables, some fruit, pasteurized cheese.  I felt really vibrant and had lots of energy to work out and for life in general. I intuitively know this is the right way to eat (edit: except the pasteurized cheese bit).  Despite this I allowed myself to slip back into the sad diet.
So nearly a yr later I'm at it again, following the same pattern and finding myself slipping back to filling my face with junk.  The reasons for this are my addiction to junk food, and a habit of self sabotage.

I just wondered if anyone else has had similar problems?

Thanks Rich

Hi Rich, this sounds like my life pattern.  Make progress, then back up.  It took me about 8 attempts and several years to quit smoking cigarettes.  I have been a master at self sabotage.  

You might try a technique that I learned from a system called "The Golden Flow".  As we normally go about our day, we tend to suppress our negative emotions that come up.  We try to escape from them by doing something else, changing the subject, and a very common one is EATING very bad things, lol.  Try to always be aware of your thoughts and emotions.  This is called "stalking" by the Toltec shamans.  When a negative emotion comes up , allow it, and be with it.  Hold it in your awareness and listen to what it is trying to tell you.  Feel it in your body. Most of the time it is a part of you who was traumatized in the past, and is still trying to get you to pay attention to it.  Listen to this part of yourself and give it the attention that it didn't get in the past.  Perhaps it is you when you were a small child and he just needs to be heard and comforted.  You may have to do this several times with the same emotion, but sometimes it will "flow" leave you, the first time, never to return.

It is these angry, sad, or wounded parts of us that keep sabotaging all of our efforts to improve our lives.  These parts of us are in pain, and they want to be heard so, they create more and more pain in our lives until we deal with them and give them what they want, which is attention.

Along with this diet, "flowing" has saved my life.  It is something that I was never taught to do, but as most of us, was taught the opposite.
I know that this forum is about the diet and not metaphysics, but I hope that this can be helpful.

Love and Light, Rayne

Health / Re: Severe diarrhea
« on: June 10, 2010, 02:35:07 am »
Hi everyone, I posted this quite a long time ago and healed from the diarrhea.  I think that I was just going through a major detox from just beginning the primal diet.  Previous to this diet I was a cooked food vegan  >: and I'm sure I had a lot to detox  :'( >D -d ;D

Love and Light, Rayne

Health / Re: Bleeding gums
« on: June 10, 2010, 02:31:16 am »
Hi, I am curious, what is oil pulling?

Love and Light, Rayne

Health / Re: Chronic Kidney disease
« on: June 10, 2010, 02:22:38 am »

Do not use fluoridated toothpaste.
Try oil pulling instead.

Check your municipal water. (most US cities proudly poison their own water with fluoride)
You may be experiencing fluoride poisoning by drinking municipal water.
Get yourself a home distiller and home distill your own water.

Before drinking the distilled water, squeeze a lemon or an orange and wait for 2 minutes before drinking it.  To give it organic minerals so it will not leech your body of nutrients.

This is not the time to go about drinking "mineral" or "spring water", your kidneys are not up to the task at present to filter out the inorganic minerals in such waters.

Hi, I am living off grid in a remote Arizona location and I am collecting rainwater from a potable roof for bathing and washing.  I buy my drinking water from a reverse osmosis machine in the nearest town.  I rarely drink it though and if I do drink anything, it's usually good mineral water like A.V. recommends.  Do you think that the mineral water could be a problem?

Also, I have cut way back on the diary.  After realizing that I was way over exceeding A.V's recommended amounts of only 8 oz per day unless lots of exercise.  I love it so much that I was guzzling about a quart per day and eating way less meat.   I have also cut my cooked starch in half and will try to slowly eliminate it.  

And, I would like to agree with the removal of Mr. American Medical Assoc., ha ha I sure didn't listen to him.  I know that if I had listened to people like him I would have already died many times, lol.

Thanks everyone for your posts, I am feeling a lot better already.  I have had the kidney problem for years but it didn't give me much trouble until I moved out here to the high desert and I began lots of exercise and added raw milk.  I think the exercise must have released some stored toxins and could be contributing as well.

