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Messages - Tysilleyhelath

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Journals / Re: First Raw Milk/Dairy Journal (USA)
« on: March 02, 2011, 02:41:58 pm »
I just joined this group today and can't believe how much your story sounds just like mine! I was a raw vegetarian for 3 years, (the two kids I had around that time now have teeth issues). I started having serious deterioration in my gum line and decided to see what was out there. It's frustrating because when I was raw I felt great and my skin looked great, but then my teeth started deteriorating and hurting. I thought adding raw milk was the answer, but it didn't seem to help my teeth. I didn't actually notice much of a difference except it may have actually made me break out a little. Before I went raw I had pretty bad acne and dark circles under my eyes. I always had rashes and lots of allergies when I was younger, which my mom figured regular amounts of antibiotics would clear it right up. When I was a teenager my skin seemed to clear up, although yeast infections were common. However, after my first child my skin started having problems with acne and rashes again. I thought I had found the answer with the raw diet, after all you should be able to get all the fat you need from avocados! That was a joke. Sadly, it's hard to know if the diet is exactly right for you or not. The first 2 years it seemed everything was perfect. Then my teeth started hurting and my digestive tract sounds just like yours, completely out of whack. I'm constipated most of the time and tired all the time.  I thought I should try Weston Price, since my friend had been telling me about him for years. I added raw yogurt, sauerkraut and good broth and meat all from grass fed cows and my skin looks 10 times worse then even a month ago. Everyone told me broth was very healing to the intestines and I need good probiotics for my bowels, however should it be causing this much tiredness, depression, and PIMPLES! Then I have people tell me that my intestines are so bad that it's just clearing out the "bad" bacteria and my skin is just showing a detox effect from it. I just don't know. Well, that's not true, I only know not to eat grains and that sprouted bread still has phytic acid in it.

I joined this group because I read The Recipe for Living Without Disease, however still have not gotten up the nerve to eat any raw meat or fat, except for the ordering of coconut oil. I do know that any grass fed butter or cheese makes me break out immediately.  My husband absolutely forbids me to do the high meat. He doesn't want me to do the raw meat, however knows I am desperate.  I have been reading through everyone's posts about raw milk and believe that some people have ancestors that drank it and therefore have a more positive reaction to it. I don't really have a negative reaction to the raw milk, but can't do anything else; butter, cheese, or yogurt without reacting. Seeing your post about reacting to the yogurt was gratifying because I have a chiropractor that keeps telling me that I should only be consuming milk if it is cultured. While I do make Kefir, I only use a small amount of it in smoothies. I'm kind of at a loss of what is good for me and what is not, I just am done with the breakouts and feeling tired.  It seems if you put everyone's opinions together all foods would both be bad and good, whether cooked or raw. I'd like to find more things to eat besides only a couple of ideas, I'm afraid after a couple years my body will develop an allergy to it, which is why I want to eat foods in season. Also, have you tried muscle testing your food to see if it's good for your body? It's not foolproof, but can be helpful. Most of the time I don't listen to it because I'm always listening to everyone else about what is healthy, but it's worth a try. I also wanted to ask if the meat is still considered raw if you soak it in a brine and then cold smoke it. I cannot get myself to take a bite of just raw meat, so I thought smoking it first might give it a better flavor.  Also, has anyone found anything besides high meat that heals constipation? Also, remember that drinking raw milk, just like everything else, is a seasonal thing. In the winter people in general would eat more meat and less milk because the cow/goat/sheep didn't have any to give. I think nothing is good 100% of the time and our bodies likes to take breaks from foods, that's why the earth only grows apples in the fall and oranges in the winter. If we're going to eat them, this is when we should eat them. Sorry, had to throw that in there because I kept thinking about it while reading posts, but no one seemed to post anything about it. I'm anxiously awaiting more posts about how the raw milk and meat are going for you.
Sorry for posting here, I was just amazed at how similar the food problems were.

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