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Messages - ZeroCarbJackie

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Welcoming Committee / Re: Zero Carber Here!
« on: July 04, 2013, 04:09:14 am »
 goodsamaritan: It's something I'm considering and kind of naturally shifting toward. My history with veganism had me terrified of meat. I'd never cooked it myself or anything. While paleo, I cooked my meat to FDA standards... used a thermometer and have all the temperatures memorized for every kind of meat. However, since going ZC, I've become repulsed by well done meat. I started wanting it medium rare, then had some undercooked steak at a restaurant... it was bloody and everyone thought I should take it back. I was like a wolf, gobbled it all up within about a minute. I now crave my meat rarer and rarer. So raw carnivory is something I'm investigating right now.

 miles: I've been ZC since April, and I will definitely keep everyone posted. Probably mostly on my blog, but I'd really like to talk to more people who live similar lifestyles, so I'd like to be active here. It's frustrating that so many ZC-specific places are so inactive! The subforum here seems pretty inactive too. Understandable given the lack of popularity, though.

 Thank you for sharing your experiences. As a raw fruitarian for a year, I was so attached to the idea that it was the perfect diet that I didn't want to believe it was destroying me. I stuck with it, believing everyone who told me my symptoms were detox. It almost killed me -- literally. I will not make that mistake again.

 So if I start to feel ill or have weird symptoms, I will definitely keep your story in mind and do what my body needs for me to do, whether that means a diet change or supplements. But, believe it or not, I've actually been hospitalized a few times because of vegetables! Similar to those with Crohn's, diverticulitis and other digestive disorders, I've been advised by mainstream doctors to take it easy on the veggies -- permanently. While I have a list of I think like three vegetables I can tolerate and one grain (white rice) without a ton of pain and symptoms, they still cause enough distress that I don't feel like ZC is much of a choice, at this point. I'm pretty sure 30g of fructose would kill me. At the very least, I'd have to be hospitalized again. But I definitely remain open if my body changes in any way!

     Sorry to resurrect an old thread, but since it's toward the top of the list, I won't feel too bad about it. Just wanted to share my experience.

     I have a LOT more energy being ZC. Previously, I worked out constantly, but I hated running, hated anything more than super gentle yoga. Even yoga exhausted me. I had no energy. The only time I've had less energy was FIRST going ZC. First transitioning is hell. I have a 3-year-old little boy and the first several days to week of trying to keep up with him and be a good parent were hideous. I just wanted to sit, sleep, stay in bed, etc. The only reason I stuck with it is because of the EXTREME relief when it came to my digestive system. I had a flat stomach and no pain (from looking 9 months pregnant and constant agony and digestive distress for years) within two days of starting. After about a week, I suddenly had more energy than I've had in years and now play with my 3-year-old more than I ever have. My house is also immaculate! It's seriously like I'm on speed or something, I get so much done in a day. Mind you, it probably only took a week because I was already LC/paleo prior to going ZC (the bloating came from IBS, which was the result of a condition called fructose malabsorption).

     Since beginning, I have "cheated" a few times. I've thought eating one item would be ok, like part of a potato, or just recently, a couple blocks of Kerrygold grassfed cheese. Now whenever I ingest too many carbs of any type, I'd say anything over 5g (a limit I sometimes approach due to egg consumption), my energy is suddenly crap again and I have to readjust. Now it generally only takes a few days to get back to what I'm guessing is just full on ketosis, but then again, I never go and carb binge or anything.

     So I don't know if the issue is getting too many carbs in other areas... I know some ZCers use heavy cream, eat cheese, tons of eggs, liver regularly, etc... but it can add up. And especially if you occasionally have a carb source. Otherwise, you should adjust.

     If it's truly not that, then I'd imagine it's not enough fat. If I'm feeling tired, it's always one of three things: 1.) I haven't slept enough (surprise, surprise), 2.) I haven't had enough fat, 3.) I haven't had enough water. Lots of water and lots of fat and I'm good to go. I often have so much energy that I have to go bike for about an hour or run just to burn some of it. I also lift weights several times a week and sit down maybe once a day, at night, for like half an hour. Soooo much energy.