Love and Light, Rayne

P.S.   I do use a fluoride free toothpaste and, i will give the high meat a try.  I have avoided it until now because before going on the Primal diet I was very allergic to yeast, and molds.  Anything fermented made me very sick and I have been terrified to try it.  I would be curious if anyone who is allergic to yeast can eat high meat.  I know that the bacteria is probably different but my allergic reactions have been very severe (shock) in the past and being in such a remote location makes trying new things a bit scary.

Health / Re: Chronic Kidney disease
« on: June 04, 2010, 11:48:05 pm »
Hi everyone, thanks for your responses.  I don't have any fillings and have never had a root canal.  I have always avoided dentists, and luckily I have great teeth.  However, the mercury poisoning is a possibility.  The reason I started this diet in the first place was because I was nearly dying from symptoms that screamed heavy metal poisoning.  I just don't know where I could have gotten it but, I guess that doesn't matter.

I love the milk, and hate to give it up but, will consider it if the symptoms don't get better.  The raw milk shakes, along with the small amount of fruit are the only enjoyable foods I have with this diet.  I also enjoy the little bit of cooked starch, and now Aajonus has taken that away??????  Does anyone know why?

What foods can I eat more of that will help my kidneys?

Thanks in advance, Rayne

Health / Chronic Kidney disease
« on: June 04, 2010, 08:30:45 am »
I have chronic kidney disease and some of my symptoms are restless legs syndrome, burning feet, itching sometimes, and edema.  I  began the primal diet 10 months ago, and have had remarkable results but, a this particular problem is increasing in some ways.  The only cooked food I ever ever eat is some cooked white starch- just as Aajonus recommends.  I am eating a good varied diet with plenty of raw meat, raw eggs, raw milk, raw vegie juice, small amounts of fruit with raw fat.  I never never eat salt or spices. 

NOTE:  I just recently added the raw milk to my diet as I was unable to get it where i lived before, and since adding the milk, my nerves feel much better, but the edema, and restless legs have skyrocketed.

Thanks in advance,


Health / Re: Severe diarrhea
« on: September 17, 2009, 01:56:53 pm »
Just to let everyone know, i have read and re read Aajonus's book and am following his instructions as close as humanly possible.  The reason that I'm asking for help here is because having read his book and tried everything he suggests, I cannot cure this diarrhea. 

Health / Re: Severe diarrhea
« on: September 17, 2009, 01:45:40 pm »
Don't know when and how much carrot and celery you're ingesting, but it can be most alkalizing to the stomach which for someone new to this way of eating, will need all the acid the stomach can produce to digest your meat.  I would give it up for a while, or drink no more than 4 or 5 ounces and make sure it's not after eating or at least an hour before having meat.  Carrot juice is loaded with sugar.  Celery you can chew and spit out the pulp quite easily and hence stop when your body has told you that it doesn't want any more celery.  Otherwise you can be drinking something your body doesn't want or need and not know it because the sweetness of the carrot juice is masking any signs of a "stop".    Aujonus has some pretty out of the ordinary regimins that not many here follow let alone think make much sense.  So in the long run you'll have to follow your own gut should you take on his advice.  But if you do,  I would know exactly what it is he wants you to do to the tee.  Otherwise you'll be trying this and that all day long trying to second guess what intuition he may have for you.  It is so easy to think our way from meal to meal with a little bit of 'knowledge'.  And consequently,   get very lost in the sea of possibilities.    But one thing,  only eat when hungry, and drink when thirsty.  Don't let your head lead the way.
I havent' been having any vegie juice lately or meat because of the nausea and cramping.  I am aware of the high sugar content of carrots and my juices were mostly celery with only 1/2 to 1 carrot.  4 to 5 ounces is all i ever had at a time and always never within 1hrs of eating meat as Aajonus suggests.   As I said above, I can't even drink water without diarrhea and I am gettin severely dehydrated.

