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Messages - tslate

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Raw Weston Price / Re: Beautiful People
« on: January 16, 2010, 02:03:08 am »
    What's wrong with raw?  Besides the fact that I agree with Ayla, you can't argue your fuel bills go down when you stop cooking.

I didn't comment about raw vs not-raw. I commented on this statement: <<if you cook it and make use of energy (your stove etc) you affect the planets whole well being. >>

which has nothing to do with what you commented on.

Heat has been used for thousands of years for many, many things, such as building the place where you live, the car you drive, the light you use, how the heck is not cooking going to matter to the planet compared to everything else?  My fuel bill will go down by less than $20 if you consider that most energy usage in my home is non-cooking related.

But I don't believe that energy consumption in general is negative or should be regarded as such, and that goes   for cooking. 

Raw Weston Price / Re: Beautiful People
« on: January 15, 2010, 11:18:47 pm »
<<3. Even on paleo; if you cook it and make use of energy (your stove etc) you affect the planets whole well being. >>

Any volcanic eruption benefits the planet.  There's more heat/pollution in one eruption than I would think thousands of years of cooking.  That said, no one is advocating pollution but seriously cooking?  There's just no basis in fact to believe that has anymore of a negative impact than a forest fire, earthquake, hurricane, or any other natural disaster.

Up until last century all cooking was done on fires, so I suppose you could make the case for consumption of fuels such as gas, electricity, etc versus wood.  But still you'd have to make the case and compare the levels of pollutants, environmental effects, sustainability of fuel sources for large populations, etc.   Then of course, you'd have to migrate large populations to the tropics, or are you suggesting that we can't   have heat either?  Which of course, we spend far more than on cooking food.

Maybe there are ways for zero point energy consumption that are currently being researched that have little environmental impact, but it's silly to presume that somehow that not cooking helps at all.  I think in order to achieve what you ultimately want that would mean all modern conveniences would be eliminated.

Raw Weston Price / Re: Only 2 of 12 Tribes Consumed ANY Dairy
« on: January 15, 2010, 10:21:37 pm »
<<Dairy is not a good food for most of us.>>

You're making sensational statements without proper research.  First it's a real stretch to conclude how Price did or did not represent dairy, including the foundation.  You'll have to dig much deeper to find some sort of conspiracy regarding raw dairy,etc.

The issue with dairy is pasteurized, plain and simple.  Proclaiming that all peoples have issues with dairy is again without merit since all of WAPF regards raw consumption only which if you did the research you'd soon discover that those who had problems on pasteurized dairy can and do easily consume raw dairy with no problems.

Regardless of the history, usage, and pseudo-experts claims (most of the paleo community) raw dairy is very good for you.  If you research you'll find that raw dairy contains many factors that are very hard to find in todays environments in an easy assimilable way.  To state that Eskimos don't consume it is the samething as saying that none of us eat polar bear or seal either.  And how many cultures had available cod liver oil?  Price, is no different than today's health community that prescribes many supplements for this or that (except his advice/supplements work).  CLO and butter oil(dairy) were both used by Price to great effect.  I think his research is far more benign than you're willing to give credit for. 

Do the research and then lecture us on the problems with raw dairy, if you can find them.  And just why should I trust all the pseudo-experts crawling out of the woodwork to sell books on the paleo or prehistoric diet when in fact most of it is just made up and sensationalized.

If you can find a good source of grass-fed raw dairy, then great if you can't doesn't mean it's bad for you. 

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