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The food I've been lacking for quite some time and when I finally get it... makes me feel best.
The food the fulfills my current CRAVING seems to be that food at that period of time.
I still like it when it gets old, after about a week or more. I got into "high meat" when I started raw paleo in 2010 and enjoyed it and did feel "high" from it, so older fish is still OK to me, and who cares except I have a friend who's super sensitive to smells and one day I had just eaten some old fish before I arrived at her house and she was all..."what is that smell?" LOL I seriously didn't think that it smelled that bad.
I get fish that's pretty fresh and have some from Saturday and now it's Thurs and it's still so fresh—I should keep some to test how long it takes to get smelly.
I very rarely eat veggies. I get most of my carbs from fruit. I eat at least a pound of fruit daily, usually over 2 pounds, often over 3, sometimes (like if I get a lot of some really tasty fruit that I rarely can find) as much as 5 or 6 pounds in one day.
HGs/Stone-Agers never had access to vast amounts of raw honey. Raw honey would have been a rare treat.
Just In general. I am using the instincto approach to my diet. Starting thinking about various periods of human evolution ,diet, what made us human, and an individual instincto approach. Why do we grow the foods we do? Why kale? why not some leaves from a tree in the rainforest? Why dont i just eat literally like a chimp does.. What made us human and why do we choose to grow the foods we do? Did eating all these various new fruits and melons and veggies from new places make us human?
Have we as humans over the span of life selected the healthiest fruits and vegetables to grow? Not talking GMO
but there is a reason we eat thing like lemons, cucumbers, celery, ,melon , etc. instead of leaves and figs, and roots.
Every plant has its own zone. These zones roughly follow lines of latitude, and they are reflected north and south of the equator. For example, I live the same distance from the equator as Mediterrania, the Middle East, China, southern South America, South Africa, and Australia. Tropical plant species will not grow to fruition here.
This can be clearly seen when the Dutch settled South Africa, a similar latitude to their homeland. Their crops and livestock thrived. But when they tried to expand northward into the tropics of Africa, their crops failed and their livestock withered, even though there was an abundance of fertile land.
A similar reasoning applies to European colonization of the tropics for the purpose of growing tobacco and sugar cane, plants that would not grow productively in northern Europe.
Tropical rainforests cover a tiny percentage of the earth, and most of us didn't develop there and don't live there. My closest relatives are human beings, not chimps and bonobos. I eat foods like other humans eat.
I agree healing can be complicated these day. Because of our unnatural ways of living (staring in a computer all day long... might mitigate all the great foods effect..)
I think when wanting to heal we need to have an open mind and take into account as many factors as possible.
+ always think, what does Nature say?
I right now eat quite some dandelion flowers almost every day, so yummy! Our sheep love them too.....
If the nutritional instinct would work correctly it should lead us to eat what is beneficial for us, no?
So far I have not seen this too much.. so I agree with you Hanna... seems we need conscious education and conditioning quite a bit
I assume from a butcher it would be grassfed? How should I ask? Cause obviously some lie!
I don't know if I'm thinking of the same thing, but grain fed lamb always tastes a bit fishy to me and has a funny smell. I think it has something to do with the soy in the feed. I read somewhere that the soybeans have this fishy effect on chicken eggs so I'm assuming its the same deal. But grass-fed lamb is always good.
I've never tried pork because I don't really trust any of my sources. I do like wild boar, have you tried that?
And I'm drooling. I already plan on ordering duck meat very, very soon. I imagine how amazing the fat is going to be. I LOVE quail and even really like chicken, so I'm assuming the duck fat is going to be delightful. Okay, I might have to just order my duck right now ....