Primal Diet / Re: Severe digestion problem and diarrhea
« on: September 17, 2009, 11:56:38 am »
All those sound good from my experience except the lemon juice and papaya, as acidic tropical fruits do a number on my stomach, but your mileage may vary. I have no idea about the effectiveness of salt on diarrhea or stomach upset. I have ginger and healing clays on hand myself in case of such problems in the future, and plan on getting activated charcoal. I've only tried the ginger so far, which worked pretty well. Nonhuman primates and other animals use charcoal, ash and clays, so I figure they know what they're doing after millions of years of living in the wild. Not just any clay can be consumed though, and you don't want to overdo it. Calcium is pretty good for diarrhea, particularly the less absorbable types like calcium carbonate from bone meal (as suggested), though its action can be insufficient in some people unless they take big doses, perhaps because of calcium deficiency.
Thanks, i do have Terramin clay and have been taking that too with no results except that it calms down the cramping for a few minutes

Health / Re: Severe diarrhea
« on: September 17, 2009, 11:53:52 am »
As I said above, i haven't been able to get any raw dairy at all here in Ohio.  And, I only had a couple of teaspoons of lime juice over a couple of days mixed with mineral water.
Thanks everyone for your advice.  You may be right about the acidic stuff and I have stopped that.  At this point I'm unable to put anything in my body without getting diarrhea and am getting very dehydrated.  The only nuts I had were the 2 oz required to make Aajonus's nut formula that is mixed with plenty of raw fat.  I ony had the nut formula twice a week.  I mostly ate raw meat and eggs, and fresh celery/carrot juice.

Primal Diet / Re: Severe digestion problem and diarrhea
« on: September 17, 2009, 08:13:41 am »
Intestinal bleeding is greatly helped by cabbage juice. Try carrot/cabbage juice several times a day. No more than 25% cabbage. Make pints and add the cabbage last and drink immediatly. Cabbage oxidizes very quickly.

Raw goat milk is also beneficial for ulcers.

there isn't any intestinal bleeding, diarrhea is mostly yellowish.  Unable to get any raw milk here in Ohio.  Raw butter is supposed to be here tomorrow, do you have any recommendations regarding it?  Will also try the carot/cabbage juice.  Good to hear from someone who read the book :)  At this time my heart is starting to pound from dehydration, I hope i can absorb something, this is getting really scary.  Sent Aajonus these questions but can't afford a consult.

Health / Severe diarrhea
« on: September 17, 2009, 06:35:35 am »
I have been on the primal diet (have read and re-read Aajonus's book) for 3 months.  For awhile my digestive system seemed pretty good except for a burning feeling in my stomach when I didn't eat often enough (I had this burning for a long time, even before I began this diet, probably an ulcer).  Then I ate a few bites of high meat made from organic (Krogers) chicken.  A week later, don't know if the chicken caused it, I got very sick.  I had a fever, pain all over my body, and nausea.  I tried drinking lime with perrier every day to cleanse my blood.  Then I began to have deep pain in my stomach and intestinal cramping. 

The fever and body pain went away except for some occasional body pain, but the burning in the stomach and cramping and nausea has stayed with me along with diarrhea that began 2 1/2 weeks ago.

I am now unable to eat anything without severe nausea, cramping and diarrhea.  I have tried eating only raw eggs, one every hour, for a day and now I can't even tolerate the idea of eating an egg.  I can't drink water without cramping and diarrhea.  I know that I am getting very dehydrated but don't know what to do.  Yesterday I had about 8 ounces (2X4) of fresh tomato juice and 2 eggs, along with a few bites of unheated honey from Honey Pacifica.

I live in Ohio, and have been unable to acquire any raw milk products so for my fats I have been eating eggs, coconut cream, high fat ground lamb, and that's all.  However, I was able to find some unfrozen, unsalted raw butter in Tennessee, but that won't be here until tomorrow.  So, I haven't had any dairy at all.  Before this sickness got really bad I was eating raw lamb or buffalo with eggs twice a day.  I was also having fresh vegie juice made from mostly celery and 1 carrrot or some beet.  And, I ate fresh pineapple with eggs nearly every day.  I don't eat anything that isn't part of the primal diet-nothing cooked, or processed at all.  Everything I buy is organic.  I haven't been able to afford/find fresh, wild caught, ocean fish at all; very low income because of past poor health limitations.   My local grocery stores say they can't even order it.  I know I really need to leave Ohio and go somewhere where there is food.

