« on: January 12, 2013, 06:31:59 pm »
Hello, Thank you, you inspired me to go RVAF with your practical plan to transition. I registered with this site because I am an extreme eater/faster, and it appealed to me. After reading advice on dairy, and your post I'm going for it, slowly. Why do I choose to be a RVAF instead of a raw vegan? I'll share my story. I was a raw vegan for 3 months but I quite because of a serious onset of DEPRESSION, like nothing I've ever experienced. Plus, horrible mood swings and violent temper. I cussed someone out in public even (I have never been insensitive before). Serious, horrible, horrible effects on the energy and mental stability. Then my body broke down, it just stopped working. First I started to get sick all the time. It's like my ammune system stopped working. Everyone around me would get a cold for a few days, but I had a cold the whole time I was on this diet, with flu spells, body and joint aches. I loved eating raw, I loved the slim figure, but then one night I just could not really move. I was frightened. It's like my body said, "ok, I think I'll just stay here forever until I stop working and die." I called my husband who was back in the United States (I did not tell him about my crazy diet thing though, he would have freaked). Anyway, my husband started a serious Adkins very low car diet (now you can consider it his lifestyle) about that time. Knowing me, he figured I was not eating enough and advised me to eat more meat and fat. I peeled myself up and went and got some lunch meat with mayo (it was yucky) and I felt the severe depression lift within the hour. A few days later I was physically better, and I'm almost about fully recovered emotionally/hormonally. I instantly became LC still without grains in following my husband who is VLC. I did this for another 3.5 months. My body fat % was very low and I looked great. I returned to the USA about three months ago and ate anything I wanted (except for processed sugar) and bloated up like nothing else. I've been getting back to normal now that I am VLC, but still don't look as good as I did while oversees.
Anyway, raw veganism was a nightmare for me, a true absolute hell. If you've ever come close to watching your body and mind shut down, that's how it was. I dig adding the meat to raw food diet.
I have a pretty good start I think. Here's the plan/breakdown:
-Subtle change to cooking meat like you recommend
-Stop eating dairy, especially since I consume very little anyway.
-I just need to add more variety of raw veggies, since most the veggies I eat are raw anyway (as found in salad and bun-less burgers)
-I stopped eating fruit after my breakdown, along with all really sweet stuff, I might eventually add raw berries, depending on the insulin response.
-Oh, um, one thing...coffee and hot teas will remain for now.
So, that's the plan.