« on: February 12, 2011, 07:53:16 pm »
I’ve been trying for over a year to switch to paleo diet with very little success. I read an article that for a few genetically unfortunate people, certain food addictions can have equivalent power and hold as heroin addictions. As luck would have it, I happen to be one of those people (fastfood everyday for the last 5 MONTHS.)
I’ve tried to change soo many times and I’ve always failed. Right now I’m on a record breaking day 6 and it’s not getting any easier.
I always hear of the “two week breakthrough” where everything apparently gets suddenly better and cravings go away, but I’ve never reached it before. I really don’t think I could maintain the paleo diet long term in 100%, so I wonder
A.does the paleo diet have to be cold turkey? Or could you slowly wean off bad foods in a scheduled manner? Or, is every big mac like hitting the reset button?
B. what’s the miminum paleo you can have to see a positive effect? I’m especially interested in clearing up the skin.
I think the only way I’ll survive is a very slow and easy introduction, and the loosest possible version , at least initially. Theres just no way ill be able to maintain a strict paleo diet.
What are the best options to get started ? 1 day week paleo, then , then 3, so on? A general, unorganized effort to just eat better? Maybe a pre determined 30 minute a day period where I can eat as I like?
Initially, I’m not concerned with the long term health effects, I just need to get over the addictions and cravings. The one immediate concern I have is clearer skin, so what’s the bare minimum I could do to see progress?
Put it to you this way- I first found up about the paleo diet in 2009, and this is the second time ive EVER gone 6 days…. Im eating taco bell everyday, sometimes twice a day.i have a bit of adderal im using to hold off cravings, and it works, but obviously I cant rely on it.