Exercise / Bodybuilding / Re: is Stretching Paleo/Necessary?
« on: June 11, 2011, 05:24:17 pm »Working out properly using full range movements gives one all the streching you need. A properly desinged excercise machine should provide resistance throughtout a full range of possible movement. At the low point the weight is pulling your limbs to its extreme position. A cold muscle cannot be stretched because the stretch refelex protects the joint. As the exercise reaches very high levels of intensity near failure the stretch reflex helps to lift the weight involving fibers that cannot be activated through the normal neurologic pathways. Because the muscle is tired the last few reps allow for controlled stretching as the strech reflex in no longer strong enough to prevent stretching.
Exercise can provide all the flexibility one could ask for without the need of additional stretching. That is if full range movements are performed on equipment that provides resistance throughout a range of movement that is greater than the range of movement of the joint involved in the exercise. Thus providing resistance in the start/stretching ponit of the exercise.
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I think it's unnecesary to use excersize machines. Maybe only for rehabilitation. They dont alow natural joint move patterns. Stabilizing muscles dont work. You can easily overtrain some muscles so your body becomes disproportionate. Neurological pathways are messed up. I've seen some bodybuilders who can't do a proper snatch or c&j finishing positions becouse they can't extend their shoulders and elbows. So in my opinion excersize machines are inferior to free weights and body weight training.