« on: May 09, 2013, 08:08:31 pm »
My situation sounds identical to yours, this is what has helped me:
1. Take a good digestive enzyme with every meal, this helps immensely. I found enzymedica digest spectrum to work 10x fold better than any other brand, although it's expensive ;/.
2. Take 1-6 grams of fish oil with every meal. The fish oil helps to calm the system and soothe the digestive tract. I typically take 2 grams per day, unless my system if flaring up.
3. The only probiotic that has worked for me is the jarrodophilus EPS 5bil organisms per capsule. I usually take 30bil a day, although sometimes I'll up it to 60bil a day if I feel I need it. Depending upon how sick you are, this may initially make you feel much worse, although it's necessary to correct the gastrointestinal imbalance.
4. Take 5,000IU of Vitamin D3 per day. I've also found the NOW brand to be particularly effective and inexpensive.
5. Eat real sauerkraut or highly cultured vegetables with every meal if you can tolerate them. High meat will work too if you can stomach it, although I've found when you are really sick - your body tends to absorb cooked much better.
6. Cut out all food allergens completely.
6. Address the cause of your illness. I believe my imbalance was caused by my 8 amalgam filings. The mercury in the amalgam filings leached into my body, "priming" my immune system to any little allergen. So when I eat an allergen my immune system goes nuts. The mercury kills the digestive enzymes and beneficial flora in the body and replaces mineral locations in cells where a calcium, iron, selenium, ect... molecule would reside (this causes major havoc in the body).