To try and stop this diarrhea, I have tried the nut formula (twice in one week) made with raw sunflower seeds or raw walnuts, and coconut cream.  I have also tried banana smoothies.  Neither of these have worked.  So far, I have avoided trying cooked starch because I really didn't want to eat anything that would put more toxins in my body.

I have diarrhea as soon as I wake up in the morning along with cramping, and then more throughout the day.  I am losing some weight and was too thin to begin with.  i don't know how to stop this diarrhea.  I have some high meat made from ground lamb that will be ready in about a week and don't know if I should try some with the butter that is coming.  I am getting very weak and was weak to begin with.  The diarrhea is yellowish.  I wonder if the high meat chicken I ate a week before I got sick might have had some mutated bacteria that could have done this to me, I just don't know.  I am afraid I am going to die from dehydration and/or starve.

Primal Diet / Severe digestion problem and diarrhea
« on: September 17, 2009, 05:15:03 am »
I have been on the primal diet (have read and re-read Aajonus's book) for 3 months.  For awhile my digestive system seemed pretty good except for a burning feeling in my stomach when I didn't eat often enough (I had this burning for a long time, even before I began this diet, probably an ulcer).  Then I ate a few bites of high meat made from organic (Krogers) chicken.  A week later, don't know if the chicken caused it, I got very sick.  I had a fever, pain all over my body, and nausea.  I tried drinking lime with perrier every day to cleanse my blood.  Then I began to have deep pain in my stomach and intestinal cramping. 

The fever and body pain went away except for some occasional body pain, but the burning in the stomach and cramping and nausea has stayed with me along with diarrhea that began 2 1/2 weeks ago.

I am now unable to eat anything without severe nausea, cramping and diarrhea.  I have tried eating only raw eggs, one every hour, for a day and now I can't even tolerate the idea of eating an egg.  I can't drink water without cramping and diarrhea.  I know that I am getting very dehydrated but don't know what to do.  Yesterday I had about 8 ounces (2X4) of fresh tomato juice and 2 eggs, along with a few bites of unheated honey from Honey Pacifica.

I live in Ohio, and have been unable to acquire any raw milk products so for my fats I have been eating eggs, coconut cream, high fat ground lamb, and that's all.  However, I was able to find some unfrozen, unsalted raw butter in Tennessee, but that won't be here until tomorrow.  So, I haven't had any dairy at all.  Before this sickness got really bad I was eating raw lamb or buffalo with eggs twice a day.  I was also having fresh vegie juice made from mostly celery and 1 carrrot or some beet.  And, I ate fresh pineapple with eggs nearly every day.  I don't eat anything that isn't part of the primal diet-nothing cooked, or processed at all.  Everything I buy is organic.  I haven't been able to afford/find fresh, wild caught, ocean fish at all; very low income because of past poor health limitations.   My local grocery stores say they can't even order it.  I know I really need to leave Ohio and go somewhere where there is food.

To try and stop this diarrhea, I have tried the nut formula (twice in one week) made with raw sunflower seeds or raw walnuts, and coconut cream.  I have also tried banana smoothies.  Neither of these have worked.  So far, I have avoided trying cooked starch because I really didn't want to eat anything that would put more toxins in my body.

I have diarrhea as soon as I wake up in the morning along with cramping, and then more throughout the day.  I am losing some weight and was too thin to begin with.  i don't know how to stop this diarrhea.  I have some high meat made from ground lamb that will be ready in about a week and don't know if I should try some with the butter that is coming.  I am getting very weak and was weak to begin with.  The diarrhea is yellowish.  I wonder if the high meat chicken I ate a week before I got sick might have had some mutated bacteria that could have done this to me, I just don't know.  I am afraid I am going to die from dehydration and/or starve.

Any of you know what to do?


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