Exercise / Bodybuilding / Re: Question about weight-lifting
« on: February 03, 2013, 12:42:04 am »Hi folks,
I've had plenty of experience with exercise and martial arts, but have never bothered to do any amount of weight-lifting.
I knew a guy from the old rawpaleo yahoo group who had been trying a new method for a while.
He said he would lift a very heavy weight (like in a military press, or bench press) to maximum extension, and then just hold it there for several minutes. He said that keeping the muscles still encourages cross connections between muscle fibers, which would increase strength as much or more than actually moving the weight up/down. Any thoughts? He said this wouldn't increase bulk, but it would increase strength.
If you can hold the weight for couple of mins, it's not heavy. Your mind gives up before your muscles. In order to get stronger, you need to work on your CNS (Central nervous system). Pick up a heavy weight for a benchpress for example, that you'll only be able to do anywhere between 1-3 reps. (Good reps) *do not forget to always have a spot*
That's how you build strenght- you build your CNS first.
Hope that helps!