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Messages - Suzubick

Pages: [1]
Welcoming Committee / Introducing myself
« on: January 19, 2013, 05:56:25 pm »
Greetings, all. I am a 53 year old woman, a late bloomer who returned to school to study anthropology; I am currently a third year (I know this is my junior year but at my age that seems a laughable term!) anthropology major student at UC Berkeley.  My twin passions are food/nutrition/health and archaeology, so I rather suspect that my specialization as an archaeologist is going to be foodways. My personal experience has been that ovolactovegetarianism made me very ill, and the thankfully short vegan period following pushed me over the edge. It took two years of intensive medical intervention and the reintroduction of meat, especially red meat, to get me functioning again, albeit with some permanent and irreversible effects - like a defunct thyroid. That was 23 years ago. Since then I have been reading widely and cautiously experimenting on my body. This semester I am enrolled in Katherine Milton's class on the human dietary niche and can't wait for it to start on Tuesday, and to get started on the term paper...I look forward to participating on this forum.

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