I really need to start that market garden I previously thought of in the next few years. Most here on RPF seem to be raising their own chickens, growing their own veg and have at least some sort of big backyard of their own. I am just not authentically Rawpalaeo enough..
TD, enough with the generalizations! You're going to give yourself an inferiority complex.
I read the same posts that you read, and there has been nothing to suggest that "most here... seem to be raising their own chickens, growing their own veg and have at least some sort of big backyard of their own." I can think of a few who do, but I can't stretch those few into
most without going far, far into a deluded state.
At my previous house, I had been growing greens in four 12" pots. This being California, where most homes have fruit trees, there was also an orange tree in the back yard. I should say: the orange tree WAS the back yard. (Orange trees are not all that big.)
This past weekend, my family and I moved to an inner-city house. I have a bare, sunny, south-facing yard that is 15' square. That's 0.00516529 acre! There's already a mature lemon tree espaliered along the side of the house. I've started a straw-bale garden on the backyard space, and I'll plant some semi-dwarf fruit trees this winter. I have over 60 years of gardening experience, so I know how to produce food anywhere; I'll probably grow all our fresh fruits and vegetables here if I swap fruit-in-season with the neighbors (fig, apple, citrus, nopales, avocadoes, etc).
Winter is coming. Why not plan a garden for next spring. First step: learn what food plants grow in your climate and your space. Step two: select one or two of those plants and learn when/how to grow. Step three: proceed when it's time to plant. I've seen tiny apartment balcony gardens trellised with tomatoes and cucumbers, enough for a family plus give-away.
And don't forget to plan for livestock (maggots). Remember that Daily Mail drivel you posted about the paleo living simulation? The woman complained of maggots everywhere, not realizing that she was looking at lunch!