Welcoming Committee / Re: Zero Carber Here!
« on: July 03, 2013, 09:22:17 am »
 Hi, Van, and thank you for the welcome!

 No, I haven't come from ZIOH. I have read the board, but it's so inactive, and some of the rules seemed kind of questionable, so I never bothered joining.

 As far as fructose malabsorption, I'm convinced that most people have a certain level of it. What it is is my small intestine doesn't have enough fructose carriers in it, so fructose just sits there without exiting, which causes bacterial overgrowth and a lot of fermentation in my gut -- which is why I always looked nine months pregnant. It was particularly odd because I'm 5'7" and 120-125 lbs. at all times, so my large stomach was striking. It was extremely painful. Some other fun symptoms of it were acne, lethargy, mood swings, insomnia, etc. All the result of known chemical reactions that happen as a result of the disorder.

 Fruit isn't the only thing that contains fructose, but also vegetables, and grains contain long chains of fructose molecules called fructans, meaning that I basically can't eat anything other than meat -- which is fine with me!

 I'm not sure if I always had it or if it's a recent development due to having been vegan for so long. I never ate a ton of carbs prior to being vegan. I hated cereal, oatmeal, bread, rice and pasta. I liked meat and vegetables, and fresh fruit was an occasional treat that wasn't often in the house. We ate lots of salads and steaks/fish/roasts, etc. I don't recall having any pain or bloating until I went vegan. It got worse when I started a fruitarian diet known as 80/10/10, which destroyed my health within a year. Luckily, ZC has completely reversed all of my issues. But I'm not sure if I had this and didn't know, due to my never really eating grains or tons of sugar, or if it developed as a result of loading my body with carbs and fruit due to different forms of veganism.

 I've never heard of Ron Rosedale, but I'll definitely check him out!

 I think people forget that agriculture is a huge enemy of the environment, and farming grains kills entire ecosystems. Every time a field is plowed, it kills animals. Every time a field is sown, it kills native plants that feed insects and animals. Topsoils are being depleted. It causes tons of pollution due to farming practices and shipping. And additionally, there's the issue of pesticides killing everything off. No one eats without also causing the death of other animals. It's a sad reality of life. What's sadder to me, though, are the vegans who are feeding their dogs and cats vegetables and denying the natural order of things. Animals are designed to eat other animals, and we aren't exempt from that either.

Welcoming Committee / Zero Carber Here!
« on: July 03, 2013, 08:42:40 am »
     Hi everyone!

     I'm a zero carber who joined in order to talk about health with like-minded people, and I'm sooo excited to have found a place FULL of like-minded people!

     I was vegan for six years before beginning a paleo diet. It was then that I found out I have a digestive disorder called fructose malabsorption, which was found after I'd been diagnosed with IBS. Eliminating all fiber has really given me back my life, and I'm super interested in all the science and research behind carbs, fiber, insulin, etc., and their effects on the body. I'm also a nursing student, due to graduate in less than a year!

     Being that I was vegan for six years, I guess that goes to show that I'm a hippie at heart. I love people, animals, the earth and consider myself a "conscientious carnivore." I try to be as eco-friendly as possible, and am grateful for the lives that are given in order to give *me* a life. I've done a lot of research on the environmental aspects of the carnivorous lifestyle and have found that it's actually more environmentally sustainable. I was so misguided for so long, and now all I want to do is share my info with those who care to listen.

     I look forward to making some friends here and getting into some good discussions about health! I just started a blog and hope that sheds some light on the dietary path I've chosen, as it's hard to find a lot of information on it! Not sure if I'm allowed to post a link to it, if not, mods, please feel free to remove! I can't figure out how to make a signature or a profile yet, still figuring out how to navigate around here.

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